This time the income is more tired, and the income requirements are higher. Elite occupations are the standard, but even this way, there are still many players joining.

Sister Li simply brought these qualified people into the guild training ground and began to carefully select them.

Until the game time is dark, a thousand talents are nearly full. Li Yao can proudly say that the guild is absolutely the essence.

“Your uncle, my elite missions are all finished, and the sky is dark. Can you open the dark gold chest.”

After dark, the veterans are basically all When I came back, they all sought Li Yao, and Li Yao had transformed a room in the guild into his own engineering laboratory.

I am adjusting and fiddling with what I got from the Viscount Trade.

“You can’t buy these things at this stage. We really made a profit this time.” Sister Li has been expanding the guild and knows the market well.

“Some broken things, as for?” The guardian angel was helpless, and when everyone ignored him, he didn’t say to open the treasure chest.

Li Yao adjusted the last machine and said, “If you buy something broken, you won’t have enough money to make up these machines and these small precision instruments. Forget it, say You don’t understand anymore. Sister Li, this is a list. If you order one for me, the engineering laboratory will be completely completed.”

“Well, OK.” Sister Li took the list.

“Alright.” Li Yao clapped his hands and said: “It’s time to open the dark gold treasure chest.”

Li Yao took the dark gold treasure box out, and everyone crash-bang Living.

“Hurry up, what are you doing in a daze, you have hanged everyone for a long time, I tell you, now everyone around wants to kill you, do you know.” said the guardian angel.

“With our little corpse touching hand, I won’t display one’s slight skill before an expert.” Li Yao said with a smile.

“I’ll open it, no, this is your dark gold treasure box.” Although the dumb and cute Tongtong stared straight at the treasure box, she shook her head firmly.

“Are you afraid that I will borrow your luck? Isn’t that possible? Hurry up, everyone is waiting?” Li Yao’s excitement has passed long ago. After all, he has the previous life, the more advanced treasure chest. I have driven a lot, and I have seen more with good equipment.

“No, then I really opened it.” The cute and adorable pupil suddenly became excited, then rubbed his hands and slowly opened the treasure chest.

After waiting for about one minute, with a click, the treasure chest finally opened. Tongtong put her little hand in.

Guardian Bracer

Quality: purple epic

Material: cloth armor

Intelligence: 26

Spirit : 24

Endurance: 22

Pet guardian, every summon a pet damage reduction 3%.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment recommendation: summon division, Necromancer.

“top grade, this special effect is too sexy.” The guardian angel’s saliva flowed out.

Don’t talk about the attribute. Just know that the damage reduction alone is going against the sky. Both the summon division and the Necromancer can summon many pets at the same time. The damage reduction is terrifying. Equivalent to always carry one. Magic shield.

Unfortunately, Li Yao’s death black arrow summon is not a real pet, and cannot enjoy injury pardon, otherwise Li Yao will be tempted.

Of course, 100% damage pardon is impossible, and no damage is affected. Generally, after 50% damage reduction, the benefits of injury pardon will gradually decrease.

“How many pets can you summon now?” Li Yao asked.

“Five melee skeletons, five remotely, plus two special bones, and one stone demon, totaling thirteen.” Qin Fengyi said after a while.

“It is against the sky, this is 39% of the harm pardon.” Sister Li said.

“There is another fatan in the team this time, envy.” The guardian angel said with bright eyes.

Be aware that quality can only determine the number of attributes for a piece of equipment, but the quality of additional special effects and attributes depends on the equipment.

For example, although this is a purple Equipment, but with this special effect, the general gold equipment is not changed.

“Go and play, don’t think that I don’t know that the Saint Lei Mu, you have changed jobs, there are a few professions that can carry a shield and cloth armor, who are you fooling around.”

General Only Necromancer is the only one who goes along with the legal shield, and the Holy Lei Mu can wear a shield like Paladin and Shaman.

And Sheng Lei Mu is a famous anti-beating, as long as it is not a spike, the more he beats his blood, the faster he recovers. It is a defensive combat therapy career. In short, this career is very complicated. I want to play well. This career is very difficult. Of course, he has just changed his job and has few skills, and he is not too different from ordinary priests.

“Your sister, you Baixiaosheng, how do you know what career I am transferring.” The guardian angel was speechless, thinking about giving everyone a surprise in the future, and also acting as a MT. The result was directly exposed.

“Stupid, the logo on your sleeve. In this way, you will wear the heavy armor of the law system like your wife in the future. You are the auxiliary tank and the third milk of the core group. I will find another treatment. “

Li Yao also has a sense of surprise. Sheng Lei Mu is also known as companion training and she is best at group pull, especially when a player wears a plate armor and starts to claim to be immobile. Immortal existence.

This man is one of the later gods, known as the sigh of the gods, which means that the gods can’t break his defenses.

Didn’t expect Guardian Angel actually changed his career to this elite profession, which is different from previous life, but this change is like picking up a treasure. He has the confidence to cultivate a generation of Faun.

“This really works?” The guardian angel also thought about it, but thought it was unreliable, so he let it go.

“Absolutely yes, I will give you permission. You can get a set of heavy armor, try it and you will know.” Li Yao said confidently.

“Okay, I will try, I will put this set of equipment in the union warehouse, even if I change it.” The guardian angel set of equipment is also very luxurious.

“Yes.” Li Yao handed Qin Fengyi the wristband.

Qin Fengyi naturally took it over and replaced it directly. She has returned to her previous role.

Handguards of Ice

Quality: purple epic

Material: Cloth Armor

Intelligence: 28

Spirit: 26

Stamina: 25

Ice Guardian, 20% of the damage caused by the released ice attribute spell is converted into the shield value of the ice shield spell.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment recommendation: ice attribute occupation

“It’s another top grade. The control of ice method is too abnormal, especially ice Master Yu is even more. This can also transform the shield value, which is almost impossible. Sister Li, don’t say you don’t want it.” Li Yao handed the glove to Sister Bing.

“I’m not so hypocritical.” Sister Li took the glove directly.

“Why not the light system, I can use the light system.”

Fruit ride lightly saying: “Who uses the light system?”

“Oh, naturally it was your wife who used it.” The guardian angel immediately offered to have no shame.

Everyone laughed.

“It really is the little red hand, hurry up and the next one, I haven’t seen a gold outfit yet.” The guardian angel urged him to feel no embarrassment.

“Okay, here comes.” The cute and adorable pupil opened his hands, and a dazzling golden light shone…

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