Colin Firefeather is a big boss at the camp level, and one of the leaders of the ancient elves.

Li Yao really did not expect such a person, why would he find players from the opposing camp to help him complete the task.

At this stage, players do not have a clear definition of the various leaders, and simply don’t know what the leader of the camp means.

Such a powerful existence, not to mention the power it can mobilize, is itself. It is a bit exaggerated to say that destroying heaven extinguishing earth, but it is not an exaggeration to say that there are few enemies in the ancient gods.

And this place is only a dozen-level monster. As a druid of the bird of prey, he must be good at Wind Element spell. It is estimated that a storm will destroy all of Dislan’s dozen-level undead.

With such an existence, it is really hard to justify what tasks they want to accomplish.

But on the other hand, it was just such a super powerhouse who lived from Ancient Era to the present, and it was also his hope to get into the command.

Li Yao’s Eye of Titan can change some characteristics and information. As a high elf, Li Yao is not too far behind the ancient elf.

As long as you change your skin color and eyes, add some facial patterns, it is not difficult to become an ancient elf.

But the difficulty lies in the fact that he does not have an identity certificate. He can’t come out of a stone. Without the introduction letter from the instructor at the Novice Village of the ancient elves, he would not be recognized.

If you are in the wild, you may still be able to fool some people, but entering the command post is impossible to move a single step, let alone entering the temple.

But when I saw Colin Huoyu, Li Yao faintly felt that his mission must be unusual, and he didn’t want the recruits (players) of his camp to know about these conditions, so he used the enemy camp’s people.

“You did it very quickly. This is a reward for you.” Colin Huoyu said that several skill books appeared in front of everyone: “Everyone chooses one.”

Colin Huoyu started to fiddle with an array when he finished speaking. No one else knew what he was doing.

Li Yao is looked towards the skill book in front of him, a total of three books.

Killing command: Command your pet to launch a violent attack, the next skill or attack will cause 200% damage, consume 5% of mana, cooldown, normal pets 10 seconds, elite pets 20 seconds, 45 seconds for Yinying pets, 1 minute for primary bosses, and 2 minutes for intermediate bosses.

Crack: tear the wound on the target, cause 100%+35% physical damage in 12 seconds, consume 3% of the mana, and cool down 40 seconds.

Drawing blue arrows: Consume the target’s mana, hitting the target consumes 20% of the blue amount, and consumes 2% of the blue amount every second for the next ten seconds, with a cooling time of 15 seconds.

Li Yao took a breath, all three skills are very powerful.

The killing command is the favorite skill of the Beastmaster, which can greatly increase the damage of pets. And this skill is very rare.

The rift is a survival skill or Amazon’s favorite skill, tearing the opponent apart and causing bleeding damage. The skills are also good, but Li Yao is not in urgent need of this skill because of the flywheel blade.

If it wasn’t for the third skill, Li Yao would definitely not let go of the killing order. After watching Auction House for a long time yesterday, he was just the skill book he wanted to get.

Drawing blue arrows, this skill does not have the slightest offensive power, but his effect is Li Yao’s most important skill.

Although it is rare to encounter an opponent who can hold on for fifteen seconds under his hand, this is not the reason to miss the blue arrow. This skill is even more rare, and it can only pass some special tasks To get.

The instructor does not teach, and the world does not fall. If Li Yao let it go, I don’t know when I will encounter such a task. Therefore, Li Yao regretfully gave up the killing order and chose to draw a blue arrow.

sharp claw Wuhen also selected the skills he needs, only Pokemon said in a tangled manner: “Expert, which skill I choose is good, it is tangled.”

Li Yao just read the three skill books in front of her. Suddenly, Li Yao had a jealous mood, and he was simply becoming an elite.

“You really have to be cautious, this is a skill book, this is an elite career inheritance book. It seems that this Senior is very optimistic about you.” Li Yao explained.

“What is an elite career inheritance book?” Pokemon asked in confusion.

“Just choose a study, and you will become an elite profession. Your luck, I don’t know what to say.” Others want to become an elite, and they don’t know how much Times.

It is that Li Yao became a dark knight-errant and also completed several tricky tasks, but if you look at others, you can get it at will, and it is still three elite professions.

“Little girl, you like to do tasks, you do whatever you want, I won’t talk about you anymore.” sharp claw Wuhen and speechless, this is what your sister does. It’s really a constant comparing oneself to others will only make one angry.

“Expert, you haven’t said which one should I choose?” Pokemon said excitedly.

Li Yao took a look and said: “Three are very good, one void summon, after learning, can summon some more powerful alien creatures, but one thing is not good, it is too random, every time The monsters of summon are different and uncontrollable. It is possible that you will be a boss in summon this time, and you may be a Level 1 slime next time in summon. This profession requires too much luck and character.”

“Uh, it feels so bad, what about this elf summon?” the Pokemon asked.

“Elf summon is the advanced version of summon you are now. You can summon stronger elemental elves.” Li Yao pointed to the last book and said: “This is the contract book of contract summon. Learn After that, you will contract all kinds of monsters like hunters, and it’s not just as simple as wild beast monsters. This profession is more difficult to say. If you contract a powerful pet, it will blow up. If the contract is not good, you will fight the five scum.”

“Well, can summon contract with giant dragon?” Pokemon asked.

“Theoretically, it is possible.” Li Yao said, contracting giant dragons, how easy it is.

“Then I will choose this one.” Pokemon said.

Seeing that Pokemon chose the contract summon, Li Yao finally remembered the Pokemon. It seems that the previous life has a contract summon. He is a character madman, and it seems to be the little girl in front of him.

Li Yao remember to have heard that this player is very lucky, and he actually signed a contract with a time dragon when doing the task. However, Li Yao has never seen it. Now that I saw this Pokemon, I was a little surprised.

“The task is expert, you can pull into the union to do the union task.” Li Yao secretly made up his mind and wanted to find a chance to pull the two siblings into the union. Now the union really does not have a group dedicated to do tasks. , This Pokemon likes all kinds of tasks, it is very beneficial for the guild to take the lead.

Where did Li Yao know that the siblings are like joining the guild a long time ago, but Xinghuo is only recruiting elite players and sorry to speak…

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