“Liaoyuan, your uncle, give me a second.” Blood mist Feng yelled, knowing that there is no way out now.

puff puff puff ……

The players of the Bloodleaf Guild did not pretend, they just changed to the original appearance. The original situation with swords drawn and bows bent suddenly broke out .

“Kill them.” The goblin overseer screamed.

The goblins crowded around like a tide, and because of Li Yao’s order, the troll defenders also rushed over.

Li Yao smiled at the people of the Blood Leaf Guild, stepping back, but the goblin came from all directions and immediately surrounded all the more than 100 people in the Blood Leaf Guild.

“President, simply cannot attack that bastard.”

“No, I can’t rush through.”

blood mist The wind quickly calmed down, He said: “All melee combat is on the periphery, protecting output and healing. Adjust the direction and kill to the left.”

blood mist The wind is very decisive. Seeing that Li Yao cannot be killed, he immediately wants to evacuate. The goblin’s camp is on the 6th. The left position of the floor.

Because of the relationship between the goblin camp, there are basically no trolls around, and the goblin is not strong.

Most goblins are just ordinary, elites are not too dense, they can still see a glimmer of survival.

As long as they reach the peripheral zone, they will naturally have the means to survive.

The two sides immediately fought together, and the Bloodleaf Guild’s cooperation was also good. With the treatment, most of the goblins around had the advantage. They played in a frenzy at a time, but the goblins killed more people. .

However, there are too many goblins, and they are constantly moving towards the gathering here, so that the Bloodleaf Guild does not dare to stay behind, otherwise this kind of high-intensity battle, the treatment is too easy to be blue, then When I want to go, I can’t go.

No one pays attention to Li Yao anymore. Li Yao strode towards a slope and shouted as he walked: “There is an enemy invasion and needs support. An enemy invades and needs support.”

The goblin who rushed to hear the alarm simply didn’t know what was going on, and heard Li Yao’s shout, plus his high status.

The goblins screamed and rushed towards the direction of the police post.

The defense system of trolls is very interesting. They do not rely on city walls to fight. When building cities, they use mountains and terrain.

Their most common defense method is to gradually increase the terrain of the city, and they will specially design some wall passages, and the enemy will attack them and directly push down two or three yards of boulders.

This kind of stone is terrifying more than magic and so on, and it becomes a meatloaf directly after being crushed.

The goblin occupies a corner of the city, and it also has this terrain. It’s just that the goblin felt that the stone was not powerful enough, and there were too many minerals, and instead smelted many huge copper balls.

On the one hand, it is defense, on the other hand, it is storing wealth.

At this moment, Li Yao is standing on top of such a high slope, and can clearly overlook the battle below.

The goblin simply hasn’t studied the defense system of trolls thoroughly. You must know that trolls will not easily use this kind of tactics. They are often defeated and stop the enemy’s pursuit after retreating.

Moreover, there is a special terrain and city wall to form a narrow space channel. On the one hand, it can cause effective killing and on the other hand, it can prevent the stone ball from rolling uncontrollably and destroying the city.

And the goblins learned, but they did not learn thoroughly. They had no tunnels or passages, and felt that that limited the formidable power of the Rolling Stones.

Use the high slope, and then fix the huge copper ball with something. When using it, directly remove the fixed frame, push the copper ball a little, and the copper ball will roll down. They also proudly claimed Beyond the troll conception.

Following the alarm, the goblins all went down to help the fight, and the copper ball was not used at all. Basically, they ran to support, just staying behind two goblin guards.

“What are you doing here?”

“Stop, no one is allowed to approach here.”

The two goblins suddenly scolded Li Yao.

“You impudent, this place of our Witherbark Troll, you still need to control where to go.” Li Yao shouted sharply.

At the same time Li Yao approached two goblins.

The bird of prey strikes!

Poisonous assassination!

The short spear in Li Yao’s hand turned into two or two afterimages. The two skills were activated in a short time, and they immediately hit the necks of two goblins.

The two goblins are just ordinary monsters. Although they were not killed by a spike, they fell on the ground with their necks covered. The fire eagle, which became a bird of prey, also released the tornado and directly harvested the two goblins. The remaining life.

Li Yao quickly removed the obstacle that intercepted the copper ball in the front row. There were a dozen copper balls in the front row.

Li Yao pushed the copper balls down one by one, and suddenly, it seemed that the whole mountain trembled.

The huge roar overwhelmed the sound of fighting, not to mention this area, even the whole fortress could feel the tremor and roar.

With Li Yao’s promotion and Gaopo’s acceleration, the formidable power of the copper ball is extremely terrifying.

No one can stop the rolling of the copper ball. The goblins and players in the lower side lose one’s head out of fear and avoid the fast copper ball.

The blocking machinery, crude buildings, goblins, and players, as long as they block the copper ball, they will be crushed by the copper ball.

This is the reason why Li Yao didn’t move towards pushing the copper ball in one direction, otherwise the anxious players and goblins would lose even more.

But this is also horrible to see. Because the goblins are too close and the formation is dense, it is easy for the goblins on the periphery to avoid it, but the goblins and players crowded inside are not so lucky.

Although only one copper ball crushed the two sides in the battle, the ending was tragic. If the system hadn’t simplified the bloody scene now, it is estimated that all the players present would have vomited.

But even so, there are lingering fears.

Many of the players who hang up on the team channel have been forcibly kicked offline by the system. The brain waves fluctuate too much, and the system automatically disconnects and activates the protection mode.

“Liaoyuan, I am xxxxx……”

“****, you xxxx……”


The players of the Blood Leaf Guild are going crazy, too cruel, and too miserable. If it was just a struggle of spirit, now I can’t wait for Li Yao to be killed in reality.

At this time, even the blood mist wind was dead, and I was protected to death. As a result, I couldn’t escape. The trajectory of the copper ball happened to be here.

After a while, the blood mist wind eased, and he felt his heart jump out: “Liaoyuan, this matter is never over. From then on, our Blood Leaf Guild and Spark Guild are irreconcilable “

“Although the trajectory of the copper ball is not under my control, I still want to say sorry.” Li Yao said in the regional channel: “Of course, I don’t think there is a mistake, depending on the ability. That’s it. I want revenge, I welcome it at any time. The game is meant to kill and kill, it’s too normal.”

“By the way, I would like to remind you that if you are not good at heart, just go to the neutral camp for leisure. Like a minor, the picture is cute, so good.”

Li Yao started pushing the second wave copper ball again, previous life, he hadn’t tried any method of death, why did he die? Tangled, it’s ridiculous.

Li Yao is not to kill them, his main purpose is always only one, that is, the drawings of the mechanical pets, and the others are really indifferent to him.

Even if this plan was made, it was because the Fire Eagle was looking down from the sky, and it was temporary that’s all…

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