Under the brilliance of the two moons in the sky, even the night is like daylight for races like Li Yao.

The night is not affected at all, the three of them still walked back along the original route, and soon arrived at Dislan.

The three people stood on a high place to watch Dislan, only to see Dislan, who had rare monsters during the day, had at least double the number of Banshee at night than during the day.

“Is it really okay to break in at night.” The monster at night will be violent. This is the mechanism of the ancient gods.

Under the same circumstances, most monsters at night will be blessed, their attacks are improved a lot, and many monsters become more aggressive at night.

“This is a special task. It should only be possible to summon at night, otherwise Colin won’t let us come now.” Sharp Claw Wuhen said, and he didn’t know what to do.

“It’s okay. Now many players have done elite missions. Although the monster is raging at night, for the sake of the ranking list, there are already a lot of players upgrading at night.” Li Yao thought about it. “There are at least a thousand players from the Bright faction who upgraded here during the day, but I just showed Firehawk a look, and there are still two to three hundred players.”

“There are so many players. Perverted.” Pokemon sighed: “No wonder I was squeezed out of the ranking list not long ago. These people are really too hard.”

“Well, you are not serious, there is always serious The level, equipment, and glory of the players are all pursued by the players.” Li Yao summon came out of the Hydra and said: “Let’s start too, first find the location of the Lord’s Mansion.”

Booming rushed in, because of the night, Banshee’s field of vision was very far, which directly attracted five or six Banshee. Because it was not established, Banshee did not call on friends.

It’s just that these undead have not at all too much autonomy, they are more of an instinct, wandering in their homeland before death. With such a miserable appearance, it’s no wonder that Disslan was delayed on this side and Colin Huoyu couldn’t bear to solve it.

The three of them discussed the task while fighting monsters and going deep into the city.

Pokemon endured for a while before asking: “Expert, aren’t we looking for a dome, what are we looking for in the lord’s mansion?”

Li Yao froze and said: “You know, before heaven falls and earth rends, the upper elf was the ruling class, but Colin mentioned that Disslan’s people are actually his people, which shows that he is Disslan’s high lord.”

Pokemon thought for a while and said: “It makes sense, but he is obviously an ancient elf. Didn’t you say that only the upper elf can be a nobleman?”

Li Yao nodded said “It’s true that it’s generally speaking, but don’t forget that Colin’s wife is actually a high-level elf, so I guess that Colin Huoyu should be the daughter of the high-lord, and then he became the lord. This situation is rare. At that time, it was mainly in the style of temples, and the dome buildings were only built by the upper elf nobles with the foundation.”

Siblings, the two people are convinced, and the sharp claw has nothing. Hen treated the Hydra and said, “No wonder the brother can get rich. With this hand, I will take it.”

“Well, you are so awesome as an idol. Actually, I can still bargain with NPCs and change tasks. If I had you so good.”

Although Pokemon has always been called Li Yao expert, she knows little about technology and is not obsessed with it. On the contrary, he was very persistent and liked the task. Seeing that Li Yao could analyze so many things from such a bit of information, his eyes suddenly lighted up and he directly regarded Li Yao as an idol.

“It’s nothing great, but it’s only after learning about the history of ancient elves that I made some bold judgments, but maybe my judgment is wrong.” Li Yao smiled, he played games back then I spent most of the evening in the library and forum materials, and I had a deep understanding of the ancient gods.

However, the two siblings don’t think so. They think Li Yao ** is not good, especially Pokemon. When everyone is looking for the Lord’s Mansion, they are constantly asking what to do and how to analyze the task.

And Li Yao is trying to win over this mission madman, he is not stingy, just analyze it and let the Pokemon be like a god, and yells to be a teacher, let Li Yao didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Although Di Silan is small, it is actually very big compared to some big cities. The three of them have been busy until the moon rise in the middle of the sky, and finally found it at midnight An extremely broken building.

If you follow Colin Huoyu’s clues and want to find a dome, it is basically impossible. It was Li Yao who discovered the location of the temple and inferred the location of the lord’s mansion. Only then did the three people find the lord’s mansion from the old dilapidated building that had only a few broken stone pillars and broken walls.

According to Colin’s instructions, the Pokemon said incantion to the necklace, and a faint sad song floated in the night sky.

After a while, a beautiful Banshee silhouette appeared, not at all wandering, but floating quietly in the air looking up at the sky, just like Colin Fire Feather.

Li Yao was investigating Banshee’s information and then sent out the attributes.

Crazy Banshee Tina

Level: Level 17 Boss (Night: Furious State)

Life: 250,000

Armor: 528

Resistance: primary Arcane resistance, primary darkness resistance.

Skills: Siphon of Death, Scream of Soul, Domination of Darkness, Soul Blast, Explosion of Death, Arcane Barrage

“There is so much difference in this level, it’s up to Brother you. “

Sharp Claw Wuhen. They tried to kill the boss of the same level, but they were hit badly. Now they see that they are the leader of Level 17, which is even worse. Now, except for Li Yao, Few teams can kill bosses of the same level.

“This bossattribute is abnormal and its skills are also very difficult to deal with, but it is much easier to deal with Hydra. After a while, you two will be behind the Hydra. Pay attention to the position so that Banshee can’t see it. You can do the rest. Leave the rest to me.” Without trying, Li Yao didn’t know what tactics should be used. He could only use some general tactics and have to try.

Soon, the tune is over. The melancholy and Qingming in Banshee’s eyes have disappeared. They have become crazy and hideous. She looked towards the Hydra who rushed over: “Damn the reptiles in the water, you too Dare to invade my territory.”

As the Hydra began to fall into the snow, the war began in an instant.

Li Yao released the repair robot, and immediately added buffs to everyone, either Windfury or Divine Shield, while Hydra was a mockery.

Li Yao put the three arrow towers on, and immediately began to output crazy.


With the crazy output, a series of light curtains appeared in the corner of the eye The number of injuries…

ps: I have been busy recently and have not asked for anything, but you can’t abandon me.

Now the serious asking for monthly tickets, subscriptions, rewards, various requests, transitions and foreshadowing chapters are finally over, and it is about to start a continuous high chao……

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