Li Yao and the two people retreated far away. They didn’t look at the next situation. They needed some privacy.

And the rustling sound that Pokemon has moved, one is the struggle and anticipation of thousands of years, and the other is the continuous reincarnation in the dreamland. In the past thousands of years, how many joys of reunion and broken dreams will be experienced Heart-piercing, this kind of unwavering love, even Li Yao sighed.

Even though he knew that this was just a game, Li Yao couldn’t help being moved and was infected by the feelings of the two.

“Idol, is what you said is true, we obviously killed Tina, can we really be resurrected?” Pokemon asked with a cry.

Li Yao nodded said: “The body composed of the twisted energy we killed, at this stage, our strength cannot hurt the real soul. Of course, we want to be truly resurrected, otherwise impossible. The forsaken is not crazy yet, but it is okay to want to become the state of the forsaken. Of course it can only be held by the powerhouse.”

The three are silent, and it is estimated that Tina will still be Will become Banshee, although it has gained consciousness, is it really good?

Li Yao suppressed the surging emotions and waited for Colin. After a while, Li Yao thought of a question. It seems that the arena is starting today, and the queen’s second mission has not been done yet.

“Fengyi, how is the arena situation?” Li Yao asked.

Qin Fengyi asked suspiciously: “Arena, what arena?”

Li Yao was also taken aback, and said, “It is the arena that is open today.”

“Not at all open arena today…” Qin Fengyi was puzzled.

“Well, I know, I will do the task first.” Li Yao sighed in relief, always feeling wrong, there is a connection. Sister Li: “Do you know why the arena is not open?”

The ancient god company cannot promote the development of the game. The arena is open based on the function of deduction. The queen said yesterday that it will be open today and it will inevitably not crack a joke.

But it’s midnight today, and the arena is not open, so some major event must happen. But Li Yao looked at the forum and found no useful information.

“No, many people don’t know about the opening of the arena, so there is no turmoil at all.” Sister Li said.

Li Yao frowned: “Are there any major events worth noting?”

“Let me take a look.” Sister Li kept flipping through today’s information and said, “Half today The centaurs launched a raid on the main city of the orcs, and I heard that the casualties were quite high. However, the player only regarded it as a siege mission, nothing special.”

The monster force attacking the town is nothing new, so this incident not at all attracted the attention of others. At most, players in the orc main city received many military missions.

“Okay, I see.” Li Yao hung up the communication.

It now appears that there will be a battle between the orcs and the centaur, which will affect the opening process of the arena. Originally this was a good opportunity to make military exploits, but Li Yao finally didn’t mention it to Sister Li.

The main problem for the union now is to quickly upgrade to Level 3 and then get a union station. As for military service, there is no need to distract the union’s energy.

The arena was not open, so Li Yao didn’t worry. He decided to get the water from Blue Moon Lake first.

When Colin got to the side of the three, he was already calm, and he directly distributed the reward for the task. Li Yao’s experience has gone up again.

Li Yao grabbed the flame emblem in his hand and said puzzledly: “I haven’t fulfilled your promise, you will reward me, so I am not afraid that I will run away?”

Flame Heraldry

Quality: Golden Legendary

Fire transformation, advanced druid wearing can complete flame transformation (flame leopard, fire eagle)

Function: It can be used for many Secondary Profession materials.

The advanced druid possesses this thing and can transform into a flame leopard or fire eagle form, and the battle strength has increased too much.

Be aware that this is a golden item. Back then, a flame emblem triggered a battle between two guilds. A fire emblem can create a powerful druid. The degree of preciousness can be imagined.

Of course, it can also be used as material. For example, Li Yao, he made the fire emblem to transform the fire eagle and make it an intermediate leader.

“You can try.” Colin faintly smiled and said.

“cough cough, just a joke, just a joke.” Li Yao didn’t want to offend such an awesome npc.

“Stop playing, you wait for me in the Undercity, you just need to take me to see the queen, and your mission is complete.” Colin said that his figure became huge in a flash Storm Crow, then the wings straightened up and admired the sky, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

“You tell me the coordinates of the rune you have marked. I will come back to mark them later. You can go to the town and wait for me. We will be able to complete the task before dawn.”

” Well, I’ll send it to you when I go back.” Sharp Claw Wuhen said.

Li Yao nodded then started using Hearthstone and returned to the Undercity. Li Yao wandered around the city, still thinking about how to find Colin, when he saw a black clothed person following him.

“Let’s go.” Colin’s voice came.

Li Yao is speechless, this is your sister’s what the hell speed, how did he do it.

His Hearthstone returned to the guild, and then he walked out and was discovered, within five minutes. It seems that the Transmission Array of the ancient elves is also hidden near the Undercity.

However, Li Yao didn’t care about these things. He took Colin directly into the Imperial Family area. Because he was admitted by the Queen, the guards of the Imperial Family area released Li without even asking. Yao went in.

Seeing the queen, Li Yao explained the situation and withdrew.

He can only play a leading role, and in this way can he keep this secret meeting. After all, the private meeting between the bigwigs of the two camps had a very bad effect.

As for what method or benefit Colin uses to get the queen to take action, this is not what Li Yao cares about.

Now he just knows that Colin does not expect to return to the headquarters in a short time. He has obtained the Flame Emblem again, and it is estimated that he can enter the headquarters smoothly.

Then Li Yao ran to the dark valley again without stopping, and smeared induction materials on the rune on the five coordinates.

Although the headquarters is a semi-plane, it still exists in the main plane. As long as they use the array to connect with the main world, then Dark Faction will be able to fully grasp the specific location of this plane sooner or later.

Li Yao handed over to the quartermaster an induction array portrayed on a chessboard related to those materials.

“Very well, you really didn’t disappoint me, the warriors should enjoy your rewards.” The orc quartermaster satisfied the induction array.

Li Yao’s military rank suddenly became a warrant officer. With this rank, Li Yao can recruit NPCs to follow by establishing a trade union, which can be regarded as his private soldier.

Of course, this is the right of the president and Vice-President. The average player’s military rank can only enjoy a little attribute bonus that’s all…

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