“Idols, you found out why they didn’t attack them.” Pokemon asked nervously, “What if they grab the first kill?”

Li Yao said quietly. The output side said: “Now the boss’s HP has dropped below 20%. Even if they kill the boss last time, the first kill announcement will still be ours.”

“Oh, it turned out to be like this.” The Pokemon suddenly.

The mechanism of the ancient gods, if two or more teams compete for the boss, then the criterion for determining that team’s first kill is whose output is the most.

Furthermore, there are very few two teams in the ancient gods to start when the boss has a lot of blood. It is also because of the problem of the mechanism. With the increase of players, the blood of the wild boss will also skyrocket.

The consequence of doing so often means destroying the group. You know, the boss of the ancient gods is too powerful.

It is already very difficult for a team that cooperates with gold coins to kill the boss. Even more how is when two opposing teams fight together. The final result of this is to be destroyed by the boss.

It’s been a while since the game started. This kind of thing happened many times at the beginning. I know that this kind of behavior has only disappeared recently.

Of course, it’s not not to not grab the boss. The method also uses the mechanism of the ancient gods. No matter how much damage, as long as a team has caused damage to the boss, then the team is eligible to pick up the one dropped by the boss. Pieces of equipment.

And if the team of the first kill does not pick it up, the team that touches the boss after ten minutes will be eligible to pick it up.

If this team does not pick it up, everyone can pick it up in five minutes.

It is to use this mechanism. Now the routine of grabbing the boss is usually to attack when the boss is about to hang up, get the second order picking right and the first picking right of a piece of equipment, and then get the first kill. Yes, and have been killed by a team that is almost consumed by the boss, so naturally you can get all the spoils of war.

Li Yao knew that when he saw two thieves, this should be a small group of ten people. They probably also paid such attention, but Li Yao didn’t care at all and wanted to grab it in his hands. Things, they are still tender.

“Be careful, a thief has locked you down.” Li Yao perceives that a thief has stepped out of the back of the stone pillar, and the goal is obviously the healing sharp claw.

The other thief did not dare to approach the boss, but a heavy crossbow appeared in his hand, apparently trying to obtain the right to pick it up.

As the boss’s blood volume continues to degrade, sharp claw Wuhen becomes nervous.

When the boss’s HP was less than 1%, he quietly prevented an explosion Totem under his feet.

Moreover, there are already eight players running quickly in the distance, with excited smiles on their faces obviously thinking that they can take advantage.


The thieves released an arrow outside of Li Yao’s view, then disappeared, stealth again. He thought he was doing it very secretly, and he sprinted towards the dying boss.

“I am finally free…”

In the eyes of crazy Tina, not at all sadness, but endless relief and nostalgia for certain things.

Li Yao stopped the attack, and faintly said to the thief who was approaching Tina with stealth: “Sure enough, stealth is not affected by the snow, and the timing is right. It’s a pity… “

Stealth’s thief, Bright Shadow, was snickering, and suddenly saw Li Yao talking to him, and he was shocked. Then stared at Li Yao suspiciously.

“Second silly, what to look at, you are talking about.” Li Yao waved to him: “The IQ is obviously not enough, and I don’t want to think about why the boss is going to hang up and we will go back.”



Before Li Yao’s words were finished, Tina’s favorite body exploded.

Death explosion!

The thief was killed in seconds before he understood what was going on, and fell to the ground depressed.


Totem exploded with flames, and a silhouette of a thief appeared behind Sharp Claw Wuhen and stunned him.

Regardless of the damage of the explosion Totem, the thief quickly swings the dagger again.


A steel arrow pierced his throat, and his movement suddenly stopped and fell to the ground.

“You want to grab the boss in pediatrics like you, it’s really laughable.” Li Yao put away the longbow, turned around slowly, and looked at him with a faint smile. Members of the Illuminati Guild: “Did you know that I am boring to mob the monsters? It’s probably to amuse my father.”

At the same time, the colorful light curtain flickered.

“system: Captain: Liaoyuan, team member: sharp claw, Wuhen, Pokemon killed the 17th-level leader crazy Tina, the glory is handed down to the world, rewards various races in the camp with 450 reputation.”

“Yeah! I also took the first kill, hahaha.” The Pokemon was extremely excited.

When several team members saw the announcement and heard Li Yao’s words, they stopped immediately and looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.

Their plan is very simple, a thief picks up the first piece of equipment, and a thief kills the treatment. Then they swarmed up and dropped Li Yao who was left alone, and they swallowed the boss’s spoils of war.

Their plan has been successful several times. After repeated trials, didn’t expect will fall in the sewer here.

Sharp claw Wuhen is Pang Ruo no one’s start to release spell to save the Pokemon.

Li Yao walked to the place where the boss hung up. There were a few pieces of equipment lying on the ground. Li Yao picked up a one-handed sword, shook it and said, “Why? “

“If you are cruel, let us save people. We will leave immediately, just as a misunderstanding.” The headed mage Guangming Wuxian gave Li Yao a cold stare. He naturally knew Li. Yao, the sneak attack failed, and he dared not fight anymore.

Li Yao left the one-handed sword casually on the ground, and said: “You people, do you have a professional ethics? Is it possible for the catastrophe to be like tiger’s head, snake’s tail? It’s really disappointing. Why not do this, I will not pick up the equipment first, you continue to kill me, how about it?”

“Liaoyuan, I said, this is a misunderstanding, the people under you are too reckless to know your name. We saved people and left right away, so why bother with this little misunderstanding.” The Five Immortals of Guangming barely showed a smile. The other three people, and saw the Hydra whose life is about to recover, let alone him, several people. There is no thought to fight.

“Well, I am the one who dislikes fighting and killing.” Li Yao smiled brightly and said, “Please.”

Several people looked at each other. Cautiously stepped forward to protect the treatment and save others.

The two healers hurriedly read spell, and soon the two thieves were rescued, and then returned to the team unwillingly.

“Liaoyuan is really magnificent, I have made this your friend.” Bright Five Immortals said with a smile.

“Well, I’m the best to make friends” Li Yao said with a smile on his face: “I am very happy to meet a few people today, so let me take you on the road.”

Li Yao said and pulled the trigger of the heavy flame crossbow.


The steel arrow directly penetrated the neck of the tank Knight…

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