This kind of opportunity is not something anyone can have. Don’t look at the people who despise the two guilds. If they encounter this kind of thing, they will definitely choose the same as the two guilds.

Now this is nothing but jealousy. I can’t eat grapes and say grapes are sour that’s all, and sincerely disgusting people that’s all.

After all, this is a big pie, even if it will become an outpost and a barrier for others to attack the main city, how about it? Compared to what you get, if you don’t care about others, those people will be out of date. The day will go away.

Almost all of the most recently biggest topics in the game are related to Spark. Spark’s actions are all touching, but the praise is not without it.

Xinghuo has made such a big gain this time, and it has paid a lot for the dungeon here to open up wasteland. Even if someone is in the mood to settle accounts, Xinghuo has earned it anyway.

But as the largest full-level dungeon group today, it also produced several graduation equipment, and all those who opened up wasteland did not pay.

After all, it’s just jealous that’s all. Compared with mainstream public opinion, these all are minutiae and the effect of blogging is not high.

As for the rising winds and scudding clouds on the main plane, the interior of Spark is still in order.

Li Yao is at a critical moment, and this gain is also very great for him.

The absorption of the Touch of Darkness has reached the limit, and he himself has become the world leader, and he has also reached the limit.

If you want to be strong, you can only step by step. It is very unrealistic to become strong at once. If you continue to absorb Li Yao, you may be blown up. This is not an exaggeration. , His body has reached its limit.

If you want to improve again, you need a period of stability and digestion, so that you can continue to open up your potential and reach the world level.

Pure strength can no longer make it advanced by leaps and bounds, you must start to deduct the Profound Truth you have mastered, extend the Profound Truth further, and touch the edge of the law.

When Profound Truth is transformed into a law, you can achieve world-level consummation, and then choose the law you are best at, further deduction, and achieve Transcendent Saint.

Transcendent Saint said that it is a realm is not accurate. This is the most critical step to become a Demi-God. It is not a Spiritual God, but in fact it is not comparable to the world level.

This process is very weird. It is purely concerned with the preparation of Law Comprehension and the divine concentration.

This stage is extremely simple, because some people will not stay long and will directly become Demi-God, but some people will not be able to cross this stage for a lifetime.

Therefore, it is also considered by the gods to be a dividing line for sacred and mortal people, and Transcendent Saint also came from this way.

According to Li Yao’s estimation, the body of the ancient god was limited to the world level, and the foundation of becoming stronger was cut off, and he had just reached his current state.

But the situation is that both myself and the touch of darkness have reached their limits, but although the body of the ancient god has lost its divinity, it is still in the Transcendent Saint stage.

According to the truth, Transcendent Saint has a certain degree of awareness of the law, and it exists in consciousness, but this body is weird at this stage, it is really unimaginable, and more seriously, the other body’s upward The road is not at all cut off.

What makes Li Yao helpless is that this kind of origin cannot be transferred to other people, otherwise the affairs of the demon girl will be much simpler.

After thinking about it for a day, Li Yao didn’t have any clues and had to bring the two dragon queens summon to his side.

“This is the situation. The body of this ancient god is beyond expectation. Now what do you think I should do.” Li Yao asked helplessly.

“There are still things that can make the master difficult. I thought the master was omnipotent.” The Black Dragon Queen looked as if she had discovered the new world.

The Queen of the Blue Dragon also said with a smile: “The master should have a way, just damaging the body’s origin.”

The Queen of Black Dragon rolled his eyes: “younger sister You will also be happy with your master. You know that the master wants us to appear a world-class battle strength, but can you let those on the main plane have an excuse to destroy this body. Can your master not think of your method? It’s as different as heaven and earth to weaken the source. It’s as different as heaven and earth. It’s as different as heaven and earth. Even if it’s a world class, it’s half-crippled. What’s the use if you come.”

“Is there any way you two? Go back, the territory still needs you to sit down.” Li Yao smiled bitterly and shook his head.

“Okay, master, don’t be angry. It’s not like seeing the master always control everything. It’s not easy to see the master, so curious.” The Black Dragon queen suddenly smiled, “My master, you You are so resourceful, why are you confused in trivial matters? Why do you think we are vying to change into the body of wind and thunder? Since you can fully integrate this body, you can naturally enter the state of enlightenment. On the contrary, this is a good opportunity for the master to enter the enlightenment. The damage is too great, but this ancient god’s body is about to deplete the origin and enter the state of enlightenment.”

The blue dragon queen also nodded: “Yes, the master has entered the world level and should start further deduction. I own the Profound Truth, if others may not be able to, but the spirit strength of the master is comparable to the main god, and can be controlled without any damage to the soul.”


Li Yao is speechless. For such a simple truth, I thought about it for a day and didn’t understand it. Didn’t he? Without strong source support, he deduced the Profound Truth by himself. Even the spirit strength of the main Divine Grade takes a long time. time.

The body entering the enlightenment is an act of death, and the body of the ancient god has no such scruples. It is about to consume the source, and long-term consumption will cause irreversible trauma.

The state of enlightenment can be further integrated with the main Plane Rule, and it is naturally easier to comprehend the Profound Truth. I actually ignored such a simple truth.

Li Yao disbanded in the chuckle of the two dragon queens, this time it was really shameful.

Li Yao did not waste time, once again controlled the body of the ancient god, and then turned on the state of enlightenment.

The endless fog shrouded the body of the ancient god, and Li Yao’s will began to calculate and deduct crazy.

There are not many Profound Truths under Li Yao’s control. One is the sound wave, the other is the storm. The other two dragon roars also belong to the category of Profound Truth. The unstoppable dragon roar has been seldom used with Li Yao’s strength, but it does not mean it is not important, but Li Yao has not mastered it deeply.

The most important one is the power of the dragon father, which is actually the ultimate law of Profound Truth of Strength, absolute strength.

The last one is the most important, but the Profound Truth is too deep, Li Yao cannot deduct it now, and it is not the time.

It’s unstoppable. This dragon queen skill is worth deducing. After analysis and deduction, Li Yao finally explored the essence of unstoppable force.

This dragon queen said that it is the use of force, it is only appearance, in fact it is the use of space. Of course, this use is not space folding or transmission, but space shock…

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