The scene is in a stalemate temporarily, even Amon temporarily stopped the attack. The three are facing each other in mid-air. At this moment, most of the city has been destroyed, and the rest is on the verge of collapse. It really became in The sky small boat resists the erosion of the void with difficulty.

The surviving people have a feeling of avoided a catastrophe. It is really a fluke. Unless you reach the world level, otherwise, the basic function depends on luck.

They finally took a breath for a while, waiting for the final decision of the three above. After all, this is only a temporary truce. It can’t be said that they will go to war again after a while. This is really bad. It is very uncomfortable, after all, my own destiny cannot be determined and controlled by myself.

Not to mention that the lambs to be slaughtered are almost the same. At least they are all stimulated. It is estimated that their pursuit of strength will be more urgent and fierce.

The surviving players are even more arrogant. Even though their strength is temporarily weak, after this time, they will inevitably rise again and reach a higher height.

It also made them more clearly aware of their own strength, and also made many audiences reflect on it.

Is it right that the senior leaders have temporarily reached their Peak? It is not so easy to go further.

Let’s not talk about other small subplanes, just talk about how many players in this city, apart from Li Yao and Demon Ji who have really benefited, they seem to be able to retreat. Look at how miserable other people are.

Who was not a super expert in the past and has a lot of fans. Everyone’s strength is recognized and proven. As a result, this kind of result is not only embarrassing, but also inferior. Not as beautiful as imagined.

“This city will not exist for more than an hour now, are you satisfied?” Divine King said with a cold face.

Li Yao not to be outdone in the slightest: “Why, not convinced to continue, I guarantee that this broken place won’t exist for a quarter of an hour. You Believing or Not.”

“You… “

Divine King is going crazy. For countless years, he hasn’t suffered as much as today. It is really annoying.

“Enough, you need to calm down.” Big Demoness shouted: “Do you want the people below to be buried with you for the sake of anger.”

“This Is it me alone?” Divine King face changed.

“The third sister is right. It’s because it’s not your business that you can’t get angry.” Wu Wang also said, and there were three more Demoness supported by the salary king.

Divine King’s face is very ugly. He has always existed as one word worth nine sacred tripods. He didn’t expect Demoness to support him more than himself.

Although the other few did not speak, they were all Peak Kings of the same era. Which one is not eyes high above the top, a man of firm mind, Divine King is so arbitrary that they have disliked them very much. It’s the salary king, because your shit Divine King should be the head.

It’s the same as cracking a joke, and they are nothing after the main plane. This didn’t happen. If Divine King can’t adjust his mentality, then the main plane powerhouse as clouds, I don’t know how to How many people are offended.

Although they are not afraid of things, they do not want to cause trouble.

“Okay, that’s great, go on, you guys have been in the same hatred, but now you are finally divided, why don’t you believe in me again and wait until the main plane I give you a good future.” Amon sneered.


The pyramid shook, and a large area of ​​blood energy was shaken away, floating in the sky, Amon screamed.

“Shut up to us, for you, we will always be the same.”

The eight salary kings yelled almost at the same time, and Amon’s control of the corpses was distorted, obviously. Being angry is not light.

“This is the last time, it’s not only this guy from the main plane that can destroy this place, I can do the same.” Amon said gloomily.

“That’s it. If we take away our own people, what kind of grudges and grudges we have, we will see the settlement after this matter.” Li Yao said.

“It’s so good.” Big Demoness didn’t wait for Divine King to open his mouth and said: “Just forgive me for the offense just now, the lord, the body is more important to us, but since now At this point, we know that we are unable to keep it. The body belongs to you from now on, and I will not wait for it. But if the main plane meets in the future, please also ask the high lord to show mercy and give us a way to survive.”

Others The King King also bowed his hands, but Divine King coldly lowered his mask, not seeing and not bothering.

“It’s easy to talk, easy to talk.” Li Yao is not an overbearing person, and there is no insoluble hatred, and these people are all rebellious, and later suffered a loss in the main plane. , Maybe there is a possibility of wooing, his territory is still few people, the land is large and sparsely populated, too short of population.

Several Divine Kings landed on the pyramid to open an entrance, Divine King shouted: “Undead, what are you waiting for, enter the pyramid, I will take you across the void, and we will take all the Undead who are willing to go. Go, we will enter the Lord’s world. There are living beings, we are the same, you are burned to the point of being similar to us, and if you want to be like a pyramid, we absolutely treat you equally.”

The surviving Undeads are very excited and fast. Rushed to the pyramid. Many wise believers also ran towards the pyramid with their heads down.

Amon said angrily: “You dare to rob my believers. I am Amon, the Supreme God you believed in during your lifetime. You reprint your clothes, and I will treat you equally and take you across.”

However, no Undead was willing to board Amon’s blood cloud, which made Amon even more irritated. Somehow he was a god, and he was mixed to this point, it was true.

On the edge of the city, Li Yao and Yaoji’s body are on the shoulders of the ancient god’s body. Li Yao is holding a lantern, and his soul rays of light are floating like in the sky.

The dozens of remaining players gathered behind the body of the ancient god. Seeing that they were silent, everyone was anxious.

The female player headed by said: “Demon Ji, you have also seen the situation today. The outside world is full of turbulence, and things remain unchanged. If we go in, we will die. Please give us a hand. , There must be a big reward.”

The demon girl helplessly said: “I also know, but now the president is looking for the true direction of the mainland, otherwise, we will also be lost in the sky, I just If I can guarantee to bring you, the others will depend on the president.”

Everyone talking at once, they said, anyway, they can try to gain somebody’s friendship, try to gain somebody’s friendship, no The friendships began to promise, and for a while, it seemed like a vegetable market.

Li Yao’s consciousness in the body of the ancient god shouted: “Enough, don’t disturb my calculations. If I can’t find the real direction before they protect everyone, the battle will resume. Turn it on, I’m at the worst with them, and I’m still alive, but what about you, think about it.”

Everyone shut up immediately and waited eagerly for Li Yao’s result…

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