Chapter 24

After listening to the story of Dongli and Broki, Jessica covered her small mouth and said in surprise: “Gosh! You have been fighting for hundreds of years. It’s incredible.”

Dongli and Broki smiled cheerfully, “We giants have always talked and counted. We have no winners or losers. We will not leave here.”

After chatting for a while, Arthur finally couldn’t help but tell the purpose of his visit to the small garden.

“You mean Armament Haki?” Broki scratched his head and said something that disappointed Arthur.

“We won’t.” Dongli and Brockey looked at Arthur.

“That’s it.” Arthur grinned reluctantly. Although disappointed, it was not impossible.

At the Twin Gorges, One Piece’s ship doctor Coracos was still there waiting for him and the island whale Rab. Since you can’t get two giants here, you can go to Coke Cos to try your luck.

“However, I know how to practice armed sex.” Dongli continued.

At this time, Arthur suddenly understood a sentence in Xing Yeye’s movie, life was ups and downs, it was really exciting. Arthur, who was disappointed just now, suddenly came to his mind.

“Do you know how to practice armed sex? Didn’t you say that you can’t?” Arthur asked.

“Yes, we all know it. Because in the second half of the route, the armed training method is not uncommon, and almost everyone can easily get the training method.” Dongli explained.

“As for us, it’s because of our special physique. Our giants are born huge, and our body and strength far exceed those of humans, so it takes more effort to cultivate Armament Haki than humans.”

“But the two of us have been fighting here for a hundred years, either fighting or taking time to rest or sleep, so we don’t have time to practice Armament Haki.”

“That’s great! I’ve been hoping to find a way to practice armed and white, Dongli, Broki, can you give it to me?” Arthur looked at the two giants expectantly.(Read more @

At this time, as a nobleman, Jessica was a little suspicious. Because she didn’t know anything about Haki, she didn’t know Haki either. Looking at Arthur’s attitude now, it seems to be very important. So I raised my ears and listened carefully.

Arthur’s request made the two giants laugh. “Brother, you brought us fine wine. It’s just Armament Haki’s cultivation method, and it’s not a precious thing. Besides, it doesn’t matter even if it is precious!”

After that, the two giants told Arthur about Armament Haki’s training methods.

Armament Haki, like seeing, hearing, and seeing is a power that everyone can cultivate. This kind of power is based on a certain strength of physical ability to stimulate cultivation.

Just like the internal force or qi in martial arts novels, it is a kind of power that can go from weak to strong, from colorless and invisible practice to black and hard, combined with the ability of the fruit to show different colors, and no matter how advanced it is, it will be invisible and colorless.

In short, it was amazing, and Arthur, who got the Armament Haki training method, was also very excited. This means that you can start to practice armed color earlier, and then your armed color will be very powerful when the times are in riots.

After learning how to practice, Arthur tried to practice first. Sure enough, there is a special power in the body, ready to move. With Arthur’s physical strength today, it may not take long for Armament Haki to be initially guided out for intensive training.

With a solution, Arthur was very happy. So he said to Dongli and Broki: “Let’s have a fight? Anyway, you can’t tell the victory or defeat. Why don’t you come to fight me? Whoever persists for a long time will win? Or whoever beats me first will win. ?”

“What!?” Three voices sounded in unison, and Jessica looked shocked. The two giants were equally surprised.

“What? Can’t it?” Arthur smiled lightly.

“Uh…We are both giants, born as warriors. You won’t be our opponent, and we can’t hurt you.” Broki’s expression was serious, and Dongli nodded in agreement with him.

“Don’t worry! I’m very strong! Logia Devil Fruit knows? I’m the thunder man who ate Thunder Fruit. Without Armament Haki, I can’t hurt me.” When Arthur said this, two big and one small and three people went big again. Mouth.

“Rang…Rang…Rang, Thunder Fruit!?” Jessica’s lively and lovely face was distorted. Dongli and Broki also looked at Arthur in shock.

Thunder Fruit is one of the fruits known as the top ability. Unexpectedly, they would run into a Thunder Fruit capable person.

However, as Arthur said, Dongli and Broki also felt that the method was credible. “In this case, we can try. Although it is difficult to defeat a Logia capable person, we will not admit defeat!”

“Of course! But you will definitely lose! I just don’t know who can stick to the last one. The one who sticks to the last one is the first. What do you think? This can also stop your dispute and go back to Elbaff. NS.”

When Arthur said that, the faces of the two giants became complicated. In fact, they have long wanted to go back, not only for their hometown and friends, but also for their wives. But I had to fight for the first place that year, and the two people who made heavy promises stayed here all the time.

“Well, we agree! But it’s not who sticks to the end who is the first, but who beats you first! We are Albuff’s fighters!” Dongli said.

Broki nodded with a look of pride.

“Okay, then! Come on!” Arthur laughed and disappeared into a thunderbolt, appearing in the huge clearing in front of the volcano.

Next, the two giants suffered. Arthur, who had already developed the fruit to 280 million volts, made hundreds of millions of volts in his hands. But the two giants couldn’t touch Arthur at all.

The two giants who had endured at the beginning couldn’t stop crying out in pain at the end. However, in order to win, they stood up again and again.

In the end, even Arthur felt exhausted and unsustainable, Broki finally couldn’t stand up.

[PS: Four more is over! The foreshadowing is also laid. This book is really hard work, hey, the data has been slower these past two days, I just want to cry. Basically, it can be said that there are no good results on the shelves… But take your time and don’t give up until the end. 】.

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