Chapter 324 New Era

February 1st of the Eighth Year of the Savage is an epoch-making day, because the long-awaited era of planetary hegemony has finally arrived.

System: “Dear players, everyone, with the completion of the thousandth Forbidden City in the game, barbarism and civilization are about to usher in a new era.

The plane war phase is the novice trial stage for the player lords. It will officially end on February 10 of the eight barbaric year. Player lords who are still engaged in the plane war, please end the war in time.

On February 11 of the eighth year of the barbarian, when the game restarted, the game officially entered the era of planetary hegemony.

The era of planetary hegemony is also called the era of the great earth. All planes will be merged into one planet. This planet uses the earth as the blueprint. All player lords will start a brand new life on this new planet.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, the science and technology tree system will be cancelled, and the development of science and technology will be people-oriented, and there will no longer be any restrictions, except for thermal weapons.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, the war reward system and various war props will be cancelled. Except for some commonly used props such as Medicine Pill and Immunity Gold Medals, the other props system will automatically exchange for you into scientific research points.

Bronze-level items are exchanged for 10 scientific research points, silver-level items are exchanged for 50 scientific research points, gold-level items are exchanged for 100 scientific research points, and diamond-level items are exchanged for 500 scientific research points.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, the war will enter the real war mode. At the same time, the war cloud system will be introduced. In the area covered by the war cloud, the teleportation array in the city will all be invalid.

The scope of the cloud of war is related to the number of enemy troops and strategic layout. Players are asked to explore on their own.

In order to compensate for the loss of the player lords, after entering the era of planetary hegemony, the system will compensate each player lords with a death-free gold medal and a world map for free.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, the new planet will be connected to the adventurer planet. The adventurer player can be teleported to the adventurer continent on the big earth through the teleportation array, or directly to the city open to the adventurer player.

After the adventurer player arrives on the big earth, he can set the resurrection point in the designated city until the city is completely occupied.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, all players can use their spirits to enter the neutral city, and players in the area covered by the cloud of war cannot enter the neutral city.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, the lucky roulette system will be opened. All players can choose to spin the wheel of fortune, and each spin requires one hundred earth coins.

The rewards of Lucky Roulette are as follows: a special prize for severed limb regeneration, a first prize for a specific race conversion scroll, a second prize for a random conversion scroll for a race, a third prize gold medal for innocence, and a fourth prize for Bliss Dan. A bottle of 5th prize pain relief pills and a consolation prize marching pack.

The player lord can use scientific research points to directly redeem racial random transformation scrolls (one 100 scientific research points) and exempt gold medals (10 scientific research points) directly from the system store.

The above is the main update content of the planetary hegemony era. Please check the official website for details. I wish you all a happy game! ”

After reading all the updates about the era of planetary hegemony, Ning Yuan’s entire face suddenly went black, because some of the updates were extremely unfriendly to player lord like him.

The first point is to cancel the technology tree system.

The development of Shenying Leadership to this day, with the exception of some technologies plundered from other player lords, most of the technologies are realized by Ningyuan using scientific research points to research technologies.

Once the technology tree system is cancelled, a lazy player lord like him will basically be caught blind. In the future, apart from relying on the people in the territory to explore by themselves, the only way out is to go out and snatch others.

The second point is to cancel the war reward system and various war props.

Ning Yuan can still accept the cancellation of the war reward system. After all, future wars will be in real mode. After winning, the opponent’s land can be occupied, so there is not much need for rewards from the system.

Similarly, because future wars will be in real mode, the war items are useless, and they should indeed be cancelled together.

In fact, what really made Ning Yuan unacceptable was the price at which the system recovered those war props.

The diamond-level war item system only gives five hundred scientific research points. The price is too low. Besides, the future scientific research points can be exchanged for racial random transformation scrolls and innocent gold medals. They have no effect. The system is a strong buy. Suspected of forced selling.

If I knew this would happen, Ning Yuan might as well sell it at a high price before.

It’s okay now, and it’s all rotten in the hands.

The third point is the introduction of the War Cloud System.

In the area shrouded by the dark clouds of war, all the teleportation arrays were ineffective. This change had similar effects on everyone, so Ning Yuan could still accept it.

The fourth point is to compensate all lord players for a death-free gold medal and a world map.

This is what Ning Yuan criticized the most, because in the future those players who lead the owner will have two lives, and some people even have three lives and four lives. How can this be played?

If Ning Yuan didn’t have a Cthulhu statue and a gold medal for immunity from death in his hand, then he might support this measure very much.

But he now has a Cthulhu statue and three death-free gold medals, which is equivalent to having a lot of lives, and it doesn’t make much sense to give him another death-free gold medal, so he hates this compensation measure. Maybe this is the selfishness in human nature.

The remaining updates are aimed at adventurers and entering the neutral city.

After entering the era of planetary hegemony, the adventurer player can finally officially participate. With the huge base of the adventurer player, they are a force that no one can ignore.

However, individual player lords such as Ning Yuan are not very interested in them, because they know very well what kind of impact the land will have when the land is opened to the adventurer player.

Although the generals are open to adventurers and players, teleportation alone can bring a lot of income to the player lords.

But the arrival of the adventurer player will inevitably cause a variety of thought impacts on the aborigines in the territory. This is what the player lords are most afraid to see.

So unless you are short of money or have absolute confidence in yourself, no individual player lord dares to easily open his own territory.

Ning Yuan’s Shenying Ling is still in the initial stage of private ownership, and the people in the territory are still eating a big pot of rice. If the adventurers and players are allowed in at this time, it shouldn’t be messed up directly.

So even if he gave Ning Yuan more money, he wouldn’t dare to open the teleportation array easily.

There are two ways for the adventurer player to come to the main planet, one is to directly teleport to the territory of the player lord that is open to them, the other is to teleport to the adventurer continent, and then find a way by yourself.

Because he hadn’t got the world map yet, Ning Yuan didn’t know where the Adventurer Continent was.

However, he estimated that this so-called adventurer continent should be a huge isolated island, which should become an important base for adventurer players in the future.

Then if anyone is closer to the adventurer continent, then he can only wish him good luck, because his face is so dark that it is basically hopeless.

As for the city of neutrality, it’s pretty much the same as before.

It used to be inaccessible when it was in a state of war, but now it is in a range shrouded by the cloud of war, and it is not much different.

The last update is the Lucky Roulette system.

The so-called lucky roulette, to put it bluntly, is to pit players’ money, because in addition to the special prize, other prizes are really not very good.

However, Ning Yuan estimates that there will definitely be a lot of players earning this roulette, because the two race conversion scrolls above will be very attractive to them.

The conversion scroll of a specific race means that it can be directly converted into that race after being used.

For example, if you use the Elf Race Transformation Scroll, then you will directly become a real Elf race and have the racial talent of the Elf race until you are completely killed.

The random race transformation scroll is to look at the face thoroughly. If the face is good, it may be transformed into a powerful race. If the face is dark, then the rat people and bunny people welcome you to join.

These two scrolls are basically prepared by the system for adventurers and players, because the race of the player lords has been determined, and they dare not use them at all.

If you use it forcibly, when your subordinates discover that you and him are not the same race, or you accidentally transformed into a weak race, then congratulations, mutiny may occur in your territory.

The sky is big and Nuwa is the biggest, so even if Ning Yuan is not very satisfied with this update, he must learn to accept it because his arms can’t twist his thighs.

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