It is precisely because of this that Di Mu, who could only produce weak cuts before, can cut off the body of Karod, whose body is tougher than steel after the iron is made with ‘ink blood’.

However, Di Mu, who had won the victory, did not relax his mind, but gritted his teeth to prevent himself from falling, endured mental and physical pain and fatigue, and returned to the town full of strength.

Although he did not perceive the aura and fluctuations except for Karod when he fought before, in order to be just in case, Di Mu must not let himself show his powerlessness to prevent people from prying in secret.

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A week later, on a cliff somewhere on the island, Di Mu sat cross-kneeled, with ‘ink blood’ placed in the scabbard on his knees, silently performing sword meditation, stabilizing the realm of cutting iron that had not broken through the short time.

When he left, there were no enemies, but for safety, Di Mu returned to the town to buy some medicine and hid on the island to recover from his injuries.

Under the combination of electrotherapy and drugs, Di Mu only cultivated for a week, and the injuries on his body almost recovered, and taking advantage of this kung fu, he also completely stabilized the breakthrough kendo.

“Sure enough, the breakthrough of the realm of kendo has also increased the spiritual power, right!” I don’t know how long it took, when the cultivation of Dao Zen was over, Di Mu slowly opened his eyes and said in a low voice.

Cultivating kendo requires improving the sword heart, and after breaking through the realm of cutting iron, Di Mu’s sword heart has also undergone a qualitative improvement, which also contributed to his spiritual power greatly improved.

Di Mu had already experimented before, and after he broke through the realm of chopping iron, he urged the ‘source of electromagnetism’, and the current energy generated had exceeded 10,000 volts.

Of course, in addition to the current energy, the magnetic force of the ‘electromagnetic source’ has also become stronger, enough to control smaller iron products like the ability of magnet fruit.

Feeling the almost recovered body, Di Mu stood up, pulled the ‘ink blood’ out of the scabbard, and urged the electromagnetic force to use the ‘magnetic slash’ to make the ‘ink blood’ electric.

The growth of electromagnetic power has also increased the power of the ‘magnetic slash’, and Di Mu naturally needs to adapt to the increased power.

At the same time, as the current energy becomes stronger, Di Mu is also ready to develop it well, so as not to let the power of promotion go to waste.

More than ten days passed, Di Mu’s injury was completely healed, the ‘Magnetic Slash’ with increased power was also proficient, and he also developed the current move that was most suitable for him in his mind.

Cracking sound~!

Still on that cliff, I saw a large number of brilliant electric arcs released from Di Mu’s body, and he was like a generator that made the dense current flicker within a radius of five meters.

This is the current move developed by Di Mu, which refers to the Chidori flow of Sasuke Uchiha in ‘Naruto’, which envelops Fang Yuan with a powerful electric current, which can make enemies be shocked and paralyzed by strong electric currents.

Of course, although Di Mu refers to the Thousand Bird Flow, there are still differences between the two, in which Di Mu also adds magnetism, so that the current energy is bound within five meters of the body, so as to prevent the current energy from flowing far away and waste, but also greatly strengthen the control of current energy.

In order to distinguish it from the Chidori flow, Di Mu named this current move he developed ‘Thunder Hell’.

And the reason why Di Mu developed the ‘Thunder Domain’ was not because of how powerful this move was, but because he could paralyze the enemy’s body under launching this move and be able to cooperate with his own kendo.

Imagine when an enemy whose strength is equal to or stronger than Di Mu is suddenly paralyzed by the current impact of the ‘Thunder Hell’, even if this paralysis is only for a moment, it is still fatal.

Unless he possesses some special Devil Fruit ability and extraordinary body defense, Di Mu, who possesses the Slashing Iron Realm, is enough to cut off the opponent’s body at the moment the other party is paralyzed, and directly win the battle.

It was precisely because he saw that the paralyzing effect of the current was very suitable for his own kendo, Di Mu thought of the Thousand Bird Flow, and then developed the ‘Thunder Hell’.

After mastering the ‘Thunder Hell’, Di Mu slowly withdrew the current that was constantly flickering within a five-meter radius of himself.

“It’s time to leave, but there’s one more thing you have to do before you leave!” Di Mu touched his chin, muttered to himself for a while, then carried the ‘ink blood’ placed on the side behind him, and immediately left the cliff.

The ship that was originally placed in the dock for maintenance has long been repaired, and Di Mu can continue sailing at any time if he wants, but there is one thing that Di Mu has never forgotten, and even lingers in his mind as if he has a grudge.

When he first came to the Great Voyage, when Di Mu destroyed a group of pirates who specialized in robbing newcomers, he learned that the navy had given him the name of ‘sword bearer’, which made him feel full of shame.

And now, Di Mu is ready to go back to the field, so that the navy deeply understands the price of giving himself the wrong name.

The small island of Sanman has a naval branch base, but the naval base on the Great Route is not comparable to the four seas.

For example, the naval branch base of the fortress class not only has tens of thousands of naval soldiers, but also must have a vice admiral of the naval headquarters sitting in the town.

Although the second-class naval branch base is not as strong as the branch, it also has a combat power that surpasses the four seas division base, each branch has more than 500 naval soldiers, and there is a naval headquarters colonel sitting in the town.

This is the headquarters colonel of the Navy, not those colonels whose ranks and strength do not match in the four seas, and they are definitely the mainstay of the Navy headquarters.

In order to take revenge on the name given to him by the navy, Di Mu is now going to the naval branch base on Sanman Island.

If it was before he comprehended the Iron Slashing Realm, Di Mu might still be a little jealous, but now, he directly adopted the most arrogant posture and swaggered towards the gate of the branch base.

After a while, Di Mu came to the naval branch base established near the town.

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