Hearing this, Tiqi walked out of the residence slowly, and saw a sedan chair carried by four people parked outside, and the sedan chair was carried by four female slaves of the Tianlong people with good faces.

There are countless female guards and attendants around the sedan chair.

The leader is a chief maid with an expressionless face, she looks very arrogant in the face of the navy who are watching, as the saying goes, the prime minister is a third-grade official in front of the door, and this chief maid also has this mentality.

As soon as he saw Titch walk out of the room, his face changed, and he groveled to Flattery Titch.

"You're Lord Tichy under Elilith's palace, aren't you?"

"Please get in the sedan chair, and we'll take you to Mary Joya to meet Elilith under the palace." After

hesitating for a moment, Titch still didn't plan to get on the sedan chair carried by this person, not for other reasons, it was too special to fall off, and the earth was going to die.

"No need, you lead the way. "


the slaves obeyed, and at first glance they were instructed by the Elilith Palace.

Marlene Vando is very close to Mary Joy, one below the Red Earth Continent and one above the Red Earth Continent, and it takes less than an hour or two to get there.

When you arrive at your destination, you will find a huge and quiet courtyard, and the garden villas are all amazingly large and luxuriously decorated.

The roof is inlaid with gold, and the eaves are shimmering with the dazzling light of various precious stones.

The walls are as white as jade, crystal clear, and this building material is the best kind at first glance.

Moreover, in the place of Mary Joya, it is an exaggeration to have such a large courtyard residence!

You know, how many Draconians did Mary Joya live in? There are also countless slaves under the command of the Draconians, and there are not a few cps and guards, so it can be said that Mary Joya's land can be regarded as an inch of land.

Not only is this courtyard large, but there are no other buildings in the surrounding area for several kilometers, just to create a quiet atmosphere.

"Please come in, my lord, we are not allowed to enter here. Arriving

at the place, the Draco slaves bowed respectfully and explained to Tiki.

Titch didn't say anything, and entered the courtyard alone, then locked the door with a wave of his hand.

Walk towards the most luxurious main building.

It's been a long journey, and all kinds of flowers and rare plants are planted like weeds on the roadside.

There is also a large fountain in the middle of the yard, and the pond is full of golden koi.

The road ahead is paved with polished and rounded gemstones, which are hard but also have a special warm touch.

Walk into the building and open the door, it's empty, quiet.

Moving on, while looking at the luxurious decoration around him, he sensed the room where Elilith Palace was located with what he saw and heard.

The closer you go, the more pronounced the strange sound becomes.

Pushing open the bedroom door, I saw a pink smell gushing out of it.

This bedroom is more than 1,000 square meters and has a large bed in the center.

All kinds of facilities are available in a boudoir.

The most characteristic thing is that there are many gorgeous furnishings in this house.

There are classrooms, hospitals, cabins, offices, playgrounds... And so on different small areas.

There is also a platform that is used to polish and focus by others, and there are whips and sticks on it.

And in the center of the bedroom, Elilith Palace was tied up by herself in a special way.

Strips of cloth covered her mouth, her big eyes sparkling, and her perfect body, taller than Teach, lay on the bed.

As soon as he heard someone enter the door, he struggled violently, as if he had been kidnapped and panicked.

At the same time, tears flowed from his eyes, and he looked pitiful.

Inu was a woman of the sea, and as I had already said, she was able to turn the rooms of the makeshift dormitory there into a sea by herself.


, such as the teacher who teaches, the female pirate captain who was betrayed by his subordinates, the female navy who was caught by the pirates, the female pirate who was caught by the navy, the female prisoner in the prison, the female prison warden who was resisted by the prisoners, the female resident of the island who was sacked by the pirates, the ignorant and innocent little girl in the playground, and the nurse in the hospital.

One of the most obvious changes for her was the high-flying Draco who was captured alone by the slave rebellion.

Finally, just when Tiki thought it was over, Elilith Palace said that he would change his clothes, and that he would not be allowed to see it, and that he had to turn his back. After a while, her voice came from behind.

"Lieutenant General Dark, turn back.

Titch looked back and saw that Elilith Palace was wearing the inner lining of the navy suit that Peach Rabbit usually wore, and she was also wearing a navy coat, with a new pattern on her thighs, exactly like Peach Rabbit's spider, and a sword in the shape of a golden piro stuck diagonally at her waist.

After seeing this, Elilith Palace usually studied a lot, and even prepared a set of clothes for his girlfriend on Tiqi's face.

"You're so burning!" Illis

glanced at him, motioning not to interrupt the rhythm of the performance.

A respectful military salute was given to Tiqi.

"Rear Admiral of the Admiralty, Momotus Gion, salute Vice Admiral Darkman!" Time

passed quickly, and two days and nights passed before Tiki and Elilith Palace even noticed the passage of time.

Now instead of waiting for news from Hiryu in Marlene Vando, it is better to wait here with Elilith Palace by the way.

Compare the peach rabbit was also sent to the Lidinos Islands by Tiqi for safety reasons, and he had to carry the frame of a naval hero alone in the naval headquarters, which was very awkward.

Elilith Palace was still sleeping.

Tiki triumphantly watched Elilith's performance, half-lying on the bed and pulling out a cigar to smoke.

"Blu Blu Blu.

Titch pulled out a phone bug, the female phone bug, and it was connected.

"Lord Tichy, the Golden Lion is discussing with me when to escape from prison, please be prepared.

His tone was succinct, but vaguely full of pride.

"I know, you tell him in three days, just give him any information about the poor guards or other naval missions, and I will go to the Advance City to finish him off, and then my plan can be launched. "

Yes! I see!" Even

if he was as cold as Hiryu, he couldn't help but be full of anticipation for the pie painted by Titch, and his tone was a little excited.

When I hung up the phone, I saw that Elilith Palace on the side had woken up at some point, and her big eyes blinked curiously at Titch, and there was a little other meaning in it.

Titch hadn't intended to carry her on her back from the start, and needed her energy.

"Smack!" a slap made her think about it.

"Hmm. The

cruel and arrogant face of the huge beauty was a little red, and her cheeks were bulging and she looked very aggrieved.

"I'm not going to be a bullshit naval hero in the Navy, you can see it. Titch said with certainty.

Elilith was silent, looking as if she understood.

"To tell you the truth, those pig-like scum in your Draco people is the breed I don't look down on the most, this world is too boring, isn't it? A group of strong people are actually under the rule of this group of pigs, and the guys who don't have strength deserve to look down on the world like Lao Tzu?" "You're

not a simple Draco, Elilith, I can see that.

"My plan is to become the new god of the world, the true king of the world, overthrow your world government, and establish a real organization that envelops the whole world.

"I am the king of the world, the god who rules life and death, and my women and subordinates will be the new gods in your place, not some descendant of the gods.

"Now, there are two options for you, one, follow everything I have betrayed you and build this new world. Second, help me secretly, and cooperate with the outside to win the world government.

"As for rebelling against me?

Elilith Palace looked down and thought for a moment, then stretched out her finger and gestured, which probably meant that she chose two.

Titch happily stood up, pulled her up to her feet, and went out to eat together.

This is really worthy of the top Tianlong people's table, which is full of all kinds of delicacies, and the world's top ingredients can be used as leftovers to enhance freshness.

Elilith Palace set up a candlelit dinner table in a mood, took out a bottle of treasured red wine, and pulled out the wine stopper with a "poof".

"This is my treasure of wine for 800 years. "

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