Di Mu originally planned to torture the other party after solving the moonlight Moria, but the other party didn’t know whether he was dead or alive, and he felt sorry for himself if he didn’t cut the other party.

Moonlight Moriah also looked at the sudden change in front of him in amazement, and when he reacted that Abu Salom was killed by Di Mu, his face suddenly showed anger.

Scattered bats~!

The shadow mages who had recovered behind Di Mu suddenly split and scattered, turning into pitch-black bats that swept behind Di Mu.

“Moonlight Moria, do you only have these few moves!” As soon as the pitch-black bat approached the back, Di Mu’s ‘Killing Domain’ had already gained insight, and the quenching current burst out around his body, directly causing the thunder hell.

The pitch-black bat continued to smash the powerful electric current, Di Mu looked at the moonlight Moria indifferently, and walked towards the other party.

To be honest, Moonlight Moria’s strength disappointed Di Mu a little, if only his own strength, the other party was not even as good as the original squirrel.

Di Mu didn’t know if it was because Moonlight Moria’s confidence was bruised after losing to Kaido, resulting in years of strength not advancing and retreating, or if the opponent’s own strength was only so little.

But that doesn’t matter anymore, because he’s ready to end this boring battle.

The electricity that erupted from the thunder prison did not disappear after shattering the pitch-black bat, but quickly converged on Di Mu’s body, which was the ‘current mode’.


In between steps, Di Mu’s speed increased sharply, and he appeared in front of Moonlight Moria in an instant like lightning, and at the same time, the ‘ink blood’ in his hand was cut out like thunder.

Moonlight Moria’s face changed drastically, and he quickly used the ‘shadow warrior’, and his body and shadow exchanged positions, but before his body could be completely shadowed, the ‘ink blood’ had already cut into his body.


A stream of blood rushed out from in front of Di Mu, and Moonlight Moria’s body turned into a severed shadow, and a scream sounded behind Di Mu.

“Ah~!” Moonlight Moria, who had exchanged positions with the shadow, had a distorted complexion, a bloody wound on his abdomen and chest, and even the internal organs inside could be seen, and he knelt on one knee in pain.

Although he successfully exchanged places with the shadow, Moonlight Moria was still a step slower, and even if he avoided the tragedy of being cut off, he was also cut out of a serious wound by Di Mu.

Under the pain, blood-red bloodshot appeared in Moonlight Moria’s eyes, and he looked up at Di Mu angrily, and also immediately controlled the severed shadow, and his hands turned into shadow horn guns and stabbed Di Mu.


Di Mu, who was full of electricity, coldly turned around and kicked out, and the terrifying power and chopping wave directly kicked the Shadow Horn Spear and the Shadow Mage to pieces.

The majestic power directly triggered a roaring impact, and the aftermath even rushed out more than ten meters, shattering a huge piece of rubble not far away.

Di Mu showed his tough nature, and ripped off the broken clothes on his upper body, revealing muscles with many scars but full of perfect lines, and his upper body was the dog waist that countless men longed for.

Turning around coldly, Di Mu stepped a little, and instantly turned into an electric light and shot out, blinking to the moonlight Moria, not giving him any chance, just chopping out.

There was no time to react, the sword light flashed, and when Di Mu appeared behind Moonlight Moria in a flash, Moonlight Moria only felt a pain in his left arm, and saw an arm fly up from his side, spinning and landing not far away.

“Damn it, Dark Sword Hao, you dare to cut off my arm!” Moonlight Moria screamed miserably, his right hand quickly covered the broken shoulder that was bleeding continuously, and hurriedly turned around and looked at Di Mu fiercely.

“If you have no other means, then the next sword is your head!” Di Mu turned around and raised his sword to the other party, and said lightly.


Suddenly, a huge palm descended from the sky, pinching Di Mu in his palm like a copper wall.

“The master runs away, I’ll block him!” The sudden owner of the giant palm was none other than the demon Oz, who had lost both (legs) and half lay on the ground, grabbed Di Mu in his palm with his only remaining arm, and hurriedly shouted towards Moonlight Moria.

“What kind of joke, what qualifications does a newcomer in a paradise have for me to escape, Oz pinch him to death!” Moonlight Moria roared angrily.

Oz the Demon couldn’t disobey Moonlight Moria’s order at all, so he could only squeeze his palm hard, wanting to crush Di Mu in his palm.


After clenching his fist, the palm larger than the house continued to tremble, and a dazzling electric light suddenly shone inside, and the burnt smell of roasted meat continued to come out of it, faintly being stretched open.

“No, master, I’m about to lose my grip!” Although Majin Oz did not feel pain, he also felt that there was a huge force in the palm of his hand that was constantly erupting.

“Damn, obviously just a newcomer, why is this bastard so powerful!” Moonlight Moria unconsciously took a few steps back, his face full of anger.

And in the next moment, Moonlight Moria found himself retreating, which was as if he was afraid of Di Mu, making his face change, and he was suddenly angry.

“Bastard, I actually retreat in the face of a new person, it’s unforgivable, but I’m going to kill that bastard Kaido and become the one who became One Piece!”

Moonlight Moriah suddenly roared like a vent, and countless tentacles as black as pipes appeared under his feet, rushing in all directions, stretching the entire terrifying three-masted sailing ship.


The pitch-black pipe tentacles constantly linked the zombies on the terrifying three-masted sailing ship, sucking the shadows of the zombies away like swallowing, and finally flowing into the body of Moonlight Moria.

“Power, I need power, shadows, give me all your power!” Moonlight Moria’s body continued to expand, and his strength was also increasing at a terrifying speed, and he continued to roar.

On the other side, the palm of the demon Oz trembled (trembled) more and more, and under the moonlight Moria absorbed hundreds of shadows, a brilliant electric light sword qi burst out from the clenched giant palm.

(Everyone doesn’t seem to be very powerful, are ready to add more, the result is so many standards actually did not meet one, feel so hurt, flowers will be given every day, 100V is only one dollar, 1000V is 10 yuan, automatic subscription is I updated to deduct, in fact, there is no difference from the usual V chapter, how to add more will be so difficult!) )

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