“It should be here, according to the intelligence records of the base, this island is full of powerful beasts, and there are very few ships passing by, it should be able to cultivate peacefully!” Docking the boat on the shore, Di Mu walked to the beach and looked at the densely forested island in front of him with satisfaction.


Even standing on the edge of the island, there is a creepy roar from the island all the time, and you can even see towering trees falling and kicking up large clouds of dust in the depths of the island.

This island can be said to be a weak version of the island of the beasts of Ruskayana, and ordinary people will not come here even if they know it, just because it is too vicious, and the beasts on the island are enough to destroy the army.

But equally, for Di Mu, this island of fierce beasts was a good place to cultivate.

The more powerful the beast on the island, the better the effect of honing his strength, and when he reaches the top of the food chain on the island, it must also mean that his strength has improved.

Di Mu did not hesitate to walk directly into the dense forest of the island, ready to feel the charm of this island.


Just after walking into the dense forest less than a hundred meters, suddenly there was a roaring wave behind Di Mu, and at the same time a huge shadow also shrouded him.


Di Mu reacted almost instantly, and his figure hurriedly rushed forward, but he was still one step slower, and several bloody holes were torn out of his back as if he had been struck by a sharp blade, and even ‘ink blood’ almost flew down.

Looking back, a bobcat, which was even bigger than a fierce tiger and was five or six meters long, was looking at Di Mu with blood-red eyes, and under its claws were pits that had been torn and crushed.

“Sure enough, I didn’t disappoint me, I accepted this meeting gift, so let’s accept my return gift next!” Di Mu grinned, completely ignoring the injury on his back, and held the hilt of the ‘Ink Blood’ sword.


The figure was like an electric flint, and in an instant, Di Mu appeared behind the giant bobcat, and at the same time, a dazzling sword light was also fleeting.

The blood rushed wildly, the giant lynx chose the wrong opponent, and with the blood rushing out of the back, the body was directly broken in half, and fell heavily on both sides, making the ground shake.

From the moment he entered the island of fierce beasts, the bloody battle immediately broke out, and Di Mu, who put his sword into the sheath, showed a touch of excitement, and he was looking forward to the next days more and more.


Time is like water, and before you know it, two years have passed!

In the forest full of primitive atmosphere, a wild boar as large as a mountain completely bloodied more than ten meters away, broke under several large trees, fell weakly to the ground, and lost its life after convulsing for a while.

On the other side, Di Mu casually put the ‘ink blood’ in his hand into the scabbard behind his back.

“Some are not enough to chop, obviously they have such thick skin, they actually died in a few strokes, it seems that the cultivation is almost over!” Di Mu touched his chin and said to himself.

In two years, Di Mu is twelve years old, and his height has also grown, with a height of nearly one meter and six meters, and his strength is also stronger.

Within more than a year of landing on the island, Di Mu became the new overlord of this island of fierce beasts and reached the top.

At the same time, in the past two years, in addition to the usual ‘electrode strengthening’, Di Mu also practiced more rigorous cultivation on kendo.

Without the need to train during the day as he did at the base, Di Mu increased the number of ‘electrode enhancements’ from the original five times to eight times a day.

However, this is not that he is lazy, but human cells are somewhat limited, and when frequently strengthened with electric current, resistance and damage will occur.

Eight fortifications per day is the best and most perfect number of reinforcements obtained after Di Mu’s many attempts, which neither makes the cells resistant nor causes damage.

Similarly, the ‘electrode strengthening’ eight times a day also represents that Di Mu has been eight times the effect of normal training for a day in these two years, that is, equivalent to eighteen years of training.

Even if the physical qualifications were generally or even relatively poor, and the physical age limit, he could not achieve the best effect of cultivation without development, but Di Mu had steadily advanced his Dao power to a level of about fifteen hundred in the past two years.

Don’t think that this improvement is slow, think of the original CP9 in addition to Robluci and Kaku and Gabra, such as Bruno, Lion Snuggling, and Sound No Owl These people.

CP students have all been training since they were seven or eight years old, while Bruno, the male lion snuggles, and the sound owl, they are all about thirty years old when they appear.

However, their Dao power is only in their early eight hundreds, but they have spent at least twenty years during this period, not counting that their bodies have entered the golden period of strength improvement after they have begun to develop.

Di Mu’s cultivation under the ‘electrode strengthening’ was equivalent to eighteen years, and the Dao power increased from the original six hundred and fifty to fifteen hundred Dao power, and increased the Dao power by eight hundred and fifty.

Under the limitation of physical age and qualifications, it can be said that it is not easy for Di Mu to have such a big improvement.

Of course, in addition to the improvement of Dao power, the sword path that Di Mu has always attached great importance to naturally cannot stand still, and has reached the peak of the first class of swordsmen after two years of fighting and cultivating with fierce beasts, and is only one step away from being able to enter the realm of slashing iron.

It can be said that with Di Mu’s current strength, even if he enters the Great Voyage, he cannot be regarded as a weakling, and he is not much stronger than most of the pirates who are ready to enter the Great Voyage.

After feeling that the beasts on the island were no longer dangerous to him, Di Mu also felt that it was time to leave.

However, before leaving, Di Mu was ready to hold a farewell ceremony for himself, and he ignored the huge wild boar that he had killed, but leisurely walked towards the center of the island.

Although the terrifying roar constantly echoed in the dense forest, Di Mu walked all the way, but not a single beast attacked him, but the roar would stop abruptly, and there was silence.

The beast is also afraid, in two years, Di Mu has made the beast on the island understand that this skinny-looking creature in front of him is a terrifying existence, and everything that is targeted will be unloaded, where dare to be presumptuous.

(There’s another chapter at 2 p.m., where you ask for favorites, flowers, and tips!) )

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