Although Totnes Island is a three-way zone, the navy cannot enter the island to arrest pirates and criminals, but obviously does not let it go, so there will be warships responsible for patrolling the nearby waters, but whenever a ship is found to come out of Totnest Island, it will be well investigated.

“Stop and there is a ghost!” Di Mu complained, although he is not a pirate, the problem is that he is a traitor to the CP block, and if he is interrogated by the Navy, there will definitely be problems.

Di Mu did not hesitate to turn the rudder and quickly avoid the warship and leave towards the distant sea.

And seeing that Di Mu’s ship actually changed direction after shouting himself, the captain was suddenly shocked, there must be something wrong with this ship that did not fly the pirate flag.

“Fire, quick, intercept the ship in front!” The captain quickly turned around and shouted.

Bang bang~!

The gunners who had already been in position on the warship naturally ignited the line of fire immediately when they heard the order, and with a series of roars, six or seven shells suddenly roared out of the arc and blasted down towards the ship Di Mu was riding.

Although the cannons of the One Piece world are very pitted, and the quasi-head is rotten to death, Di Mu does not dare to bet that his ship has such luck against the sky as the Golden Melly and the Sunshine, and the cannonballs can’t hit it.

As soon as Di Mu heard the sound of artillery fire, he quickly locked the rudder and quickly rushed to the stern, and the ‘ink blood’ behind his sword was to swing his sword and slash at the falling shell.


The sound of cutting appeared in unison, and all the shells were broken from the break, split in half, and then exploded in mid-air.

“Since you are chasing after you, then you can’t blame me!” Di Mu looked at the warship that was in hot pursuit, his eyes showed a cold light, the ‘ink blood’ was raised high, and the blade of the sword suddenly shone with electricity.

It is not necessary to use ‘current mode’ to use the magnetic slash, on the contrary, just wrapping the current energy on the blade, the mental power consumed will be greatly reduced.


As the ‘ink blood’ was surrounded by electricity, Di Mu suddenly slashed down vertically with a sword, and a huge electric sword wave suddenly erupted above the blade, as if a crescent moon hanging into the sea hit the warship.

Under the use of the magnetic slash, the power of the current sword wave will also be greatly increased, which is no worse than the swordsman’s slash in the slashing iron realm.

The sea surface was cut out of a deep crack, and the current sword wave bombarded the warship almost instantly, only listening to the huge roar, but the warship of ordinary size was cut in half by the sword wave, and fell to the sea surface on both sides in a roar.

“Ah~ I’m going to fall, save me!”

“The warship was cut off, how is this possible!”


On the warship that was broken in half, those naval soldiers fell into the sea like dumplings, and even some unlucky eggs were directly torn in half in the range of the sword wave just now.

The captain on the warship was also caught off guard and fell into the sea, and then found a wooden board to climb on it.

The naval ranks of the four seas are all inflated, and if you calculate it in terms of strength, you must be demoted at least three levels in a row on the great route, which means that this naval colonel is only the captain strength of the navy headquarters.

After climbing on the board, the captain looked in horror at Di Mu, who was slowly collecting ‘ink blood’ into the scabbard behind his back, not far away.

He is not the kind of uninformed navy, he has also served in the Great Route, but because his strength is too poor, he will take the initiative to transfer to the North Sea.

“This person is actually Jianhao, it’s terrible!” The Captain exclaimed in his heart.

In this admiral’s cognition, the only swordsman who can cut off a warship of the size he is riding on is the kind of sword hao who has comprehended the realm of chopping iron, and he once saw a captain of the headquarters of Jianhao cut off a pirate ship of the same size when he was in the navy headquarters.

Di Muke didn’t know that because of his magnetic slash, a naval colonel thought that he was Jianhao, and after solving the pursuit of the warship, he continued to drive the ship away.


Smoothly obtained the pointer of the great voyage, and Di Mu was also officially ready to enter the great voyage.

In an island country halfway up, when Di Mu was replenishing supplies, he also turned the blade of the Hailou stone spear into a large dagger by the local blacksmith by the way, and casually hung it around his waist.

At the same time, the auction items that were detailed from the auction house were exchanged from the Bailey Exchange to a full 150 million Bailey.

When everything was over, Di Mu sailed directly towards the Upside Down Mountain.

“I didn’t expect that there were treasure maps in those auctions before, well, maybe you can have a treasure hunting expedition!” While taking the helm, Di Mu looked at a treasure map that was a little old and even tattered in his hand with interest.

When the Bailey Exchange was about to exchange all the auction items for Bailey, Di Mu accidentally found this treasure map in the auction.

According to the information recorded in the location and blank space on the treasure map, the treasure was buried somewhere in the misty sea of the Devil’s Delta, and it was originally lost there by a powerful group of pirates, and the only survivor took it out by luck after noting the location of the sea area.

It is rumored that the pirate group has previously ransacked the vault of a certain country, originally preparing to go to the New World, but sadly the group died in the Devil’s Delta.

Although Di Mu didn’t care much about wealth, he still decided to keep this treasure map, thinking of the opportunity to make a cameo appearance as a treasure hunter.

After carefully looking at the treasure map for a while, Di Mu carefully put it away, and then continued to steer, riding the wind and waves to move forward quickly.


Upside Down Mountain can be said to be the only way to enter the great shipping route from the four seas, and it is an incredible and dangerous mountain connected to the Red Earth Continent.

There are five waterways on the Upside Down Mountain, which are X-shaped, with four streams flowing in and one out, four of which flow against the top of the mountain, connecting the four different seas of the East Sea, the West Sea, the South China Sea and the North Sea, and the last channel flows into the Great Shipping Route.

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