There are many caves here, and Li Yao originally planned to make up the number of killing demons to 10,000, to see if he could continue to strengthen the hatred system.

However, the news from the guild made Li Yao dispel this idea. He now wants to hurry to the copy of the Abyss Temple to see if he can unlock the secret of the mysterious eye.

Li Yao finally reached the gate, and the old gate was tightly closed.

Li Yao observed for a while and found that the gate is simply not a relic left over from the ancients, but rather seems to be built later.

He searched for a week, and then pushed the door with great strength, but there was no response.

Li Yao knows very well that in low-level maps, many settings are still similar to the original online games.

For example, if there is a cell, the surrounding monsters will definitely drop the key to open the cell. There is a door, and there must be obvious hints and ways to open it nearby.

This is two concepts from the advanced stage. After the advanced stage, there is no such setting. For example, to explore an isolated city and ruins, often because you can’t find the key to open a door, you will lose all your efforts.

And the task of opening this door may seem to have nothing to do with this door, and even an unrelated person got the key to the door, but he does not have the ability to unlock the secret of the key, etc. This makes people feel painful.

Li Yao frowned, glanced again at the dead Silver Warlock, and suddenly found a magic ball.

Li Yao picked it up and placed it in a hole on the left side of the gate.

ka ka ka ……

The door was finally opened.

“system: You opened a mysterious door, a dark and evil moon energy assaults the senses, you seem to feel the care of the moon god, you seem to understand something, know I came to a temple of the moon god, but the darkness and decadent energy contained in the moon flower made you feel uneasy and curious.”

“system: a dusty history seems to be opened to you One page, but a trace of fear and anxiety also makes you hesitate. For a while, it is difficult for you to decide whether to explore the secrets in it or to find a way to rule the ancient elves with the news of the Moon Temple.”

Li Yao clearly, This is a choice. First is to choose to open up wasteland on your own to harvest the unknown. It all depends on the ability. It may hang in it.

second is to find a way to inform the Moon Temple, although he is from Dark Faction.

But he is a high elves after all. Although the ancient elves and the high elves are divided into two races and belong to two camps, they basically won’t fight each other. Of course, adventurer players don’t count.

And he can also get rewards from the Moon Temple.

“system: You have crossed the threshold and chose an unknown road, you have achieved achievements, a lone hero.”

A lone hero: a person faces unknown, brave challenges, Mental Magic resistance +30.

Li Yao was a little surprised, didn’t expect to get this achievement.

Mental Magic is the so-called control magic that affects the brain. It basically belongs to the dark magic type. This resistance value can only be said to be useful.

Li Yao walked into the door, and suddenly felt his body sink, as if being imprisoned by some invisible force.

“It actually imprisoned the changes and skills of flying.” Li Yao frowned. This situation means that this should be a no-fly array. Where there are no-fly arrays, players often need to jump some obstacles or the like.

Li Yao turned a corner, and his vision suddenly became clear, and the situation in front of him also appeared in front of Li Yao.

The large stone pillars presented in front of Li Yao are like plum blossom piles.

Beneath the stone pillar is a boundless sharp thorn that flashes red, and the height is at least a hundred yards. If you fall from the stone pillar, it is basically a dead word.

These stone pillars are of different sizes, ups and downs, and even the colors and carved patterns are different.

Li Yao turned his head and saw a huge dice as tall as one person, on which the six numbers were portrayed in ancient Elf language.

“Is this the result of reclaiming wasteland from the side door?” Li Yao frowned, because previous life did not have this level.

Immediately, Li Yao was also in a trance, thinking that some dungeons have many entrances, and entering from different entrances will face different monsters. And the formation and mode of this branch copy are closely related to the choice of the pioneers.

Li Yao looked towards the wall, and some ancient elves appeared on the wall.

“Road of Faith”

“The priest of the moon and the guard of the moon came to the temple to worship the moon god for the first time. In order to prove their sincerity to the moon god, they need to experience the road of faith The test.”

“Everything is determined by the destiny dice. Throwing the destiny dice will determine your destiny.”

“There may be rewards or Test, but in any case, first you have to dare to jump bravely.”

Li Yao walked to the dice. This level has a lot of luck, perhaps the so-called lunar god’s favor. But for those of them who do not believe in the moon god, it is estimated that it will be much more difficult to throw good points.

And jumping the high and low stone pillar may not be a big deal to him, but it is also a difficult test for ordinary players.

Li Yao directly pushed the dice, and with his push, the destiny dice rolled quickly.

After a while, the dice slowly stopped, and a shining ancient elf number floated out of the dice.


Li Yao saw the text and immediately walked to the edge of the platform, and then jumped directly over it.

It just doesn’t have the effect of boots, this kind of thing is also a pediatrics for him, even more how has the effect of boots.

Soon, Li Yao jumped onto the fifth stone pillar.

“System: The Moon God felt your piety and gave you a silver treasure chest.”

Li Yao suddenly found a silver treasure chest at his feet, Li Yao directly opened the treasure chest , Got a blue dress, a green dress and some Copper Coins.

Then the destiny dice appeared again, and Li Yao took a deep breath to push it.


Li Yao looks at the surrounding stone pillar, because the stone pillar is also an ancient elf number symbol. If you don’t even know the elf’s number and you make a mistake, then it’s against the moon. According to the rules set by the temple, there is only one end for him, kill without mercy.

Li Yao jumped on the eighth stone pillar, and suddenly the scenery in front of Li Yao changed and he appeared in a forest.

Li Yao felt a breath of vicissitudes, as if traveling back to Ancient Era through time. The surrounding scenery is full of dreamlike brilliance.

As if the entire world is very alive, Li Yao feels more comfortable than ever before. There seems to be a mysterious energy in the air constantly piercing into the pores, allowing Li Yao’s spirit strength to quickly recover. Like soaking in a comfortable hot spring, lazily wants to fall asleep.

“system: escape the hunt of the troll hunter, survive for 5 minutes.”

“This traitor is here, don’t let him run away, kill him!”

A team of trolls appeared in Li Yao’s sight…

ps: It’s a miserable feeling. I’m asking for a wave of subscriptions. The follow-up is declining. I’m kind enough to see piracy. Subscribe to the original version, and automatically subscribe to the fattening. Thank you Mario!

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