Unconsciously, it’s been two months since the publication of the book.

And the book, like all books, will be on the shelves, and it will be around noon tomorrow, which is the 17th, at noon on Friday.

Thanks to the book friends who have been supporting me all the way, thank you to the friends who gave tips until now, and to the friends who silently voted for the recommendation, and the friends who made various suggestions in the book review area, thank you.

Of course, I also want to thank the reading platform and my editor in charge of the loach boss.

It is your support that made me today.

Well, in the final analysis, I am poor.

There is only one purpose for writing this testimonial, which is to subscribe, subscribe, and subscribe.

For young authors like me, subscription is everything. Every subscription is very important.

Why do I write a book, in fact, the purpose is to make money. Very simple reason, because I am short of money, writing books can make me money, so I spend so much time writing books.

Friends in the group may know that I am not young anymore, the pressure is too great, and now single, the pressure is even greater. It can be said that it is my goal to do everything possible to make more money.

Some friends think that without me a subscription is nothing. But I want to say that if everyone thinks so, then I will starve to death.

Think about it, you guys, with my handicap, it takes an average of two hours to write a chapter. And some friends read more than 100 copies of my writing in two hours. However, I have put in nearly three hundred hours of hard work. Coupled with the conception of the plot and access to information, he basically became an otaku.

I said these are not pretending to be pathetic, but to tell everyone a fact. Your subscription is too important to me. It is my greatest affirmation and support. Only with a subscription can the author put all his energy into the book. Isn鈥檛 that true?

Not much to say, I beg everyone to support the genuine subscription, Mario thanked it.

In addition, many people hope that I will be released on the shelves, and I also have a little bit of the manuscript, so they have formulated a plan for the release.

While maintaining a fixed update every day, the subscription increases by one hundred and one chapter is added. The monthly ticket goes up by one hundred plus one chapter. Ten thousand rewards plus one more.

As for the monthly ticket list, it depends on the lack of support from friends.

Finally, thanks again to all of your friends who have been supporting Mario. As for me, I will continue to work hard, and I will refuel and update after it is released, so as not to disappoint everyone.

I hope we will continue to work together to create brilliance! ! !

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