Li Yao didn’t take seriously this matter at all, previous life. In the next few years, the two camps were at war, and it was normal to meet each other and kill people.

Moreover, it was originally a hostile camp, and the opponent can transform into a troll, and it is still in this fortress, so you don’t need to think about doing tasks and so on here.

Li Yao knows very well that when the two camps cooperate, the tasks assigned are the same, and the two camps compete with each other.

If Li Yao completes the task slower than the bright camp, then the task is basically a failure.

In the early stage, the mainstream of the two camps was cooperation, but it was not without disputes.

The adventurer game is the way to resolve disputes that the two camp leaders think of.

When there is a disagreement, adventurers are often sent, especially on chaotic maps. The game of adventurers is related to the fact that this camp controls the map.

The most direct manifestation is that the guild resident is generally placed on a chaotic map, so that the guilds fight between the two camps, and NPCs rarely send troops. Until there is a large-scale war.

Although it is still uncertain, Li Yao has basically determined that this player and the guild he referred to have obviously received the same task.

The two were originally in conflict, so counting, the two are in hostile camps, and they are in a competitive relationship. When killing each other, Li Yao doesn’t think anything is wrong.

Li Yao began to pay attention, the Eye of Creator was even deceived by Illusion Technique, which was really careless.

I observed all around and found that there were no trolls around. I began to take out the map given by the mission. Relying on my own observation, the mission map will record Li Yao’s observations and guards. .

Of course, drawing a defense map is not that simple. Patrol is only the most basic, such as armory, hidden sentry and so on.

The stone pillar where Li Yao is located can be observed from a long distance. It took ten minutes and the drawing was about 10% complete.

And Li Yao didn’t know, it was so straightforward that he hated him. As the expert of the guild’s number, he was so suffocated and hung up. It really had to be so suffocated.

“Upright, why did you die?” Blood Mist, the president of the Blood Leaf Guild, asked.

“Ai, don’t mention it, I feel aggrieved.” I just don’t want to say it so honestly.

“Why, you were discovered by the troll in your transfiguration?” Blood mist Feng frowned and asked.

“No, I was killed by a player, look at it.” It was just that he shared the recorded video with such upright depression.

In the video, it is shown that he is so straightforwardly pretending to be a troll, patrolling the stone pillar. Everyone knows that he is looking for an opportunity to board the stone pillar and map the deployment situation.

However, with a whistle, at the moment when he turned his head straight, a magical spider silk had stuck to his mouth, and then Li Yao’s movements looked like a cloud of water and everyone in the Blood Leaf Guild was dumbfounded. They didn’t recover until they fell to death with such a frank touch.

“Meow, is it still a human being.”

“It turns out that murder can be done like this, **.”

“Without a trace of muddy and muddy water, remove any The details have been plotted against, wonderful and wonderful.”

“Which way is this great god, so **.”

“How to determine this, it took two or three This skill, freezing traps, shadow wheel flips, ordinary hunters can do it.”

Members were shocked by this amazing way of killing, and they completely forgot. The guy who died was his teammate. .

“Fuck it, which side of you.” That’s how upright and depressed.

“cough cough.” Blood mist Feng said: “You can actually plug the troll’s mouth with spider silk. This kind of detail can be considered. It is really terrifying. It seems that he treats you as a troll. And he used this way of sneaking into the fortress, and adding his regional channel, it seems that it is also a task here.”

“President, what do you mean?” That’s so straightforward. Asked.

“It’s the same as you mean, so pay attention, whether he has the same mission as ours or not, kill him, we can’t let him cause damage to our actions. You know, the advantage is on our side now , As long as you find him, shout directly, without us, witherbark trolls can solve him for us. Upright, you go back first, you can’t get in without the transformation props.” said blood mist Feng Feng.

“Take revenge for me.” That was how he said unwillingly.

“Don’t worry.” Blood mist Feng said: “You are all up, it is not so easy for this fortress to sneak all the way. While you are drawing the defense map and looking for opportunities to damage the fortress, observe this player.”


Li Yao is like a flexible cat, constantly leaning on trees and tents as shelters, and keeps moving forward, because the giant with pets There are too many demons, he dare not be careless. And he didn’t know that the president of the Blood Leaf Guild had exactly the same idea as him, and he regarded the other party as a competitor and hunting target.

Li Yao has been walking carefully along the edge of the city wall. After more than ten minutes, Li Yao finally noticed something strange.

The troll in front of him seemed to have a vague and unreal feeling, Li Yao immediately paid attention, and he realized that this troll walked obviously differently from ordinary trolls.

Li Yao hides behind a big tree and observes all around, the troll’s eyes are not here.

Li Yao took out a soft lock with fine barbs, carefully formed a circle, and then when he turned and walked in the other direction, he walked out of the tree and danced the soft lock.

The soft lock was suddenly threw away by Li Yao, and the player who turned into a troll was stunned and wrapped his neck. The power of Li Yao who exerted a strong force was terrifying.

He dragged her by the neck and flew to her side. Then Li Yao was dragged to the tree. Regardless of her painful struggle, Li Yao pierced her mouth directly with a stabbing sword , The stabbing sword passed directly through the back of her head and was directly killed in seconds.

Li Yao quickly cut the soft lock, his body slowly faded and disappeared in the vicinity, waiting for the nearby troll to come again and found that it was a human corpse.

They roared in anger, and then someone went to report, but the player’s body was not wasted, and he carried away directly. In the eyes of the troll, except for the same clan, any creature is their food.

“wū wū wū wū…guildmaster, I am dead.” Wu Qingcheng cried and said in the guild channel.

“Little Wu doesn’t cry, what’s the matter?”

“Yes, what’s the matter with Little Wu, don’t cry, just say it.”

“I, I don’t know what’s going on. I was hooked on my neck. I was scared to death. It hurts. I thought I was really dead.” Wu Qingcheng was obviously really terrified. The way to die is scary.

“Fuck, it must be this beast again.”

“Fuck, is it too cruel, killing like this?”

“Kill him Yes, Mad, bully Little Wu.”

“It’s too cruel.”

blood mist Feng said: “Kill him is for sure, but you have to learn something. This time, none of his skills are useful, nor is it cruel, because only in this way can one strike certain kill. Clean and neat, don’t be dazzled by anger, this enemy is terrifying. “……

ps: The monthly ticket list is exploded again, ask for a monthly ticket, Mario thanks.

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