Li Yao said that he was looking for some kind of expert, but there are so many so-called experts.

Li Yao just wants to exclude some unconfident, low-level people who want to play the yú to make up the numbers.

Actually, those older experts, Li Yao can take in, but these people have fixed thinking and growth is limited.

Of course, it is undeniable that this kind of people are the important backbone and foundation of the guild. They have experience, can make the guild develop more orderly, and can bring new people.

And what Li Yao really wants is those potential new players who have achieved elite careers. The previous life, just a few people, is not to say that others are really worse than them.

Actually, innate talent, opportunity, hard work, and environment are really indispensable for the matter of consecrating gods. It does not mean that talents with related memories in previous lives are expert, hidden, and indisputable. Or just want to go to the expert sea of ​​leisure.

For the fruit Knight, the most famous husband and wife of previous life is pk, and others are not interested.

But this life, I met myself, and the skill of Fruit Knight pulling monsters is absolutely superb. Now that I haven’t joined the guild, the idea of ​​creating groups to open up wasteland is more important than PK.

After all, Li Yao doesn’t have much hope for how many people can be found. There are many ordinary players, but now the number of places is limited, and ordinary players have little practical significance.

However, Li Yao was scared when he arrived at the training ground. When he saw the crowded group of people, he immediately understood that most of them were watching the excitement.

“Here, the Liaoyuan God is here.”

“How do you know he is the Hunter King.”

“Nonsense, you have seen the second one Dark knight-errant.”

“Look at the mist covering him, it’s so cool.”

The crowd automatically opened a channel for Li Yao, and Li Yao arched his hands. One side passed through the passage.

Then walked to the middle of the training ground and said loudly: “Please register for friends who want to join the union, and then I will screen it, thank you.”

The giant sword player is so handsome that no friends say: “Wait, I want to ask, is the story of the Spark Guild warehouse circulating on the Internet true? It is so luxurious, do we really have the opportunity to obtain purple outfits and skill books? “

“That is, this is too bad, my friend secretly intercepted the picture of the warehouse of the big guild. It is the top ten guilds, which is far worse than the guild warehouse you posted.” Happiness It is a kind of disease also shouted.

Other people also followed suit. Obviously, they are more concerned about the warehouse. Although they can’t see the specific attributes, they have been rated as the first guild warehouse of the ancient gods.

Li Yao laughed and said: “I will answer your questions first. Although I have received a batch of shining fruits, I declare that I am not a businessman. The things in the guild’s warehouse are naturally Really, it will not be sold, and I expanded one third in two hours. In the future, the items such as the equipment of the guild warehouse will be expanded at least five times.”

“Fuck, this It’s already the first warehouse, and it’s going to expand. Are you crazy?”

“You are crazy. People have money, can you manage it.”

” The guild has a future. What I see is not the equipment, but the blazing ambition.”

“Nonsense, with such a big handwriting, it’s only strange if you have no ambition.”

Li Yao squeezed his arm, calmed everyone down, and continued: “I said this not for boasting, but to tell everyone about our guild’s background and strength. Spark Guild also implements the guild points system, as long as it’s the guild You can earn points if you contribute to the development of the guild. As long as the points are sufficient, anything in the guild warehouse can be exchanged, and you will never deliberately increase the item points too high to fool you.”

“I am today You can record it. If you find that it does not match what I said in the future, you can ask me to settle the account. However, in my opinion, the points are secondary.”

Too handsome and no friend said: “How come the points are secondary?”

He asked many people’s doubts.

Li Yao smiled: “I can tell you clearly that I did not create a guild to enjoy the prestige of being a boss. The ultimate goal of creating a guild is to become a super first-class guild. There is also a team in the guild. , Will be used to compete in the World Cup and the Olympic Games in the future.”

“Everyone, quietly, listen to me. Some people think that I am booming, I laughed, how could a sparrow understand the ambitions of a swan. So. Well, the benefits of my guild will also enjoy better benefits as members increase in the level of the guild. In reality, I will register the guild company recently, and then I will choose a good place as a resident, everything, and The big guild and the club are on the same level. So, if you want to follow Xinghuo to the glory, please join Xinghuo. Xinghuo was founded, as long as you have the ability, you will naturally have a place for you.”

“Speak up here, think If you want to join Spark, please sign up first. Pay attention. If you are not up to the tenth level, please recruit people next time. Sorry.”

Li Yao did some statistics and found that there were three-four hundred registered, all of them Above level ten, or an elite player.

“The Level 1 guild has only 300 places, but I have only a limit of 50 places. Except for a few of the MTs and treatments, the rest make it difficult for me, so , You can only try. Of course, it won’t make everyone busy. Everyone who signs up will get 10 Silver Coin as a reward for delaying everyone’s time. “

The system draw will follow. Li Yao is in Watching them compete against each other.

Li Yao was very satisfied, and indeed found a few good seedlings. Although it is only slightly better than ordinary players for the time being, they can see their plasticity and development potential.

Three rounds of the test were conducted, and the person to be collected was basically determined. Li Yao had 10 Silver Coin per person as promised. Although those who failed were disappointed, the Silver Coin compensation was also a comfort. 10Silver Coin has been purchased and the excellent blue package has been installed.

Too handsome and no friend said: “President, you only have income, but we have not seen your strength with our own eyes. Dare to compete with me.”

“Damn, you are the most restrained hunter with a big sword like that. How can you let the president compare with you.” Happiness is a disease and passed the test. He is also a hunter, and his skills are pretty good.

Li Yao said with a smile: “Okay, then compare.”

Many people in the trial field watch the excitement, so handsome that no friends carry a huge sword , Said: “President, if you lose for a while, don’t say that my profession restrains you, hahaha.”

Li Yao said with a smile; “You can don’t say that I bully you for a while.”

Then Li Yao blew his whistle and the fire eagle swooped down at the handsome guy who had rushed over.


So handsome that no friend directly blocked the fire eagle’s attack with a big sword, before he was able to slow down, he blessed the power of the bull Li Jian has come.


The handsome man who was almost reaching the charging distance flew out without a friend, but he had just landed and three arrow towers appeared beside him, pa pa pa three Arrow suddenly left him with only a little life.

“You lost.” Li Yao put away the longbow.

Happiness is a kind of sickness and booing: “Dude, aren’t you restraining the hunter, why is this so miserable.”

The crowd laughed, so handsome that no friends have red necks. Said: “Damn it, President, you are not authentic, why don’t you use your skills?”

Li Yao said with a smile: “Actually, I prefer to stand up, simple and rude and effective. Tired. Who else wants to try my strength?”

Everyone is speechless, your sister, a boss-level fire eagle, three arrow towers, ten-level Ziwu, you still let us try Try, look for abuse.

“Since there are no more, come here one by one, I will add you to join.” Li Yao clapped his hands and said…

ps: I wake up late again, set the alarm, and wake up Speak for a while, and then…

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