“Liaoyuan, now you are looking down on us from the perspective of the winner.” Cousin Shengshi sneered: “But you are too happy, not only you have fortuitous encounter, not only you have the trump card.”

Li Yao smiled and said: “So far you still don’t understand, if I don’t want to, do you think you can fool us with this little trick?”

” Sophistry.” Robert sneered.

Li Yao shook his head and said, “Sophistry, hehe. My guild can get information about such important information as the transport team, but you big guilds can’t get it? Do you think we have just established Spark , I don’t know anything about you big guilds. You were wrong. I knew it was a trap at first, but I still brought my members. Do you think I brought them to death?”

Looking at the world laughed heartily: “Do you think you can kill us and then take the transport team?”

“It looks like this is the case at the moment, is there any hole card to show? , I have no patience anymore, to remind you, I will not keep my hands.” Li Yao said.

“Okay, let you see our hole cards.” Cousin Shengshi slowly took out a scroll with weird rays of light, and said: “This is done by 100 people in our guild. Guild Mission, the super blessing scroll that I got with five hundred gold in the end. You are proud to have this scroll for your funeral.”

Wow, the super blessing scroll of 500 gold coins, this is your sister’s It’s too luxurious. The money in the backpack of ordinary players is usually just a few Silver Coins, and everyone is stunned.

“500 gold coins, a lot of money.” Li Yao smiled carelessly and then hooked his finger: “Stop talking nonsense, come and fight.”


Cousin Shengshi gritted his teeth and tore open the scroll, instantly a blue rays of light enveloped the remaining players of the Three Great Guilds.

“What scroll is this?” Sister Li frowned and asked.

Li Yao looked at the blue light rain and thought for a while and said: “If I guess it is good, it should be a Legion reel, spring wind transform to rain.”

” Legion scroll, spring wind transform to rain?” Sister Li frowned.

“Well, have you read “A Brief History of High Elf Wars”, the above introduced a Legion scroll, which is actually a large-scale high-level scroll. The description phenomenon, spring wind transform to rain, and them It’s almost the same.” Li Yao explained.

Legion scrolls are actually war scrolls dedicated to the military, and generally only the extravagant race of high elves can make and use such advanced gadgets.

Similarly, this type of scroll is also divided into guardian blessing type and offensive blessing type. spring wind transform to rain, sounds like a wonderful name, but it’s an offensive blessing model reel.

Of course, there is another type of scroll that is the spell type scroll, which usually engraves various spells, and even advanced scrolls can engrave forbidden spell.

“Big Brother, people are about to attack. Tell me, what will be the effect of the scroll?” Tongtong said anxiously. Although Li Yao didn’t say much, she was also aware of this scroll. not simple, I am afraid it is very powerful.

“Yes, we also know that this scroll is worth five hundred gold, which is very expensive. But what is the effect?” Guardian Knight also urged.

Li Yao smiles bitterly, five hundred gold, this group of tortoise grandchildren in the prosperous age, they used five hundred gold to get this scroll to make a lot of money for this task, five thousand gold is priceless, but five hundred Gold, five hundred gold is a gross.

“spring wind transform to rain scroll: Legion blessed target is agile +30%, attack +30%, life 100%, armor and resistance +100%, life recovery speed increased by 100%, magic The recovery speed has increased by 100%. The number of blessings is hundreds of thousands.”

“I rely on, blessings are hundreds of thousands.” All the elders’ jaws almost fell.

“Nonsense, a high-level scroll blessing hundreds of thousands of people, used by him on two thousand people, in some cases can determine the outcome of a war, this group of silly people.” Li Yao Saying that I can’t help but bullshitting. I have seen a prodigal, but I have never seen such a prodigal.

When they understand the value of this scroll later, they probably won’t cry.

Cousin Shengshi felt that the attributes of the body skyrocketed, and suddenly went into the sky with pride, and said loudly: “You have all felt the blessing effect, and you have seen it. This can’t destroy them, so how can we mix.”

“Victory is here, kill me.”

“Their melee line can’t even defend. Kill.”

“Kill! “



Feeling the soaring of attributes, the confidence of all the players of Three Great Guilds suddenly burst. They are now But it is much higher than the attribute of elite players. In particular, they also have many elite players themselves, and their attributes have exploded with confidence.

Although the melee combat of the Three Great Guilds is not much, there are still more players than the Starfire Guild. They stepped on the corpses of their teammates and rushed over.

“Prepare to fight.” Sister Li has shared the effect of the spring wind transform to rain scroll. The players of the Starfire Guild quickly reduced their overwhelming self-confidence and began to become serious and solemn again.

“I said, you are still happy too early,” Li Yao lightly saying: “Get me up.”

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang slap……

The corpse that fell on the ground suddenly began to burst, and the skeletons of Yinying stood up.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of Yinying and guardian angels with huge bone shields stood side by side, among them there is a huge skeleton about five yards in height, which looks extremely hideous.

Li Yao’s death black arrow has always been marked as a tank class. Suddenly, Li Yao’s front line has a hundred silver tanks.

The members of Xinghuo are also fighting intents.


A new round of collision has finally begun.

The melee of the Three Great Guilds was blessed by the spring wind transform to rain scroll, and it became extremely violent and too brave.

If it hadn’t been for a hundred silver British tanks to share too much pressure, the Spark Guild’s front line would definitely collapse immediately.

But even so, the pressure of treatment is incomparable gigantic.

The damage of the Three Great Guilds’ range spell has also increased by one third. Originally, the Three Great Guilds suffered more casualties, but now the casualties of the Starfire Guild are even greater.

“Muzi, it’s okay, don’t keep your hands, and bomb as much as you like.” Li Yao said to Muzi who released the common mage Blizzard.

“Okay, I’ve been waiting for this moment.”

When the newcomer Muzi heard Li Yao’s words, his body was immediately enveloped by an illusory flame, like a burning man , His eyes became cold and blood red.

“Illusive Phoenix Dance!”

A screaming cry came from the fire eagle’s mouth. The fire eagle was originally a Fire Attribute. After being blessed by Muzi, it resembled a bloody Phoenix.

But this is just the beginning. The rookie Muzi took out a blood-red walking stick, a large section of incantation chanted from his mouth, and a violent imposing manner pushed the players around him away.

Although he doesn’t know what spell he casts, he must be extremely violent.

Li Yao also pa pa pa placed the three arrow towers that had not been placed, and said: “The time to decide life and death is up, don’t keep your hands, fight!”…

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