Online Game Alchemist

Chapter 5: Gold finger

"Please choose the appearance of the character, it can be adjusted up and down by 50%!"

"Just keep the original look!" Luo Shuang is still very confident about his appearance. He is not a beautiful god, but he has been in love since elementary school. Can he be a little proud of his capital? This is also a point that my mother is very worried about. The girl is too beautiful. It is a disaster rather than a blessing. The plain is true.

"Please name it!"

"Luo Buma!" Luo Shuang still had a game name from his previous life, the nickname this high school group of buddies gave him! Anyway, in this virtual space, no one knows anyone, even in Jinghua University, not many people know yourself, and everyone entering the game is said to be scattered in various areas of each server, and there are still very few opportunities to actually meet. . This name Quan should be a remembrance and memory of his high school life. In the previous life, his game name was still apocynum, but he would never be that dodder girl again. But this life's self will never let history repeat itself.

"Character establishment is successful! Apocynum: Level 1, physical attributes: strength 6, stamina 7, intelligence 15, spirit 25, agility 10, luck?, charm?"

The attributes are basically the same as those in the previous life, but the spirit is much higher. Could it be the effect of rebirth?

Luo Shuang is quite satisfied with his basic attributes, basically in line with his physical fitness, and his intelligence is relatively high. Can a fierce girl who can be admitted to Jinghua University have low intelligence?

"Because you are an internal beta number, you have a chance to draw a lottery, please take advantage of it!"

"Raffle?" When Luo Shuang was surprised, a large disk appeared in front of him, spinning non-stop, and all kinds of purple and gold equipment, rare ores, various props, etc. were clearly visible on it. Shuang This game Xiaobai is overwhelmed and dazzled.

"Purple equipment, purple equipment!" Luo Shuang kept his hands folded in prayer. In addition to the purple equipment, she didn't know the other martial arts secrets or other things.

Who knows that it was the goddess of luck, or what happened, the pointer of the disc became slower and slower, and finally stopped with a ding-dong!

"Congratulations to player Apocynum for getting a space ring, I wish you a happy game!"

Space ring? Luo Shuang looked confusedly at the silver-white ring that appeared in the void in front of him. It was not as graceful and luxurious as colored gemstones, nor was it as elegant and elegant as a diamond ring. It was just a silver-white plain steel ring. It fits on your ring finger!

"The sealed lucky ring, lucky +1, increases the success rate of dropped items by 10%! Storage space 20, silver equipment!"

Luo Shuang's blood was boiling, and he felt his heartbeat speeding up. What he couldn't believe was that this kind of heaven-defying thing was drawn by him. This increases the success rate of item dropping, which means that in the future, you will fight monsters in the space and you will get more gold coins than others. A golden avenue seemed to be slowly unfolding before her eyes, making her very excited! You must know that in Genesis, game equipment and gold coins are very difficult to drop, especially in the early stage, almost all the novice life skills have not yet been developed, Genesis is like a brand new real world, if you need to build equipment and To make potions, then please learn related metallurgy and pharmaceutical knowledge in reality, so it is very difficult to earn gold coins in the early stage.

It was like a **** fight. Although it wasn't any purple equipment drawn, Luo Shuang, who was content with Changle, rushed into the game happily!

"I'm going! This broken game is too bt, I have such a super high attack, how can I save 20 copper coins after playing for a long time, can I afford the blood tonic in the year of the monkey?" The name of the game is "Yufeng" "Gong Feng looked at the wooden sword in his hand with great frustration, and at his already level 4, he was once again speechless about Genesis's bt level! Although he is the game owner of Genesis, the old man secretly spends all day with those technicians. The real holding of this game is the country. It is said that it is a joint work of the ten most powerful game companies. In fact, he is blunt. The father of the family was just dragged out as a target, and as the young owner, he knew very little about Genesis.

The introduction of the game is also very few, everything depends on the player to create it!

Let me go, which of the previous games is not an exquisite screen video. The popular movie stars act as endorsements. The beautiful cute girls wear various game costumes for promotion. Genesis is good, and the internal test quota is directly given from major universities. Of course, this quota It is not random, and it is initially screened through comprehensive quality rankings, involving all majors in all universities across the country. His own Jinghua University is one of the key pilots, but what has made Gong Feng very angry so far is, why did Dad let himself choose the most unpopular agronomy major of Jinghua University? I'm going, isn't that for farming?

I am a young man born with a golden spoon in his Yushu, who is in the breeze, and wants to study agriculture? Could it be that Dad’s next investment is to return to nature?

I was very angry for this Gongfeng, and now I am still **** off with my dad not to go home, and directly moved into the dormitory with a bag, vowing that he didn't plan to go back to see the old man before graduation. Anyway, the old man now sees Genesis except Genesis!

Even though he didn't know much about Genesis, Gong Feng still had some gossip after all, and he was ahead of everyone in upgrading and killing monsters.

"The dark night covers the earth, and the light does not know when it will reappear! Warriors, take up your weapons and explore this unknown world, where you will get everything you want, and you will finally find the answer! Everything is waiting for you to explore and start your path to glory, children!"

A solemn voice sounded, and Luo Shuang immediately descended into Genesis after experiencing a short pause in darkness. The previous paragraph will repeat every time I enter the game, and my right is regarded as a cutscene of the game. But after rebirth, Luo Shuang’s sensitivity to things has increased, and when he thinks about Genesis, as the most brilliant game of this century, it can even stimulate the human body’s potential and improve the human body’s overall quality in the later period. This passage is really just a cutscene. And there is no actual real meaning?

I regret it when I think of it!

In the previous life, I played games for Xie Jiaqi, so I chose assisted life players in the game. I have never played a few monsters. Naturally, I can't talk about using games to stimulate my life skills, otherwise I won't be cut!

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