Chapter 392

The orc army went very clean and tidy, which made everyone in the Skywind Alliance feel very incredible.

After the game was played, Lin Xiao took the initiative to contact Li Tianqi, and he knew what the reason was.

It turned out that Lin Xiao ordered the orc army to be transferred back directly.

Lin Xiao’s meaning is very clear, that is, the main enemy of the Eagle Hoof Empire is Ning Yuan’s Condor Empire, so he hopes that Li Tianqi can restrain it and not challenge the sensitive nerves of the orcs, otherwise it will be difficult for him to suppress it. Live in the troops on the border.

Lin Xiao originally planned to form an alliance with Li Tianqi to deal with Ning Yuan after getting rid of the domestic malignant tumor, but after such a thing, even if he dared not say the word alliance, because he couldn’t bear the orcs. That full of anger.

So he could only make a proposal to Li Tianqi in the real world to temporarily restraint between the two sides. He hoped that Li Tianqi would understand who threatened him the most and who was his greatest enemy.

Li Tianqi sneered at Lin Xiao’s last hint. In his opinion, whether it was the Eagle Hoof Empire or the Condor Empire, he was his great enemy. If his strength were not enough for the time being, he would have taken a shot against one side long ago.

However, he listened to Lin Xiao’s suggestion that he should not continue to slaughter the orcs. When the Tianfeng cavalry under him set off again, they often used the method of expelling the orc tribes they encountered. Rather than just come up and kill them all.

And just when Li Tianqi was about to dominate the entire Horqin Prairie, a bad news made him have to recall all the Tianfeng cavalry again, because Ning Yuan led the army to fight over.


After Ning Yuan returned to Condor City, he immediately recalled generals such as Baize Lion and James.

After talking about the current situation they are facing, everyone believes that priority should be given to solving the enemies on the prairie, occupying the entire Horqin prairie, and connecting the enclave where the Barbarian Alliance is located with the empire.

After determining the Horqin strategy, the huge war machine of the Condor Empire immediately began to fully operate.

In order to be foolproof, Ning Yuan sent a large number of Swan Scouts into the Horqin Prairie. At the same time, a large number of troops and materials began to gather in Zhangwu City.

When Ning Yuan discovered that the Tianfeng Alliance did not have a city on the prairie, he immediately determined the cavalry strategy of cavalry.

In order to succeed in the first battle, Ning Yuan sent all the elven archers in the empire to clear out all areas between Zhangwu City and Horqin Sandy Land, and then set up a logistics supply station every fifty miles.

When the last logistics supply station was built 50 kilometers away from the Horqin Oasis, Ning Yuan personally led an army of 300,000 directly to the base camp of the Tianfeng Alliance.


Ning Yuan built a number of logistics supply stations in front of Li Tianqi, and his arrogance was extremely arrogant. Li Tianqi said that he was tolerable or unbearable, so he sent a large number of Tianfeng cavalry to stop the action of the Condor Army.

But facing the elite elven archers, the Tianfeng cavalry quickly touched the dust of their noses.

Their arrows are not as accurate as the elves. The explosive power of the Mongolian horses under their hips is not as good as the grassland white horses ridden by the elves, and the defensive ability of his leather armor is not as strong as that of the elves.

Facing the shameless kite tactics of the elven archers, they finally realized what was beyond reach.

In the past, they had made many enemies desperate and beyond their reach. They were often proud of it. They did not expect that now they themselves became the desperate party. This gap made them suffer.

He couldn’t catch up, but couldn’t shoot and shoot. After dropping some corpses, the Tianfeng cavalry reluctantly returned to Horqin Oasis.

Faced with the tactics of the Condor Army, Li Tianqi and others were at a loss. They really couldn’t think of any way to crack the enemy’s tactics.

After a period of intense discussion, they came up with two plans to defend against the enemy.

The first plan is to gather all the Tianfeng cavalry to take the initiative to fight the enemy in a frontal cavalry battle.

The second plan is to wait for work on the Horqin Oasis, wait for the enemy to send it to the door, and then use the advantage of familiar terrain to fight the enemy on the oasis.

In fact, there is a third option, which is to immediately retreat to the north, lure the enemy to enter, and then use the depth of the prairie to fight the enemy for a protracted battle.

However, all the people present are bloody men. They don’t think they can’t beat the enemy, so no one wants to say this third plan. Everyone hopes to have a bloody battle with the enemy, even if they fail in the end No regrets though he died.

Faced with the two plans, everyone in the Skywind Alliance was arguing with red faces.

Some people think that the most powerful under Ning Yuan is the heavy infantry. Facing the heavy infantry in the open position, their Tianfeng cavalry has no chance of winning. Therefore, it is better to take the initiative to attack and let the enemy’s heavy infantry have no chance of winning. Useful place.

Some people think that the risk of taking the initiative to attack is too great, because the number of enemy cavalry is not below them.

If they take the initiative to attack, their lair will become very empty. If the enemy’s cavalry goes around to attack their lair and cut off their supplies, they will be completely homeless.

Therefore, it is better to simply wait for work and engage in a big battle with the enemy in own lair.

And the most important point is that they did not find that Ning Yuan came with heavy infantry, so when the intelligence was inaccurate, they really didn’t need to take the initiative to attack.

Just when the two sides quarreled over whether they should take the initiative to attack, a team of scouts who risked their deaths to break through the enemy’s blockade brought back a very important piece of information: the attacking enemy forces were all cavalry, and no large-scale infantry regiment was found. .

After obtaining this information, the two parties who had been arguing just now immediately unified their opinions and decided to gather all the horses to fight the enemy to the death on the Horqin Oasis.

After making a decision, Li Tianqi immediately issued a war mobilization order. After receiving the order, young men from various tribes on the prairie immediately mounted their horses and rushed to Horqin Oasis with dry food.

In just a few days, 700,000 cavalry gathered on the Horqin Oasis.

Although the Tianfeng cavalry has only more than three hundred thousand, and the rest are ordinary herdsmen, as a nation on horseback, all herdsmen are born to be the best riders.

Their frontal combat capabilities may not be as good as those who have received formal training, but once they start a downwind battle, they will immediately become ferocious wolves, and their lethality and destructive power are no worse than that of a regular army.

Li Tianqi recruited them not to make them stubborn, but to wait for the Tianfeng cavalry to break through the enemy’s formation before letting them go up and chase after victory.

Although Ning Yuan’s elven archers were very thieves and made them very helpless, on the battlefield where hundreds of thousands of cavalry were engaged in full-scale combat, the final decision was a head-on confrontation between the cavalry.

No matter how accurate the archery of the elven archers was, they couldn’t keep flying kites on the battlefield.

When the elven archers and the Tianfeng Cavalry under him face-to-face confrontation, he has absolute certainty that he can defeat them, because his Tianfeng Cavalry is the real master of this prairie, and he has absolute control over them. Confidence.

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