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"Brother!! How's it going!!! Feeling something changed???"

Watching an ancient song kneeling on the ground and retching, Norrington anxiously stepped forward to help him up.

"Huh--I'm fine!!!

Pushing Norrington away, Gu Ge lay on the ground weakly, (mouthing) sighing, sighing:

"But it's so bad!!!

"Don't you want to express your thoughts after eating them all???"

Norrington suddenly felt like he was being tricked, and instantly turned into a shark face and yelled at Gu Ge,

"Brother!! Don't "Zero Four Zero" foolishly, do something quickly!!! Let's see what ability it is!!!

However, rather than being angry, he was more curious about what abilities Gu Ge got, and couldn't help urging him.

“It feels like nothing has changed!!!”

Gu Ge, who had recovered from his terrifying taste, stood up, then clenched his fist violently, and found that there was no change, and suddenly said strangely.

"You will soon feel the change, think about it carefully, you should have a lot of memories in your mind.

Sitting on the throne, Baccarat picked up the snacks on the small dining table and ate it, then threw a table knife and stabbed it at Gu Ge's shoulder.


I didn't expect Baccarat to suddenly start the ancient song, and the flying knife was directly pierced into the shoulder without any precautions, but there was no blood splashing at all, but a dull sound of the flying knife slamming into the wood was heard.


The moment he was hit by the flying knife, Gu Ge rolled over while clutching his shoulders.

"Stop making trouble!!! That's just your illusion."

Looking at the ancient song of playing treasures speechlessly, Baccarat reminded.

"Hmm!! It doesn't really hurt, this is Logia so amazing.

Pulling out the flying knife, looking at the thorn-like branches on his shoulders and the wounds that healed quickly, Gu Ge said in surprise, and then stabbed himself again.

Through the wound, Gu Ge could clearly see that the inside of his body had completely turned into a wood-like existence, and the broken wood on his body also gave birth to countless tiny thorns, which quickly twisted together and changed back to his own skin.

"Oh!! Logia - Mumu Fruit, a fruit I have never seen before, it seems to be pretty good, what are the specific abilities???"

Baccarat picked up a piece of dessert again and put it into his mouth, looking at Za Na and Norrington with fun, playing the ancient song of self-harm.

"Probably just make wood and control it!!!

Gu Ge didn't say a word, then activated his ability, the whole person turned into a piece of wood, slowly merged into the deck, and then appeared from the ceiling again within a few seconds.

After experimenting with the entire ability, Gu Ge put his hands into a wooden table, and then the table twisted like a living thing, and finally turned into a statue of Baccarat.

"That's about it!!!"

After Gu Ge finished this, he scratched his head a little embarrassedly.

"Very good!!! Mumu fruit should be regarded as the top fruit in Logia!!! Great potential!! If you train properly and at least at least, you can be comparable to an Admiral. If the opportunity is enough, maybe you can become an Admiral.

Let me set a small goal for you first. Your current development of the fruit is: first try to integrate into the Volunteer (Ps: Baccara's main ship) to control all the wood on all the ships, turn yourself into a ship,

Then I am trying to integrate the wood of other ships to join the Volunteer. When you can integrate the fifty warships and make the Volunteer into an invincible battleship, I am teaching you the next stage of development. "

Putting the last piece of dessert into his mouth, Baccarat said to Gu Ge still.


Gu Ge clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of yearning, of course he knew what Admiral represented, it was the top combat power in the world,

A Mumu fruit pushes him, whose potential is almost exhausted, to the potential of Admiral. Logia Devil Fruit is one of the biggest secret treasures in this world, and it has a strong increase in the human body...

"Congratulations bro!!!

For Gu Ge's future achievements, although Norrington is a little pity, he still wishes Gu Ge from the bottom of his heart.

"Hahahaha!!! It is thanks to you that I am where I am today!!! Rest assured, I will definitely find another powerful Devil Fruit to make up for you in the future.

Gu Ge also happily patted Norrington on the shoulder and made a promise to him.

"Xiao Nuo, you don't have to be envious!! Your potential was originally far beyond the ancient song, and your path is in shooting, Logia Devil Fruit is not very helpful to you, the real suitable for a shooter should be Paramecia fruit. 35

Baccara knew what Norrington was thinking, let alone someone who didn't eat Devil Fruit, even Baccara who ate Devil Fruit would be envious, not to mention Norrington gave a Logia by himself. go out.

"Ha!! Maybe!!!"

Norrington replied absent-mindedly. Although he promised, he didn't think so in his heart. How could a suitable Devil Fruit be so easy to find, not to mention that they didn't even have a picture book.

"You have to believe me!!! Let me tell you a little secret, I have a way to get 2.3 of the Devil Fruit after the death of the able.

Baccarat lay beside the ears of the two of them and whispered with a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"You... 39

. .

The eyes of the two of them were instantly rounded (harmoniously), and they said in disbelief.

"Hush !! We really got up before we really got better, just know a few of us, don't say it.

Baccarat hurriedly made a mute gesture to the two of them.

"Hi!! Admiral, I will defend this secret to the death.

The two are extremely grateful for their trust in Baccarat. If this kind of thing spreads out, Baccarat will become the enemy of all capable people, but Baccarat told the two of them without hesitation. trust.

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