Chapter 353 Demon Swordsman Development Plan

The Demon Swordsmen of the Qinghong Sword Sect were all human players. Although they all showed strong personal strength, Ning Yuan always felt that the Humans were not the best candidates for the profession of Demon Swordsman.

The Terran can’t do it, nor can the Dwarf race.

Demon Swordsmen are light infantry. Their greatest feature is their agility and elegance. This runs counter to the racial talents of the dwarves, so the dwarves were quickly excluded by Ning Yuan.

There are some races in the Orcs that fit the characteristics of the Demon Swordsman very well, but these races are not born with the five scum of war, or have natural weapons that are more powerful than the Demon Sword, so the orcs were quickly dropped by Ning Yuan to Perth.

Next comes the elves.

Thinking of the talent attributes of the elves, Ning Yuan suddenly discovered that they and the profession of Demon Swordsman really fit together, as if this profession was born for them.

In addition to their excellent archery skills, the elven warriors are also masters in close combat.

Unlike the orcs and dwarves who rely on brute force, the close combat of the elves relies more on their agile skills. They win by skill.

Elven warriors’ favorite close combat weapon happens to be the long sword. Their fighting style is agile and elegant, so the profession of Magic Swordsman is simply tailor-made for them.

As a powerful race, Ning Yuan had always wondered why their strength was seriously inconsistent with their status. It turned out that the players had not found their correct way to open it.

Before the elves were not suitable for frontal hand-to-hand combat, many player lords used them as a ranged unit.

Although the archery skills of the elves make them qualified to be the long-range kings, if they only have the long-range ability, then the elves definitely do not deserve to be one of the powerful races, so the appearance of the magic swordsman also marks the arrival of the spring of the elves.

Although the Demon Swordsman is a “quick job”, if you want to become a real master, you must go through a long period of hard cultivation, otherwise you will only be able to become a half-slapped Demon Swordsman like Ning Yuan.

The elves have a long life span, and cultivation for ten or eight years is as simple as a long sleep for them, so no matter how they look at it, they are very compatible with the profession of magic swordsman.

In addition to the elves, Ning Yuan found that the angels and vampires were also very compatible with the profession of magic swordsman.

These two races are both flying races. Their greatest strength is their agility. In addition, they also like to use long swords, so warriors of these two races are also very suitable for becoming magic swordsmen.

However, although these three races are very compatible with the profession of Magic Swordsman, Ning Yuan found that their combination is not a combination of all Sword Qi attributes, but a selective combination.

The vampires are naturally afraid of sunlight and they like to stay in a cold environment, so Sword Qi with light and fire attributes is not suitable for them. The best fit for them should be Sword Qi with ice and dark attributes.

Although the angels do not have as many taboos as vampires, it is obvious that they should be closer to the light, so the Sword Qi with the fire attribute and the dark attribute is not suitable for them, and the Sword Qi with the light attribute and the wind attribute should be the best fit for them.

As for the elves, they should be all-match, no matter what the attributes of Sword Qi, they can cultivate.

Because the fox and rabbit secret realm only produces magic crystals with light attributes and fire attributes, the vampire family can only stand aside temporarily, so Ning Yuan gave the qualifications of the first group of magic swordsmen to the elves and the angels.

Considering that the magic swordsman can not be quickly achieved in a short time, Ning Yuan finally decided to let the angel warriors and elven warriors participating in the trial of the magic swordsman temporarily leave the organization of the main battle legion, giving them plenty of time to cultivate.

At the same time, considering that a large amount of magic crystals will definitely be needed in the future, if only the magic crystals produced by the secret realm every month, there will be a shortage of supply, so he formulated a large-scale breeding plan for the breeding of Magical Beasts.

Ning Yuan’s breeding plan is to put all the Magical Beasts eggs obtained from the fox rabbit secret realm into the breeding farm, and then artificially raise the ray rabbit and the red flame fox.

Since the main food of the ray rabbit is green plants such as grasses, the breeding farm for raising the ray rabbit is established in the area of ​​the Rainbow Mountains. In this way, most of the food of the ray rabbit can be solved on the spot.

Although the red flame fox is also a vegetarian, its staple food is all kinds of meat, so the red flame fox breeding farm needs to be built in the Liaoxi Corridor near the Victoria Lake.

Regarding the food for raising red flame foxes, Ning Yuan tentatively decided to use fish from Victoria Lake and the offal of various livestock, plus some chicken and duck meat.

Although feeding foxes, chickens and ducks is a bit wasteful, considering that the red flame fox can produce magic crystals, fur and Magical Beasts meat, this transaction is still profitable, so Ning Yuan asked people to expand the scale of poultry farming in advance.

After formulating the breeding plans of the two Magical Beasts, Ning Yuan immediately ordered all the fighting angels to leave the combat system collectively, and their task in the future was to cultivate the light attribute Sword Qi in the Rainbow Mountains.

After fixing the Angel Legion, Ning Yuan once again fell into the difficulty of choosing the Elf Legion.

After repeating all the elven legions in his mind several times, Ning Yuan finally decided to let the three wind practitioners who joined last lead their legions up the mountain for cultivation.

Although the name wind practitioner does not fit well with the Sword Qi of the light system and the Sword Qi of the fire system, Ning Yuan can only provide them with the magic sword pill of these two attributes.

Therefore, the elven warriors of these three legions can only choose one of the two attributes of Sword Qi to cultivate.

As for the three wind practitioners, Ning Yuan didn’t dare to do so.

Although Big Sister Alleria does not have an obvious affinity with attributes, considering her Death whistle talent and the surname wind practitioner, Ning Yuan decided to let her cultivate the wind attribute Sword Qi.

The second sister Sylvanas is obviously compatible with the ice attribute, so Ning Yuan intends to let her cultivate the ice attribute Sword Qi.

The third sister Vereesa has an affinity with the wind attribute, so she, like Alleria, cultivates the wind attribute Sword Qi.

Ning Yuan planned to purchase the corresponding magic crystals in large quantities from the outside for the magic sword pills that the three sisters needed for cultivation, and then let Zhao Wendi and others refine them.

For the Angel Legion, Ning Yuan only hopes that they can successfully cultivate Sword Qi with the light attribute, and then ascension them through cultivation.

For the Three Sisters’ Feng Practitioner Corps, Ning Yuan placed greater expectations.

The elves are born god archers, if they succeed in becoming magic swordsmen, then the combat effectiveness of this army will be greatly Ascension.

By the time they left the customs, after all, they were an absolute elite who could penetrate Yang with a hundred steps far away, but with more enemies and fewer enemies.

If you add the aura of General Wandering Xia that the Three Sisters of Feng Practitioner comes with, this army will become even more terrifying. This is also one of the main reasons why Ning Yuan chose to let the Three Sisters go up the mountain.

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