To the last level, plus the time to kill the boss, it is now dark. Li Yao’s plan will be more troublesome when it gets dark, and it is easy for the trolls to suspect, so Li Yao only delayed one day.

One day is enough for Li Yao to finish things here, and then find a place to upgrade quietly. As for the Bloodleaf Guild, it’s not a problem for them, anyway.

Li Yao went to touch the corpse, and soon the first thing appeared in his hand.

Whirlwind Short Spear

Quality: purple epic

Attack: 38-45

Strength: 33

Agility: 31

Endurance: 30

Wind sensitivity, sensitivity increased by 25%

The whirlwind throw, the thrown spear spins rapidly, like a whirlwind, tearing Penetrate all armor.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment recommendation: Hunter

Li Yao’s breathing is stagnant, saying that it is a small Divine Item, and his attribute is added Not to mention the achievements, it is already very high for one-handed weapons.

The sensitivity of the wind is the basis for the small Divine Item, which increases the sensitivity by 25%, which is a devastating increase for an Amazon.

Amazon is known as the jungle cheetah, and with this little Divine Item, it can be called the king of hunters and truly become a jungle hunter who comes and goes like wind.

For Li Yao, the blessing is not as exaggerated as Amazon, but the sensitive 25% blessing is also huge, even more important than the attack.

As for the whirlwind throw, it is a supplement to the Divine Item attribute of this short spear. It ignores the tearing and penetration of the armor. Although there is still armor reduction, the tearing of the armor can cause fatal and Critical attack.

For example, if you encounter a warrior wearing heavy armor, because of the armor’s blessing and protection, attacking his heart simply cannot cause a fatal attack effect, but it is equivalent to direct attack without protection if you directly tear through the armor. heart.

Of course, the premise is that the throwing is accurate. In previous life, Li Yao throwing a short spear is a hunter weapon with the least practice. It can only be said that the throwing is accurate, like bows, arrows and bullets. No way. But with this short spear, Li Yao felt that it would be good to go back and learn a few general skills.

Li Yao immediately hung the short spear on his waist, instead of using the stabbing sword.

In fact, the most reasonable one should be the left hand cannon, the longbow behind the short spear on the right, or the flame heavy crossbow. However, the volume and weight of the hand cannon are too large, and the flexibility of the hand cannon will be greatly affected. The weakening.

If the flame heavy crossbow hadn’t had that attribute, Li Yao could only be used as a secondary weapon, just like the previous military heavy crossbow.

Hunting cloak

Quality: purple epic

Strength: 29

Agility: 27

Stamina: 25

The damage and strength of the short spear thrown are increased by 15%

Equipment level: 13

Equipment recommendation: Hunter

Li Yao smiles bitterly, Amazon dedicated cloak, but when I saw that my cloak was still that low-level blue cloak, I had no choice but to replace it directly.

This cloak is simply a perfect match for the whirlwind short spear, not to mention increasing the damage of the short spear, increasing the strength is also increasing the range of the throw, which is a very powerful attribute.

Thinking it should be almost done, and touching the corpse again, what appeared in his hand made him feel surprised.

Skill rune: Amplify a skill and turn it into a lightning attribute.

It was a surprise, rune dropped in the wild, it was simply a surprise. Li Yao doesn’t know how to describe his feelings anymore.

Any rune, the drop rate is horribly low, even if it is the same as the Secret Realm that drops rune. You can imagine how precious rune is.

Moreover, rune is a luxury product with the lowest circulation. After getting it, you can’t help but use it yourself, because the blessing is too strong, which is basically the case for any player who really wants to play the game.

Lightning attribute. As a dark knight-errant, Li Yao will naturally not turn the main skill into a lightning attribute, but the main skill is useless, which does not mean that other skills are useless.

Although the arrow tower is made by himself, it is considered his own skill. Li Yao’s favorite skill is to strengthen the arrow tower.

With the improvement of levels and the changes in methods, as well as the improvement of players, the role of the arrow tower has become smaller and smaller, and the production of the turret is nowhere in sight. Li Yao has long considered upgrading the arrow tower. , Just a suitable opportunity, now finally realized.

Lightning Arrow Tower: Turn the shot arrows into penetrating arrows, increasing the damage by 30%.

Penetrating arrows: The arrow tower can shoot penetrating arrows.

attribute: Lightning damage

Li Yao played with the flashing arc tower, the damage increase was second, the key is the piercing arrow of this lightning attribute.

The so-called piercing arrow is an arrow that can penetrate a monster. This attribute means that the arrow tower has become area damage.

The monsters on the trajectory of the piercing arrow will be damaged, making the arrow tower also a swarming weapon. Although it is not as large as the arrow rain and scattering, Li Yao is already very satisfied.

Troll camouflage

Quality: purple epic

You can turn into a troll Patrol Envoy and get the skills of Patrol Envoy, but your own damage skills will change In a sealed state, the cooling time is 6 hours.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment recommendation: any class

It is actually a permanent transformation item, not a one-time consumable, Li Yao laughed heartily , With this thing, it is completely possible to play a cameo as the Troll’s Night Hunter.

Li Yao used the props and suddenly became Patrol Envoy, and then kicked the real Patrol Envoy corpse under the terrace.

As he changed, even the fire eagle turned into a bird of prey, and the fire eagle was looking at his new body curiously.

Li Yao was satisfied and nodded, and then revoked the wall of fog.


The trolls who are constantly attacking the wall of fog suddenly swarm in.

“My lord, did you encounter an assassin just now?” the Yinying troll headed asked after saluting.

“Well, a little adventurer dared to sneak attack me. I have already been thrown off the terrace.” Li Yao’s troll language.

“That is, those fresh and tender grains will naturally not be adults’ opponents.” Yinying troll quickly complimented.


“My lord, the night is long, look, the few behind me are carefully selected, you think you want to keep a few Serve you?”

“No, you can withdraw. Two people in line guard the door for me. Don’t let anyone disturb me. I want to take a good rest. Tomorrow, I will inspect the fortress.” Li Yao waved his hand impatiently, the female trolls have a wild charm, especially the selected ones, both in figure and so on are very popular.

However, Li Yao is not so thirsty as that of NPC.

Li Yao even saw the emotion of lose one’s head out of fear on a face, and it suddenly became clear that there were players in it.

The ranks of the troll tribe are very high, and the Silverying troll cautiously withdrew from the cave, and then four trolls lined up to help Li Yao guard the gate.

And Li Yao recorded the coordinates of the terrace and then used the hearthstone. Naturally, he would not really stay in this broken place for one night.

One of the trolls who helped Li Yao guard the gate is a player from the Bloodleaf Guild…

ps: continue to ask for monthly tickets

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