With Brady’s explanation, the cadets in the audience were also a little commotion, as they have not even learned the sixth style of the navy, they are undoubtedly full of amazement that the swordsman can cut off steel just the second step.

“Instructor Brady, then may I ask if you have reached the ladder of the swordsman now, and can you tell us what the sword heart is?” Di Mu suddenly stood up from his seat, and asked Brady with a somewhat bright gaze.

“Of course you can!” Seeing that Di Mu asked questions with excellent performance among the students, Brady was very satisfied, and good learning was always favored by the teachers.

“I am in the second class of swordsmen, that is, the realm of Jianhao, of course, but my kendo talent is not very good, until now I am only in the early level of Jianhao realm!” Brady said with a smile, and even showed pride on his face.

Even if it is only an early-level sword master, being able to become a sword master is already what countless swordsmen yearn for.

And the swordsman of the sword hao level is not to say that he is in the four seas, even if he gets the first half of the great voyage, it is enough to dominate the side.

When they heard that Brady was Jianhao, the CP students, including Di Mu, also showed amazement.

Di Mu originally thought that the other party was just a swordsman in the first class, after all, the other party was a member of the CP organization, and he must be focusing on the Navy Six Style, but he didn’t expect the other party to have such strength in kendo.

“Brady’s strength is probably no worse than Solon, who defeated CP9 Kaku in the original book!” Di Mu said secretly in his heart.

Solon only comprehended the realm of slashing iron after the battle of Alabastan, even if he became a little stronger before entering the Justice Island chapter, but he would never cross too much, and Brady was also a swordsman at the level of Jianhao, and he must have studied the Navy Six Style, and his strength was naturally extraordinary.

Although CP9 has always been praised as the strongest by those pirate fans in the previous life, Di Mu knows that this is complete nonsense.

During this period of knowledge transfer at the base, Di Mu knew many CP secrets that were not shown in the original work.

Just like CP0 that is above CP1~CP8, the members in it are far better than CP9 members, and the members of CP organizations generally fall behind the scenes after the age of fifty because they are too old to perform tasks.

Fifty years old is still in the prime of life in the One Piece world, and his strength will not regress due to physical age, but may continue to improve.

Some of these retired CP members will enter CP0 because of their outstanding strength, and a larger part will become the hidden forces of the world government, or choose to become senior instructors of the base to train a new generation of CP members like Brady, and be assigned to the CP training base of the Four Seas and the Great Route.

It can be said that in addition to CP0, the incumbent members of CP1~CP9 are just a new generation after the old generation has retired, even if the strength of Robluch has increased rapidly, but if compared with the old generation of CP members, it will not be strong.

Di Mu judged that Brady may not be weaker than Solon in the Justice Island chapter, but he just thought weakly, but it was very likely that Brady was stronger than Solon at that time.

Just when Di Mu was thinking about it, Brady continued to talk about the sword heart that Di Mu asked after talking about his sword master’s level.

“As I said before, only by condensing the sword heart can you be called a swordsman, and the so-called sword heart is an illusory thing born by communicating with the sword day after day and using your own spiritual visualization!”

“Of course, although the sword heart is illusory, it is real for every swordsman, just like the sword master who broke through from the first class to the second class, it is because the sword heart is condensed strong enough to sense the breath and rhythm of everything in the world!”

“It can be said that the stronger the sword heart, the higher the spiritual realm of the swordsman, which also represents the strength of a person’s spiritual power, although the spiritual power is not as intuitive as the physique, but there is no doubt that the strong spiritual power is very important….!”

Brady talked more and more, and the topic gradually shifted to mental power later, and also listed a lot of the importance of spiritual power.

Di Mu also reacted immediately when Brady explained the sword heart and listened carefully, but when Brady said spiritual power, he froze.

The stronger the sword heart, it also represents the higher the spiritual realm of the swordsman, and it also represents the strength of a person’s spiritual power, that is to say that the swordsman is strong when he has a strong sword heart.

Di Mu’s heart trembled, and a surprise instantly arose in his heart, although he had developed ‘electrode strengthening’, he had not found a way to improve his spiritual power during this time.

Now Brady’s words are undoubtedly like finding an exit for him who is trapped in a labyrinth, which is ecstatic.

“Calm down, be calm!” Di Mu pressed the surprise in his heart and tried to keep himself as calm as possible, but even so, his eyes were full of fire (heat) when he looked at Brady, who was still talking on the stage.

If the swordsman can really improve his spiritual power by cultivating the sword heart and improving the sword heart, then this means that as long as he also learns kendo, then the spiritual power will inevitably increase, and it will also make the ‘source of electromagnetism’ stronger.

After feeling the benefits of ‘electrode strengthening’, Di Mu definitely attaches importance to the ‘source of electromagnetism’, not to mention that once the ‘source of electromagnetism’ can be improved, then the effect of ‘electrode strengthening’ will inevitably be improved, and it will also prompt him to become stronger at a faster speed.

Just in an instant, Di Mu had already decided in his heart that he wanted to learn kendo, and after he could teach, he was ready to directly find Brady and let the other party teach him kendo.

The next lecture Di Mu didn’t have much thought, he was completely focused on the kendo, and when the three-hour lecture was over, when Brady was about to leave, Di Mu immediately got up and followed.

“Instructor Brady, please wait!” After leaving the hall of the school, Di Mu, who was following closely, called out to Brady, who was heading towards the other side of the corridor, and quickly ran to the other party.

“Well?! It’s you, what’s wrong! Brady looked at Di Mu with some surprise.

(Today’s three chapters have been updated, the old rule, if you like this book, please support it by collecting or tipping!) )

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