Li Yao flew over the cliff and contacted the blade again.

“Yeah, why did the little brother contact the elder sister again, do you really miss me so much?”

Li Yao is too lazy to crack a joke with her, this is really a black widow, The last time I parted and didn’t know how to poison myself, I almost poisoned to death. If it wasn’t for the ability to be deprived of life, I would have been killed by this fairy once.

“I need information, information from the president of the Hushan Guild.” Li Yao’s words were very direct, without the slightest inflection.

“Well, you wait.” The blade became serious when he said business.

Li Yao hung up the communication and waited for the news, a quarter of an hour later. Sure enough, another news came from the token, but Li Yao frowned when he saw the news.

“Don’t even dare to fight? It’s really boring. Hushan Guild is indeed known as the most to have no shame guild.” Li Yao reluctantly used Hearthstone and prepared to return to the city.

As soon as I returned to the Undercity, Sister Li also sent a message, saying: “I got the information, and the Hushan Guild suddenly came to the main city of the orcs. It seems that you have no chance.”


Li Yao said: “I already knew it, and wasted my intelligence fee. Didn’t expect Hushan Guild to have no shame, I would have known them first.”

“Then what do you do now, is there a way to do it in the main city?” Sister Li played said with a smile.

“Of course you can do it in the main city, but the price is too high. The gain is not worth the loss. With my current rank and status, it is very troublesome to do it. If they were in the Undercity, it would be much better, but a pity.”

Li Yao naturally has a way to start in the main city, but the price paid is too high. As for the Undercity, there is no need for the queen to come forward, and the identity of the queen’s discipline of oneself can be arbitrarily nodded. Someone still buys them to frame them. With the help of Banshee, this little thing is naturally not worth mentioning. However, Hushan Guild obviously does not want to give Li Yao a chance.

After a while, I received information that the elite players of the Hushan Guild were collectively offline. It makes Li Yao very speechless, big brother, you are so good at a big guild, playing like this, there is no such thing as a big guild.

“It seems that before they went offline, Vice-President also posted a post saying that he admitted that he was not your opponent and wanted everyone to mind their own business in the future.” Sister Li’s eyes also became weird:” Your deterrence is really great, you actually let them directly become terror-stricken at the news.”

“Forget it, this group of bird people will deal with it later.” Li Yao was helpless and encountered This kind of faceless and skinless, he is really powerful and helpless, everyone is like this, if Li Yao still troubles them now, then he will not be able to occupy the moral high ground.

Although it is normal to fight and kill in the game, there are still some particularities among the guilds.

He can’t do it now even if he doesn’t want to let go, killing some ordinary members is meaningless.

“Then what are your plans now?” Sister Li asked.

Li Yao shrugged and said: “What are your plans? I’m tired of playing with this ticket. I won’t play anymore. I will sleep and raise Soul Nurturing offline. I have to sign with someone during the day. A contract has completed the resident matters. The guild matters only trouble you.”

“This is my job, so be it, good dream.” Sister Li finished speaking. Hung up the communication.

Li Yao also went off the assembly line to rest. The six assassinations did consume too much energy for him and soon fell asleep.

However, the storm caused by him has just begun.

Li Yao assassinated the president of the Alna Guild three times, if he said it was just a fire. Then, as he posted the video of the assassination of Shengshi to the forum, it seemed as if he had lit a barrel of explosives.

Prosperity guilds and clubs are famous. Although their reputations are not very good, they are far-reaching, and their popularity is not comparable to that of Elna and Hushan.

Anyone knows that Shengshi is powerful and unprovoked. This is also the reason why the news came that Shengshi had joined the other two guilds to deal with the Spark Guild, and many guilds that had begun to stir had stopped their actions.

In their opinion, the Shengshi family can crush Spark to pieces, and even more how it also unites two other guilds.

The beginning of the news spring came, and they also understood Three Great Guilds’ plan, which was to drag the Starfire Guild to death at a small price. They had to say that this strategy was vicious.

As for Xinghuo’s fly into a rage out of humiliation, it doesn’t matter to people like them. This is conspiracy, perfectly clear tells you what to do, but you just have no way to crack it.

As for Li Yao’s post, it seems to them that Li Yao is going to carry a big somersault this time.

If the defeat of the guild of Alna made them still be able to say that Alna was a bad guy, but as three videos of the assassination of the guild were circulated, the entire forum exploded completely.

Li Yao won. With his own power, the Three Great Guilds was discredited, and the Hushan Guild even showed that he was not an opponent, and seemed to be reconciled. For the first time, Xinghuo and Li Yao have been confronted by many players who are indifferent or think they are hype.

Many comments at the bottom of the video were pinned to the top. Many guild leaders who were public or had no grudges with Spark came to the China Forum to leave messages and express their views.

Edward: After World War I, no guild dared to look down upon the Hunter King, and no guild dared to look down on Spark. I seem to have seen the unstoppable rise of a new star.

Ozawa: Many people previously commented that Spark Guild and Liaoyuan are unstable elements that will impact the situation in the Chinese gaming circle. Some diviners have succeeded. But I think this is a good thing, and I silently expressed my support for Spark Guild.

KB: Liaoyuan showed a press forward imposing manner that I admire deeply. I very much hope that he can break the once stagnant situation of e-sports in China, and bring new vitality to China instead of now. In this stubborn, arrogant and conceited position, I hope that China E-sports will once again become brilliant.

Thor: I have always longed for a worthy opponent who makes my blood boil, but I have not been able to find it. However, the appearance of Liaoyuan has made me understand the truth that there are mountains beyond the mountain, and it has also burned my fighting spirit. I will choose to join a club and wait for the day when I compete with Liaoyuan on the real arena.

With the emergence of various celebrities and influential people, the entire forum has changed into rising winds, scudding clouds, and chaos.

If there is support, there will naturally be opposition, and the scolding wars spread all over the forum.

But one thing, no one doubts Li Yao’s technology anymore. The most intuitive influence is that the Spark Guild has once again become famous, and there are countless people who want to join the guild.

Many experts who were originally heartbroken, or who were jointly suppressed by various guilds, came to the residence of the Starfire Guild in Undercity.

This also announces that Li Yao has won both fame and fortune in this battle…

ps: The rain keeps falling, I will pay close attention to the time code, if there is no power failure at night, I will continue to update…

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