Chapter 278

After Ning Yuan was busy with the things at hand and returned to Shenying City for dinner, the report on the battle was finally completed.

Looking at the battle report on the animal skin, Ning Yuan was mixed.

The good news is that in this battle, the Shenying leader captured a total of 1.5 million enemy soldiers and seized a huge amount of all kinds of heavy supplies.

The worry is that some elite legions led by the Condor have also suffered heavy losses. If there are more battles like this, these legions will probably be overthrown and rebuilt.

In this battle, the Shenying leader captured a total of more than 800,000 soldiers, more than 400,000 dwarven soldiers, and more than 300,000 elf soldiers, of which more than 300,000 were wounded.

Because the enemy came here this time and vowed to destroy Ning Yuan in one fell swoop, they brought a large amount of heavy supplies.

Various materials such as grain, arrows, wood, etc. are piled up like a mountain. Ning Yuan has sent a transportation team of 100,000 people to carry those materials, but it will take at least ten days to complete the transportation.

These heavy supplies alone would have been enough for Ning Yuan to squander for a long time, but compared with the loss of his elite army, these extraneous things were obviously not that important.

In this battle, although the Orc Heavy Infantry Corps was responsible for the striker, each of them had thick skins and heavy armor protection, so the loss was not big.

What really distressed Ning Yuan was the heavy cavalry corps with only more than 10,000 men.

After the battle of 10,000 heavy cavalry, only more than 7,000 people survived, and more than 3,000 people were killed in battle.

If it were to come to the last tough battle, Ning Yuan could not even imagine how many people would be left in this heavy cavalry corps in the end.

Although these heavy cavalry were all human soldiers, they were carefully selected by Ning Yuan from many soldiers.

Ning Yuan equipped them with the best horses, best weapons and armor, and conducted the most rigorous training on them.

As a result, they suffered such a big loss the first time they played, how could Ning Yuan not feel distressed.

The Shenying leader is now a big business, but he can only arm 10,000 heavy cavalry.

It is no exaggeration to say that each of these heavy cavalry is Ning Yuan’s flesh and blood, and they are all treasures, so they lose such a huge amount once, and Ning Yuan definitely can’t accept it for a while.

If possible, Ning Yuan would rather lose more heavy infantry than to see this heavy cavalry suffer too much.

Although it is unfair to other legions to think so, it can be seen how much Ning Yuan attaches importance to this heavy cavalry legion.

But the heartache, the heartache, the matter is irretrievable, so Ning Yuan can only look forward to everything. What he needs to do now is to find his own shortcomings, and then try to avoid similar situations from happening again in the future.

Ning Yuan lay on the bed, replaying every detail of the battle in his mind, and then he sadly discovered that the biggest culprit in this situation was himself.

After thinking about it several times, Ning Yuan found out several serious mistakes he had made in this battle.

The first mistake is that Ning Yuan should not allow the heavy infantry group to fight with the enemy when the enemy is too few.

Ning Yuan had a total of 570,000 troops, and the heavy infantry group occupied 190,000 troops, which was a full one-third of the military power.

Although this heavy infantry group successfully dragged down three times its own strength, don’t forget that they are all the elite of the elite, and they are also sharp weapons in the battle.

Ning Yuan later threw them there and ignored them, which was equivalent to directly breaking his arm.

The second mistake was that when the enemy was dragged into a stalemate, Ning Yuan was a little too impatient.

Although the physical strength of the heavy infantry is a big problem, don’t forget that there is an orc heavy infantry in the heavy infantry group army.

The tall, thick-skinned orc warriors are completely bulldozers on the battlefield. As long as they are given some more time, they can directly pierce the enemy’s formation, and then use points and faces to completely defeat the enemy.

Although the enemy is constantly sending reinforcements to support, once the enemy’s frontline is defeated, it is useless to come over as many reinforcements as they will be swept back together by the defeated frontline army.

Unfortunately, Ning Yuan was too anxious. He was afraid that the heavy infantry army would be caught in the enemy’s endless war of attrition, so in the end he couldn’t bear it.

The third mistake was that when Ning Yuan led the cavalry group across the battlefield, he passed straightforwardly.

You must know that he could have ordered a cavalry to launch a surprise attack from the back to the enemy, because the enemy was simply unable to protect the back of that army.

If Ning Yuan could send a cavalry to attack the enemy from behind, then the enemy’s front army would be defeated, and then he could take the opportunity to liberate his heavy infantry group.

This kind of heaven-sent opportunity of pie falling from the sky, Ning Yuan passed so straightforwardly. Looking back afterwards, he directly gave himself a big slap, which was really a shame.

The fourth error was that Ning Yuan would not use heavy cavalry.

Although the heavy cavalry was a weapon for attacking fortifications in the field, it was definitely not used by Ning Yuan.

The correct approach should be to send the elven archers to harass the enemy’s formation, and then wait until the enemy’s formation is disrupted by the elven archers, and then send heavy cavalry to rush into the formation.

However, Ning Yuan directly omitted the first step and directly led the heavy cavalry to go head-to-head with the enemy, using the sharpest spear to attack the enemy’s strongest shield.

Therefore, the loss of the heavy cavalry regiment was so huge that it was inseparable from Ning Yuan’s command errors, and Ning Yuan was the real culprit.

Of course, even though Ning Yuan had made many mistakes, the player lord of the opposing God King Palace was also half a catty compared to Ning Yuan.

First of all, their armies have never had any intersection before this, so these unfamiliar armies should not be arranged together, because this will only reduce the overall combat effectiveness of the army.

Secondly, a large group of them stood on the command tower talking and laughing, commanding the overall situation, thinking that everything was under control. They did not know that the fighters on the battlefield were fleeting, and when their orders were transmitted to the designated legion, the fighters Has long since disappeared.

Each of them thought they were Zhuge living, but they did not know that they were a group of heads.

Really think that the three heads can really beat Zhuge Liang?

Go ahead and dream of your spring and autumn.

In the end, Ning Yuan gave a vivid summary, that is, neither himself nor the player lords of the God King Palace are that piece of material.

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