Qin Fengyi was taken aback, and said: “You have already figured out a way to deal with the prosperity?”

Li Yao nodded said: “There is a little eyebrow, the Sheng Aristocratic Family is big, the tree is big and the roots are deep. It’s difficult, but it should be okay to make them hurt for a while. As for the future, just play slowly. This game can last a long time.”

“Just think about it this way.” Sister Li sent it. Tone: “I’m afraid you are too impatient and want to kill Shengshi and so on.”

Li Yao said with a smile: “I’m not a little child. How can Shengshi be so easy to deal with. Now that the game has just started, the resources they can use are actually not much. The longer the time, the more terrifying a guild like this is. This is the main reason why I am so anxious to develop. If I want to catch up with these big guilds with normal routines, it’s simply It’s just a joke.”

“Big Brother has started boasting again.” The cute pupil launched a lava burst and made a face at Li Yao.

“The bossing king has really lost his name.” The guardian angel also said: “But I am familiar with his routine. The more tall he is, the more he can attract the attention of the little girl who has not been in the world. Means. Very old-fashioned, but very useful. Look at those little girls in the guild, shouting all day long, President, I’ll know if I want to have a monkey with you.”

“It’s very easy to guard you, pull the boss There is actually an air conditioner talking to me.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“no, no, no, I’m just telling the truth.” said the guardian angel.

“Guardian, why I hear you are jealous, so sour, and you are also clear about these routines. Fruit, you have to be careful.” Qin Fengyi also joked.

“He has a guilty heart, not a guts.” Fruit Knight said confidently.

The entire team’s voice is full of Li Yao’s roar, and many people are scolded by Li Yao bloody. And the veteran group is happy laughter and cheerful voices.

In this weird atmosphere, the four-armed Naga finally fell.

Suddenly, colored world announcements began to appear on the world channel.

“system: Starfire Guild, led by the Liaoyuan, won the Level 15 naga transport team, first killed Level 15 four-armed naga, the glory is handed down to the world, and rewards the innate talent point of 200. “

“The list of the Starfire Guild participating in the battle is as follows: President, Liaoyuan. The President’s wife: Variety Demoness. Vice-President: Sister Li. Elder: Dumb pupil, Shadow Dancer, Fruit Knight … Ordinary member: Newcomer Muzi, happiness is a kind of disease…”

Although this announcement is not the first kill of the mainline copy, it will only be done once. But it also made Yunai boil again.

“Starfire Guild, this is a bit of blood, right? It is announced in the sky.”

“Meow, let others not play, are we playing a game? “

“That’s not right, I just said that the first troll Patrol Envoy killed by Liaoyuan, why did this happen again.”

“Upstairs, it’s a delayed announcement, forget Did you get the video of the Flooded Seven Army? That’s the place of the trolls. Today this is a naga transport team.”

“Worship the gods.”

“God like Guild, I really want to join.”

“Wait, after Level 3, there will be two thousand people.”


big circulation: “You guys thought this announcement too simple.”

“Fuck, big circulation actually appeared.”

“Zhou Heavenly God asked for the news. “

“Heavenly God of the week, I am your fanboy.”

“Heavenly God of the week, when are you playing, I am thankful for waiting.”

“Heavenly God, please don’t sell off.”

Big circulation: “First of all, thank you everyone for remembering me. The game looks at the official schedule, so I can’t be anxious. As for the inside story, it’s actually fine. Many, many guilds are not pleasing to the eyes of Xinghuo and Liaoyuan, so we have set up a game, and we have to give Xinghuo a little bit of color. This is not a secret in the professional circle, but look at the result, hehe, guess it.”

“For detailed explanation.”

“For detailed explanation.

“Same request. “

big circulation: “Actually, I don’t know, but I believe there will be videos on the Internet soon, just wait for a good show. “



This is the mood of all Starfire Guild players at this moment. They defeated Three Great with less victory and more Guilds, although many people are excited, they don’t have this sense of accomplishment.

But now, nearly a thousand people killed the boss when dozens of them were killed and let them be abused by monsters. Players who have been there for a long time actually have a dreamlike feeling.

Moreover, they also went on the world announcement again, and unexpectedly received an innate talent point reward, which is really cool.

Li Yao led the veterans into the center of the field. At this moment, everyone has consciously left the boss.

Li Yao nodded said: “Everyone’s performance today is obvious to all and it’s amazing. But it’s fun to scold you just now, I hope you don’t hate me. “

The members laughed suddenly.

“Hey, is this the president? It was really scary just now. “

“Yes, I was scared to death just now. “

“Me too, I didn’t dare to show up for fear of being scolded if I made a mistake. “

“The president is also **, a thousand people, whoever makes a mistake can be seen immediately, I will take it. “

“If every time you get scolded by the guild leader, you can let the guild kill together, then scold me every day. “

“If you are scolded by me every day, I guess I will kick you directly. Li Yao waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and continued: “Don’t talk nonsense, let’s talk about the most affordable. There are rules and regulations for points rewards, so I won’t talk too much about how many points are allocated by Sister Li. Let’s just talk about today’s seizure. All members who hang up can get 30 Silver Coin and two pieces of equipment rewards, and those who don’t hang up will get 20 Silver Coin as one piece of equipment rewards. Rewards will be distributed together with the points back to the guild station. “

Sister Li quickly said: “I want to add that the gold coin reward guild does not have this rule. The main reason is that the president is too rich. If you have to scream, it will not form a system. The guild can afford it. Up. “

“The president is mighty! “

The members immediately boiled over. Thirty Silver Coins are definitely not a small number. There are also two awards that are blue outfits the last time, plus the points awarded by the guild.

“Chairman, look at me now, can I enjoy high-level treatment? “Happiness is a kind of sickness.

“Well, you hang up once now, allowing you to enjoy unique and unmatched treatment, deducting your points and this reward. “Li Yao said seriously: “Okay, don’t be mean to me.” Now it’s time to touch the body, let me emphasize it again. The output of the boss is distributed to everyone, but the main tank and the main treatment have priority. In addition, I may have to black out a piece of equipment. “

“It’s okay, it’s okay, the role of the chairman is obvious, everyone will not have any opinions when it’s all dark. “The rookie Muzi loudly said.

“That is, the boss equipment should not be divided. “Many people suggested.

“You have misunderstood, I am a piece of equipment for Muzihei. Everyone has seen his role. It should be reserved for the output of a boss, right. “Li Yao loudly said.

The newcomer Muzi was stunned, pointing to himself and said: “Give me black, no, no, I don’t want it.” “…

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