In fact, in general, not at all looks so cost-effective just for elites, and Li Yao is not satisfied with the overall upgrade effect.

But the key is the boss’s 10% experience and Yinying’s 1%. Adding up before and after, at least an increase of about 35%.

In comparison, the experience of those elites is really nothing. This is the mechanism of the ancient gods. The more difficult the challenge, the more rewarding the monster will be.

Of course, there are also huge risks. For example, this kind of Wolf King, with thousands of brothers by his side, is basically impossible to kill under normal circumstances.

Even if a large-scale player encirclement is launched, the losses suffered are almost more than the gains.

Only Li Yao can get such a rich defeat in this special way. Now Li Yao is not bad money, dozens of gold coins, for him, it is really one hair from nine oxen.

His strategy is to exchange gold coins for people’s hearts, gold coins for experience, gold coins for time, and everything that can be exchanged, so as to condense and develop the guild as soon as possible, and use the shortest time to reduce the size of those big guilds. difference.

The members of the guild channel who did not come have gone crazy.

“Please join the group, how many times I have said it, I really have something.”

“That’s right, who is not busy with unexpected things. If you return, you can’t add it. Rules.”

“We are the first group of people in the guild anyway, don’t we focus on training.”

“Fuck, add Laozi to the group, I am so easy to follow. Flowing. I didn’t leave the group on purpose.”

“President, are you dead? Add Laozi to join the group.”

Li Yao lightly saying; Talk to me in your voice, I’m not your father and mother, and I won’t be used to you.”

“Fuck, you tricked us into the guild, just like no matter what?”

“You are treated differently.”

“What breaks the guild, I will quit without adding a group.”

“That’s right, the expert, if you put it there, you don’t want to .”

“Rubbish, let you join the group now, do you know the danger of the endless source? Do you mean that in order to take care of you, do you have to delay the upgrade time for all of us.” Guardian Angel sneer.

“Everyone belongs to a guild, shouldn’t we help each other.”

“Yes, a guild should help each other.”

“How much time can you waste by taking us over again.”

“Fuck your uncle.” So handsome and no friend scolded: “The president won’t let us talk about you, but I can’t bear it. Live, what if you really have something to take you. But fuck, why did you leave the group, touch your conscience and ask yourself, pretend to be your sister, look at me, I’m sick. I remember you long ago No, I will never team up with you scumbags in the future.”

“I can’t bear it anymore, you have the face to blame the chairman, hehe.”

” Why are there scumbags there, you are smart and you have a face.”

“I gave you a face, why don’t you have any face.”

“Okay, don’t make a noise It’s so happy, right? All go down to collect materials. The president pays his own money to upgrade the big guy. You can’t make the president lose money.” Sister Li said.

The members immediately started down the rope and began collecting materials. Most of them are elites, and they are all good materials for making green dresses. Good luck can flash blue dresses, and there are still many markets.

“Damn, what garbage union.”

“I will quit without adding the group.”

“That is, give the president 3 minutes to consider, no I will withdraw.”

“It doesn’t take 3 minutes, three seconds is enough.” Li Yao kicked this guy out of the guild directly, and then said: “I said, participation in the event is voluntary. I have no regrets withdrawing from the group. You left without hesitation at the time. I also sent you back to the main city. Originally, you can get along well in the future, right. But you are making me feel sick now, you are expert, expert is amazing Ah, I’m so awkward, if the expert is like yours, the world will be destroyed.”

“Damn it, these bird people, really treat themselves as a dish, kick it , Keep disgusting. Obviously we have had a disagreement with us, and keeping it is also a curse.” said the guardian angel.

“You cannot stay, otherwise internal divisions and conflicts will occur.” Sister Li also said.

“You have seen it too. I really don’t want to go to this step. You can retreat by yourself, so everyone can get together and get together.” Li Yao said.

“President, don’t, I’m not complaining.”

“Just cracking a joke, don’t take it seriously.”

“Yes, Can’t chat and jokes?”

“Don’t be so serious.”

They also looked at the drooling in the warehouse and tried to earn points to get it right now. Leaving, nothing is left, other guilds don’t have such awesome warehouses and benefits.

“Don’t be disgusting, I won’t succeed, I’ll get together, I will give you 3 minutes, don’t retreat, and all the elders will start cleaning up in a while.” Li Yao didn’t bother to talk to them.

“Damn, Spicy Chicken Guild, I have long wanted to retire.”

“Retire and retire, a Level 1 broken guild, I thought I wanted to stay.”

“You look down on such an expert as Lao Tzu. What kind of perspective.”

“This broken guild will eat jujube pills.”

“Go, go to the forum to fight this broken Guild.”

“Yes, hire the navy to sting them.”

Li Yao said with a smile: “Then you can hurry up, I’m worried about the lack of popularity.”

The face is torn apart, and Li Yao doesn’t leave any money on his mouth, so he cleans up with everyone.

“This World is finally clean.” The guardian angel let out a breath.

“Clean the hair, and quickly go down to collect materials.” Li Yao kicked the guardian angel down.

“Your uncle.” The guardian angel reacted quickly, and grabbed the rope when he was about to land, otherwise he would definitely fall to death at such a high height.

Li Yao also jumped down and personally collected the three bosses and a few Yinying.

For wild beast bosses above level ten, the material can definitely make purple epic equipment, and the material of Yinying can definitely make blue equipment, and there is a low chance of flashing into purple, which are all good materials.

In addition, there are some strengthening stones. The harvest is also rich, just six fangs can make six good purple daggers. Grinding into powder is precious and rare alchemy and engineering materials.

After brushing it this way, these materials can train a few great tailors or leather masters.

“I have harvested six epic fangs.” Li Yao said: “This time, besides me, each of the top three players can get a fang as a reward. As for melee combat , You are supporting roles today, wait for the next opportunity.”

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere suddenly became active.

“Each Wolf King fang is equivalent to an epic dagger. Sister Li, the newcomer Muzi, and the cute pupil, the three of you can go to the union warehouse to get one after the upgrade. Ya, I have given you permission.”

The newcomer Mu Zi Lengran, didn’t expect this kind of good thing, it’s worth a piece of Ziwu, and it’s a level ten Ziwu. It’s too big, he can’t help but get excited.

“Don’t be disappointed, you guys, I’m going to lead the second round to blame. Except for the three who get rewards, depending on the next output, the first three will still have fangs rewards.” Li Yao said.

Hearing Li Yao’s words, those long-range enthusiasm suddenly rose, which means they still have a chance, those close combat are envious, they have no chance…

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