The Yinying who saw the wall of fog naturally came to the brakes, but the wolf further behind didn’t know what was going on. Because the speed was too fast, he started running crowded when he entered the Heaven’s Line, and now he brakes suddenly. Suddenly there was a mess.

But the prairie wolves in the rear continued to run, and the Heaven’s Line became extremely crowded.

“Tomi pupil, when he saw the prairie wolf coming in, he used the wall of mist directly at the entrance, breaking the prairie wolf’s back path.” Li Yao said.

“Good.” The dull pupils responded crisply.

And the members on both sides of the mountain have already stayed, this fuck, this is fine.

They have all seen the scrolls of the Wall of Mist. They are expensive, and they seem to be useless at all. No one thought that using a waste thing here would have unexpected effects.

When they saw thousands of prairie wolves trapped in the Heaven’s Line below, the members felt like a dream.

The death map in the eyes of others, the Absolute Death Region that no one wants to come to, is an upgrade treasure in the eyes of Li Yao.

Until Li Yao called them to attack for the second time, all the people reacted, and the prepared spell hiding the sky and covering the earth fell down.

Dark Faction’s legal professions are generally high elves, multi-mage and sorcerers. Other races will have legal professions such as shaman, Necromancer, and Druid.

And the mage has more Fire Element and ice attribute, which are usually flame impact and blizzard. Warlock is a fire rain technique with fel damage. Shaman is generally a chain of lightning, Necromancer is a group curse and a poisonous new star. Druids use hurricanes.

The entire Heaven’s Line is full of violent magic. Of course, Li Yao’s three arrow towers can also be split into three hundred arrow fragments every time. It looks spectacular, but it’s practical. It hurts, that is, the seventy-eighty point.

With the raging flame spell, the vegetation below Heaven’s Line and the dry wood that had just been thrown began to burn, as if the wall of fire was released below.

All the prairie wolves roared into the sky, staring at the crowd above them angrily, but the tragedy was that they simply could not touch the crowd above them.

Li Yao knows that as the level increases, wild beasts will become the simplest and easiest monster.

For high-level maps, the type of wild beast has also become a demonic beast that releases magic.

For example, prairie wolves, low-level maps are pure wild beasts, but on High Rank maps, there will be hurricane wolves that can release acceleration and wind blades, stealth, and shadow wolves that attack with shadow damage, etc. All kinds of magic creatures.

This kind of pure animal monster, looking back at that time, it is really not worth mentioning.

The prairie wolf is a creature with high speed and high attack, but low armor and low life.

If you face the prairie wolves on the plains, accidentally, even heavy armored fighters may be shot off by the prairie wolves, not to mention that they live in groups.

So many wolves, swarming up, it is really if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas, and look forward to it. However, trapped in this type of terrain, they can’t touch the caster and can only be a lamb to be slaughtered.

With the ravages of spell, the elite wild wolves continue to fall.

These wild wolves are genuine elites, with extremely rich experience. The little spiders that broke their eggs from the sticky silk cave are simply as different as heaven and earth, Li Yao, they upgrade quickly, and they win by pure numbers.

This time, although the number of people is large, the experience still begins to change continuously, and everyone who sees it is very happy.

“Fuck, it’s cool, it’s so cool.”

“hahaha, this experience, the president is really **, the experience is like flying.”

“I just want to know, those guys who choose to go back, what their expressions will be when they know this news.”

“A group of terrified people, whatever they do.”

“Meow, I have been abused by monsters before, but now I have found the fun of other online game groups.”

As the spell continues, the wild wolves continue to fall, and only left The sporadic prairie wolves are still alive.

“Stop the group attack spell and kill the remaining prairie wolf Yinying.” Li Yao commanded while outputting to the extremely angry boss.

Afterwards, even the sporadic prairie wolf Yinying was killed.

“There is no speed that the prairie wolves can kill to gather on my side, and collectively output the boss.” Li Yao said again after a while.

The members were immediately excited, yes, there are three bosses.

The blood volume of the boss below has swelled to a terrifying figure. This kind of wild boss, every time a player group appears in the team, the life will skyrocket, if it is fight at close quarters.

Faced with this kind of 2 3,000,000 HP boss, I can only despair, but in this kind of terrain, killing the boss does not require any skills.

Only output, output, and output are enough. Even the prairie wolf boss can’t escape with the existence of the wall of fog.

You can only roar and roar continuously inside, but it has no effect.

fight at close quarters, maybe he can continuously kill players to cause chaos in the team, but in this safe output environment, 3,000,000 will be allocated to each player more than 10,000.

Li Yao’s small team gathered together to observe the situation of the members while outputting.

“Big Brother, look at that person.” The dull pupil pointed in one direction.

Everyone looked at it. This was a young high elf player, with flames lingering around him.

With his incantion and gestures, he pushes out the flames.

The flames that flew out either turned into large bursts of fireballs, or turned into clusters of flame meteors.

His damage is also very eye-catching. In terms of output, except for Li Yao, no one else can match him.

“The output is fast, the damage is high, the flames linger, and the attack can be transmogrified. It is actually a magical Fire Essence spiritual method.” Li Yao nodded said: “Pay attention to it, although he has not yet understood the essence of the magical fire. But as long as it grows up, it will be a terrifying super fort.”

“Well, newcomer Muzi, I wrote it down, and temporarily recorded it in the core group candidates.” Sister Li said.

“Hu hu, has there finally been someone who has the opportunity to grab the sister-in-law job.” Said the cute pupil.

“Whether to grab or not, the ten-member group is only a junior team, a real team, 25 people, 40 talents is a medium-sized group that’s all. Overlapping occupations is inevitable.” Sister Li said: “Look, the shaman over there is also good, and it is also the elemental sa, you are the real overlap.”

“hmph hum, I won’t lose to him.” The cute pupil did not speak. Now, I started to sullen my head and output, and I really started to compete with the shaman player’s belief in fucking.

Several people laughed, but they were still little children.

As time passed, all the members were excited because they realized a problem.

The first time I killed a wild boss, it was announced at the world meeting…

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