Although King Sand Dragon’s dragon cart starts slowly, there are many players who die on it. Most of the players who can avoid the dragon cart are based on their own special displacement skills.

But it looks very dangerous like Li Yao, but in fact, they really didn’t expect the easy way of avoiding.

You must know that they have to use the front pounce to avoid the worst. They have never thought of using the short distance lateral displacement.

“At this time, you should know how to do it.” Li Yao not at all uses extreme speed, which means playing bows at the speed of ordinary players: “I know many friends don’t know how to determine how many yards. If this is the case, it’s most suitable for you to move sideways between the second and fourth seconds of the ground shaking, and you can basically avoid the dragon cart.”

Many players at the scene have remembered this method. They have basically challenged the Sand Dragon King, and the dragon cart is really hurting.

“It goes without saying, after moving sideways, you can quickly enter the attack form, and there is a three-second pause after the Sand Dragon Wanglong car, this time his dorsal fin is easy to hit.” While talking, Li Yao attacked King Sand Dragon’s dorsal fin with an arrow.

The silhouette of the shadow dancer appeared beside everyone, saying: “Golden-bright and dazzling is open, it seems that the bet is very big.”

“How to bet?” Sister Li frowned.

“Bet on whether the boss can complete the platinum challenge in one go.” Shadow Dancer said after a moment of silence: “But except for some gamblers, no one thinks the boss can win, and they are still betting crazy.”

Sister Li shook her head and said: “This golden-bright and dazzling is going to lose this time. Didn’t expect to open the odds so much. It seems that he is the analyst who bought it. It turned out. For such a good opportunity, we also placed a bet. The ticket happened to be 1,500 gold. I was idle and idle.”

Guardian angel frowns saying: “Will it be too risky, he is It’s great, but after all, I’ve never played it before. If you pass the level, no one can doubt it, but it’s very difficult to get no injuries and break positions, especially if there is no injury, how can you not get hurt.”

” This is also the reason why golden-bright and dazzling is so certain. He adjusted the odds of success so high to attract gamblers to bet to make money, but the odds of failure are indeed very low. He knew this time The gambling game won’t make a lot of money, but this person can also make a small profit by stimulating players with gamblers’ minds.” Peerless Demon Fairy said with curled lips, which is obviously very for golden-bright and dazzling. To understanding.

“You didn’t watch it just now. When the odds were not adjusted, he was almost never won. Golden-bright and dazzling adjusted the odds before reaching the current situation.” Sister Li shook her head and said: “If it’s someone else, this will really make golden-bright and dazzling a fortune, but now he’s miscalculating.”

“Really?” Qin Fengyi was obviously hesitant.

“First of all, you must trust the guild leader’s skills. Second, you must understand the guild leader’s behavior. If you are not 100% sure, how could he play like this, so you can use the money to do it. A bet, otherwise, it’s boring to earn a few hundred Gs.”

Li Yao could earn that many gold coins when he was in the tenth level. Now the hundreds of golds are really a trifle.

“You are Vice-President, you have the final say.” Fruit actually said.

In their opinion, Li Yao’s skills are naturally not mentioned, but it is too difficult to guarantee 100% no injuries.

“I have placed a bet, look, I believe the president will be the one. This time the biggest winner will be us. We will win both fame and fortune.” Sister Li is the most confident, and she is gradually Changed the original idea.

For example, at the beginning, Li Yao was urged to quickly find a president. Now she is completely immersed in the fun of managing the guild.

This is the charm of the game. In reality, even if you are in charge of a company, it is just managing some people.

But there are endless possibilities in the game. Watching the Starfire Guild change from a few of them to thousands of people now, they are growing up a little bit of a simple station, now even the field station Yes.

She also wants to build a city in her heart. The atmosphere of Spark is very good. At first, the most important reason she didn’t want to manage was because she was afraid that even though Li Yao let her manage the guild, she would still be able to direct the insiders and let her be restrained. of.

But after a period of time, it was discovered that Li Yao really completely managed the guild with her, he only managed the general direction. And the other elders all get along well.

As Mrs. Sect Leader, Qin Fengyi never crosses the line, and everyone performs their own duties.

In her opinion, this is a healthy and positive management. With this structure, the Spark Guild will inevitably grow rapidly.

The current situation is that she doesn’t mention that Li Yao is looking for Vice-President, and Li Yao seems to have forgotten this.

Li Yao backed off while outputting, and said: “The most important thing in playing this boss is the rhythm. Don’t be messed up by avoiding the boss’s attack. This wastes a lot of time. Not to mention, the longer you stay, the easier it will be. Attacked.”


The King Sand Dragon lowered his head into the sand.

“Be careful, he is not burying in the sand to swallow the sand, but to pressurize the sand in his mouth.” Li Yao said, moving sideways again, avoiding the sand Dragon King’s spray. Sand bombs: “The King Sand Dragon will shoot three sand bombs. You find that his mouth will be a fan. So don’t move too far sideways, it’s enough to avoid stupid points.”

Li Yao stopped moving after avoiding the first sand bomb. The other two sand bombs sprayed by the boss were on his left and right respectively. It is extremely safe for him to avoid the first sand bomb without moving. Panicked, there is a high chance of being hit.

“Meow, this is too simple, is he playing the challenge mode Sand Dragon King?”

“I don’t think I watched the video, but I saw it live and experienced it myself. I just feel that the game I played with Hunter King is simply not a game.”

“I am also an expert anyway, an elite in the guild, but I was also abused by the King Sand Dragon. , But watching the Liaoyuan God moved sideways several times, it’s not too simple.”

“You know the fart, the Hunter King gave us a demonstration with poor equipment, otherwise his pet summon will come out, Sand Dragon The king is about to lose half of it.”

“Anyway, I made a lot of money this time, tsk tsk, after I pass the Sand Dragon King, I can become an expert.”

The field has changed in a frenzy. Although it has just started not long ago, many players already feel that it is excellent value for money.

And those in the guild have a complex complexion. Didn’t expect Li Yao to be so relaxed.

“The next step is to breathe in the poisonous sand. This spell can’t be used sideways. If you have life-saving skills, you can use life-saving skills. If not, you’d better use forward throw. , Sand Dragon King raised his head 1.5 seconds and then activated the front flutter to achieve the best effect.”

Li Yao directly used the front flutter to avoid King Sand Dragon’s breath, which was exactly the time he said. Click…

ps: The fifth watch is here, continue to ask for monthly tickets, Mario thanks!

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