Li Yao’s face is dark, a hundred people cut it, and it’s the main ring.

The main arena challenge in the arena is the challenge of occupying the arena. If someone occupies the arena, the challenger can register for the challenge.

The more people defeated, the more generous the rewards will be. Slashing a hundred people is a title. You have to fight for one hundred games in a row, and you have to win all.

Some people will say whether someone will cheat in this way. I really want to think too much.

There is only one main arena, which can be seen by all three great factions.

The players who sign up are in an endless stream even in the daytime, and the ancient god system arranges the games according to the points and ranks of the arena, not the order of registration.

How many players in total want to fish in troubled water is basically impossible. Moreover, the ancient gods also have their own set of supervision mechanisms. If they are judged to be cheating, they will be labeled and recorded as cheating.

Not to mention the official tournament, even small events in the arena are not allowed to participate. The arena product branch is frozen, waiting for the extreme punishment.

All kinds of measures, previous life, really didn’t dare to cheat in the arena.

“Don’t look reluctant. You are already ten Fifth Level. Up to now, you don’t even have a mount. I can tell you in advance that the first recruit who gets a hundred people will be able to choose. A mount of any race, and it is an excellent mount, this trial, don’t force it, you don’t need to pick it up.” Queen lightly saying.


The mount, Li Yao was shivered at once. He is worried about the mount. Of course, he knows many very cool and practical mounts. But now the level is too low to simply get it.

Up to now, the official statistics show that only one player has got a mount.

But Li Yao also looked at the photo. It’s a mount, it’s a good mount, but it’s still a pony, and the little girl is still a professional life player, an animal trainer, that’s Secondary Profession for training mounts.

So strictly speaking, no player has a mount until now.

The temptation of the mount is not uncommon, let alone the task of the queen, that is, the task of no queen, this is what Li Yao must fight for.

The memories of previous life are too many and too complicated, he simply can’t remember what the reward for the Hundred People Slash was originally.

Ten days before the opening of the more important arena, participating in the competition can gain a lot of experience. Of course, this is for ordinary players, not for him.

Moreover, if you win the duel during the ten-day event, you will have the opportunity to reward the competitive package.

The all-inclusive things in the competitive package may be experience, equipment, coins, potions, and more likely materials.

Moreover, there is a very low probability that some small pets and pet eggs will be drawn.

Some pet eggs can hatch some battle pets, or they may hatch a baby mount. You can ride it when you grow up.

Tumbling these materials in his mind, Li Yao’s interest in the arena has also grown, and he will definitely be able to produce many good things that day.

Li Yao suddenly lightly coughed and said with excitement: “As the Inheritor of the dark knight-errant, I naturally have to fight for the honor of the dark knight-errant and let everyone know about the dark knight-errant. Great. This is my duty.”

Dominate the Arena 13

Task description: three great factions In order to test the potential of recruits, we deliberately communicated three great factions. Field, all players can participate, this event will last ten days.

Task requirements: Occupy the home field and obtain the title of “Hundred People Slash”.

Task rewards: 30 experience, 300 military merits, a mysterious mount

Relatively speaking, Li Yao prefers this task. He is at least certain, unlike the first So, if Li Yao is not reborn once, at least one goal in the second task will fail. At least he will work hard, but the first one will be completely daunting. Of course, even Li Yao is a bit daunted now, and has not yet thought of a concrete and feasible plan.

“Very good, then the third trial.” The queen turned and said: “Follow me.”

Li Yao followed the queen to the conference hall, and then walked to a military In front of the sand table.

The queen pointed to a place and said: “Do you know this place.”

Although there is no place name, Li Yao recognizes this place at a glance. It is located East Continent An Oguna sandbar near the sea.

Oguna Sandbanks is also a very complicated map. Here you can find monsters of ten fifth level, but monsters above Level 40 can also be found.

Said he is complicated, and there are several points, such as complex terrain, there are beaches, oasis, swamps, forests, mountains and other terrains.

There is also a complex force. This is also the place where Two Great Factions competed. More importantly, there are also places such as the station of the South China Sea Pirates, evil orcs, murlocs, naga, hydras, and aquatic Monsters, swamp spiders, jackals, etc. various monsters.

The most complicated thing is that Li Yao knows that there are many Titan relics under Oguna.

Don’t think that the ruins of the Titans mean treasure, but also destruction.

“Oguna Sandbar, I know a thing or two.” Li Yao said.

“Do you know what it means?” the queen asked again.

Li Yao thought for a while and said: “Titanic: Augusta, is the place of shame. It is said that there is a big secret hidden here.”

“Well, I am worthy of it. The inheritance person. The other recruits can’t even compare to you.” The queen praised a few rare words.

Li Yao suddenly blushed with shame, but it was not easy to explain, so he stopped talking.

“Your mission is very simple. Doesn’t your guild have no field station. You choose a place as your station here, and stay with you. It is best to stay firmly here, you can do Come on.” The queen stared at Li Yao’s eyes and said seriously.

Li Yao face changed, he thought of many places as the guild residence, but it was definitely not here. There have also been several major events on this map in previous life, each of which was earth-shaking, and he didn’t want to get involved.

But the problem now is that he simply cannot refuse the call.

“I know it’s a bit embarrassing for you, but now I only use you to prevent people from paying attention, do you understand, and I will give you some privileges.” The queen handed Li Yao mission parchment.

“You want to use the underground…” Li Yao thought of the previous life, and suddenly she was shivered, and she also understood the queen’s plan to come over. She had hit her idea on the Titan Ruins.

“It’s fine if you know, don’t say it, just accept it or not?” Seeing Li Yao’s face gloomy and uncertain, the queen did not urge.

Occupy one side

Mission description: The queen wants to plot important things in the ruins of the Titans. I hope you will entangled in Oguna and let the queen’s top secret war secret plan.

Task requirements: entrench one side, and defeat any guild that builds a station in Augusta.

Task reward: During the task, you can purchase some restricted items and materials through the queen, guild points 1500, a special guild building drawing, dark knight-errant passive skills.

“This task will be done after you have completed the first two tasks. It does not affect your inheritance. For the third task, I can give some rewards in advance.”

” Okay, I’ll take it.” Li Yao weighed it up and finally made up his mind.

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