The first kill of the dungeon opens up wasteland, and the chance of boss dropping top grade is very high. Money and gems are also doubled.

Seeing Li Yao’s two gold coins entered the account, many people drooling.

As for gem bags, some rare precious gems can be opened. Gems are rare and associated minerals of minerals, which are very rare.

The role of gems is also great. The early stage is mainly to make some jewelry. Higher grades can also be made into attribute gems, which can be inlaid into equipment with inlaid holes to increase attributes.

Jewelry processing is another kind of secondary profession that burns money but is indispensable. If you get a good drawing, you can continue to produce excellent jewelry, and count the money will count cramps.

The difficulty of practicing it and the degree of burning money are nothing more than engineering, but the ability to absorb gold is many times that of engineering. A good jewelry craftsman can often make a lot of money.

Like engineering, without the support of a team, it is impossible to make jewelry. Li Yao opened the jewel bag, and suddenly the jewels overflowed.

Although a few women know this is illusory, the light in their eyes still can’t hide. Let alone a few women, a few men are also bizarre and motley reflected by colorful rays of light.

“Cough cough, don’t look at it.” Li Yao gathered up a dozen gems of various types and said: “Start work, start work, Shadow Dance, what are you doing to explore the way ahead.”

“Oh, good.” Shadow Dancer madly entered stealth and began to explore the way.

Everyone also walked into the passage under the leadership of Fruit Knight. It seems that the cave here is no different from the beginning.

If you talk about the difference, it is quiet, surprisingly quiet. In the previous cave.

On the first stage road, you can occasionally hear the roar of the monster and the sound of walking, but this section is surprisingly quiet.

“I was stunned.” The team spoke with a depressed voice of the shadow dancer.

In fact, needless to say, everyone also saw that his health bar on the team panel was empty.

“What’s going on?”

“It should be a bat. I can’t see it at the top of the cave. I stealth. He can attack me. And there seems to be a kind of invisibility. Something attacked me, I can’t see it.”

“Ask the water friend.” After Li Yao said, “Waiting to resurrect you in the past.”

Qin Fengyi had It took a while before he said: “The water friends see the bats on the top of the cave and some floating ghosts in the elite difficulty land reclamation, but they say that the bats are not so abnormal, and the ghosts can also be seen in a light shape.”

Li Yao nodded said: “It’s normal. The sound waves and stealth used by bats don’t disappear out of thin air. Naturally, they can’t hide from bats. As for ghosts, they are different from the Banshee turned into high elves. The true state is indeed invisible.” > “The concept of magical reality, vividly and thoroughly embodied in the wild and the copy of Grandmaster Rank difficulty.” Sister Li also said: “So, everyone should be brought into this game world. As for normal and elite difficulty, it should be for players We are a buffer. After all, it is completely new at once, and many people cannot adapt to it.”

“Gushen Company has always been humane, saying it strives to be true, but in fact, the current bloody scene and The difference between the real life and death battle is too big. I read the introduction, the more real it becomes in the later stage. Fortunately, there are brain wave protection measures, otherwise I don’t know how many people have mental accidents, and even brain death is not an accident.” Guardian Angel Said.

The sea and sky are nodded, and said: “So now our big guilds look bright, but it’s actually quite difficult. Some previous experts have become mediocre in the ancient gods. In short, all kinds of problems, Liaoyuan Brother’s prestige is enough. With your charisma, you can definitely recruit a group of potential newcomers. You must have done a lot, I envy you.”

“Many guilds want to sign uncle to join the guild. Why didn’t you find an uncle.” Da Vinci curiously asked.

“Actually, I wanted to sign when I first met Brother Liaoyuan. I mentioned all the conditions for surrendering the chairman. Unfortunately, Brother Liaoyuan is unwilling. I can’t force it.” Haikuotian smiled bitterly. , And then said: “Now that we are friends, the establishment of a guild will have more prospects and development. I will naturally not recruit.”

“Yes.” Sister Li nodded.

“Boss Hai is really good friends.” Qin Fengyi also said, and the audience in the live broadcast room found some news.

Passing another corner, everyone has seen the corpse of Shadow Dancer.

“Guardian, you release a holy light spell.” Li Yao said.

The guardian angel released a Holy Light Technique to the top of the cave, a holy rays of light flickering, everyone saw a pair of eyes watching them on the top of the cave in the distance, while the cave in the distance was floating There was a white shadow, but it was fleeting and disappeared before seeing clearly.

“Can you see it when the ghost attacks you.” Of course, Li Yao knows all the situations and knows how to deal with it, but this cannot be said.

“If I don’t show up, I simply can’t see it. I attacked twice and failed.” Shadow Dancer said as he ate and drank back.

“This is troublesome. The water friends said that in the elite mode, the wizard will absorb magic when attacking the ghost. Now you can’t see the shape, plus the bat, how to fight this.” Qin Fengyi frowned.

“It’s a bit difficult. Most of us are legal systems. If you suck blue, it won’t be easy.” Sister Li also said.

“Guardian uncle, is your holy light spell sustainable?” asked the dumb pupil.

“No.” The guardian angel shook his head helplessly.

A few people are beginning to worry, but it is not a good sign to be stopped by this situation.

“I have thought of a way. Wait for me, I will go back and come back soon.” Li Yao said and started to return to the city.

“What way?” Hai Kuotian asked.

“I can’t tell you now, there is no guarantee of success, you can wait, try to know if you can succeed.” Li Yao mysterious smiled.

However, he did not say that everyone became more and more curious, and the water friends were also very curious about how to solve this problem. I also understand that Grandmaster Rank is not only the attributes of monsters, but also the features are too difficult.

After Li Yao returned to the city, he talked directly to Zhao Lei: “Don’t stay, and sweep all the shining grass auctioned by the bright and neutral camps.”

“Will it begin?” Zhao Lei was surprised that in the past few days, gold coins were spent like running water. Although it was not his money, it was distressed. Now it’s time to see the benefits, how can he not be excited.

“Well, let’s take the goods anyway, it will definitely make a huge profit this time.” Li Yao also opened the auction, regardless of the price this time, and directly swept away the shining fruit.

There are more than 4,000 sets of glitter fruit in the warehouse, and Li Yao’s harvest of Zhao Lei’s auction in the neutral auction camp and the bright camp has already exceeded 10,000.

And Li Yao’s wallet has also dried up and has no money at all.

Place things in the warehouse, and then send them to the copy.

Li Yao took out a shining fruit and showed a slight smile. Through this wasteland reclamation, the shining fruit will be worth the sky, and the guild’s start-up funds will definitely be sufficient…

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