“Well, although the items dropped by the boss are all high-quality goods, but the quantity is limited. Don’t be disappointed if you are unlucky. There are a lot of equipment in the warehouse, as long as your guild points enough to get the equipment you want. Even more how, after going back, Sister Li will give out rewards.”

When the guild fights, the things picked up by the player will be placed in a special guild space.

This is also a special setting of the ancient gods, so open and transparent. Whether it is for the guild or for the players, it is a kind of protection.

There are three vehicles in the transportation team, and there are five large boxes on the first and second vehicles.

Li Yao opened the first box in the anticipation of everyone, and suddenly it was full of pearls!

Pearls are all white pearls.

Li Yao opened all the boxes and found that the five boxes were all pearls.

Although these white pearls are of ordinary quality, not precious black pearls or golden pearls, and many of them are irregular, the massive amount of pearls is still not a small guild resource.

Yes, it is a guild resource. Jewelry made with this ordinary pearl is not good, and there is generally no jewelry processing.

But pearl powder is a universal multi-purpose magic material with a wide range of functions.

For example, enchanting, engineering, alchemy, and even some advanced or special spells also require pearl powder. Of course, the most important thing is that this is the necessary material for the guild to build magic arrays, altars and other guild buildings.

“I’m still worried about how to get pearl powder.” Sister Li sighed in relief and said: “The glitter fruit is missing, at least you can get it, but the official sale of pearl powder is too dark. Guild The demand is also high, and the big guild is also worried. But the monster by the sea has too few pearls that produce pearls. It is not in short supply. The problem is simply not being received.”

“haha It seems that our guild is going to be one step ahead again. Comrades, you can do Guild Mission very well, just waiting for Level 3 to get the resident.”

The words of the guardian angel immediately got the enthusiasm of the members. In response, after this battle, they already had a sense of belonging, and yelled one by one to show that they would go back and do Guild Mission non-stop.

Li Yao was very satisfied with the harvest this time. On the second car, he opened the box and found that it was full of various test tubes.

Li Yao opened the box continuously and found that they were all test tubes filled with various liquids.

“It should be the blood of various creatures, or special liquids.” Li Yao frowned and said, “Wait for the alchemist to identify it and see what it is, but it’s probably not bad. “

When Li Yao uncovered the canvas, he found that the third car was actually some bricks with special patterns and fascinated by Magic Talisman.

“This should be to build a special altar, but I don’t know what it will do.” Li Yao couldn’t judge.

But he had a vague guess that Naga had already believed in an ancient god sealed by the Titan God in Ancient Times.

Naga ruled the Sea Territory, and they could faintly contend with the lord of Water Element. They have been working to unlock the ancient gods. This altar must have something to do with the ancient gods. Of course, what is the specific relationship, only slowly Verified.

“Okay, your curiosity is satisfied, and you are all refreshed. Transport these things back, the road is still long. All the thieves in the guild will be scouts, Shadow Dance, you assign it Task.” Li Yao said.

“Well, I understand.” Shadow Dance Kuang is the leader of the thieves group.

The distance to the Undercity from this coast is not short, and it takes two maps.

But without the enthusiasm of the members of the big and small guilds, the convoy of thousands of grandiose guards embarked on the road back to the Undercity.

In the process of escorting, Qin Fengyi has posted the video on the official forum.

“Spark Guild Major Event: The Spark Guild event, prosperous and other Three Great Guilds will attack and destroy it!”

Next is a video, this section length The video, which lasted for more than an hour, immediately caused an uproar.

Countless people who know some insider clicked on the video, wanting to know the specific situation, and some people who didn’t know the truth saw the post being liked, and all clicked in to watch the video. The video was quickly obtained. The official homepage.

Countless people commented below to express their opinions.

“Mysterious guild, is this the formidable power of the elite guild, too powerful.”

“It’s so enjoyable, the first battle of the Ancient God’s Guild was so wonderful. It’s almost.”

“I can’t express my feelings in words anymore.”

Silver: “The Starfire Guild is too strong. Just resist a few hundred silver coins. It’s already unimaginable. What’s even more unimaginable, they actually encountered an ambush in the war, and they could kill three times as many enemies as their own, which can only be described as horror.”

“Wow, the silver has appeared, the silver Look here for Yinzi.”

“Yinzijiang, I am your fanboy.”

Poddle: “What you see is the cooperation of the team, I admit, Spark Guild is also good , But what I saw was Liaoyuan’s technique. Recently, I have been studying his videos. To be honest, I have benefited a lot. But many techniques require long-term practice and I can’t master it in a short time. I admire it very much. It takes great perseverance to practice spirit strength to reach his realm.”

“Fuck, even the Olympic champions have crossed the districts to our China Forum.”

“Touch the champions “

“Liaoyuan’s technology is indeed amazing, but it is not so exaggerated.”

“That is, how can it be such an exaggeration, Bodel, what benefits have you taken Liaoyuan.”

“Wolf and rat in a nest.”

Yinzi: “It seems that some people doubt your character, hahaha.”

Podel: “But some Jumping clown that’s all, I always have one thing, one thing, two thing, nothing else, someone can master any of the three basic hunting skills that Liaoyuan said, I apologize to him, I can’t do more Use. A pin against an awl, it’s just a theoretical technology.”

Yinzi: “I thought it was a speculation at first, but Ozawa, KB, and Xia Yao all praise him so much, so I believe it. This is true, because I also think that this kind of technology is basically impossible.”

Podell: “In fact, technology is second. Liaoyuan has opened up many new ideas for us, such as the wall of fog. People bought this thing. But after watching the video, I also tried it specially, but unfortunately it has been corrected by the official. I’m just fortunate and very sorry that I can’t play against such a terrifying person.”

The words of this Olympic champion completely detonated the forum, and the popularity of Spark Guild and Liaoyuan once again soared, and the three guilds of Prosperity, as if no one remembered them, were regarded as passers-by, and few people discussed them.

Li Yao didn’t care about the changeable situation on the forum. He took the people back to the Undercity with surprises and dangers. The game time was already night.

The gold coins that Qin Fengyi sold have also been set up. Li Yao asked several veterans to issue rewards, and Qin Fengyi went to the guild’s actual base. He must hurry up and come back to study the mysterious eye…

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