Roya did not hide according to Nami’s words.

In fact, the wooden house is so big that there is no place to hide even if you want to.

It is better to take this opportunity to eat more to replenish your strength.

“Found it.”

The fishman shouted loudly and handed Aaron the bounty order about Roa.

“Boss, you see, is this guy the new Emperor Roya in the second half of the great channel?”

The fishman pointed at Roa in a somewhat nervous tone.

When the fish people around them heard, they were all shocked, “The new emperor of the sea?” ”

If it was really that person, if they annoyed each other, I am afraid that they would all be killed by each other.

In particular, a few fishmen who glimpsed the portrait of the bounty order were even more frightened to see Luo Ya’s face exactly like the portrait.

“Are you really the new emperor of the new world, Roya?”

Aaron came to Luoya, looked at the portrait, looked at Luoya again, and after carefully comparing it, he also frowned and groaned.

Roya ignored the eyes of the men, but quickly stuffed the food inside the large plate into the innermost part.


Aaron saw that Roya didn’t pay any attention to himself and couldn’t help but frown.

“Boss, it should be a misunderstanding, I heard that the new emperor Luo Ya is a member of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment, how can he be alone here, let’s go back.”

Behind Aaron, an octopus man spoke to Aaron.

When Aaron heard the octopus man’s words, the corners of his mouth suddenly flew up, and a cruel smile appeared on his face.

“That being the case,”

“Then you should die.”

Aaron sneered and suddenly punched out at Roya.

The power of the fishman is that the human is being quilted.

And Along’s strength has reached the level of general naval brigadier general and even rear admiral.


A punch exploded, and the strong wind instantly broke through the walls of the wooden house, and even a large tree outside the wooden house was broken by the lazy waist.


Nami looked at one of the walls of the wooden house that had been shattered and couldn’t help but change her face.

Just then, Along’s interested voice suddenly rang out again.

“Well, you can actually dodge my Fishman Karate and tell me, are you the new Emperor Roya at sea?”

Aaron looked down at Roya, who was sideways on the worn-out bed, but still eating, and asked with a grin.

“I am Roya, and I am the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates you are talking about, the new king of the sea of the New World, Roya,”

Roya did not deny his identity, swallowed hard, responded, and once again continued to sweep the plate of food that was already small.

“You guy, it’s too polite to eat when you talk.” Aaron snorted coldly, and a palm knife fell towards the back of Roya’s neck.


The bed was cut off in an instant.

Once again, Roya barely dodged Along’s attack.

After Roya swallowed the last bit of food directly from the plate into his stomach, he responded again, “It is impolite to talk while people are eating.” ”

Roya’s tone of voice made Aaron’s face darken.

“It’s kind of interesting, I’m interested in you.”

Aaron grinned and smiled.

Nami in the distance had a look of joy on her face, and at this moment, Aaron’s words seemed to mean to attract Roya.

Although he didn’t know why this Luo Ya was weak, as long as he delayed until the people of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment came over, Coco Yaxi Village would definitely be able to get rid of the control of the Dragon Pirate Regiment.

However, Along’s next words made Nami’s face that had just relaxed turn miserable again.

“In that case, I have decided to kill you with all my might.”

Aaron looked at Roa with a sneer, as if Roya’s little life was freely kneading in his hands.

“Since you’re all going to do your best, why don’t you just let me delay the death of the ghost?”

Luo Ya was not a little nervous in his heart, but just raised his head and asked Aaron seriously.

I had practiced with Reilly for a while before, and although I had run away early, the shadow body had brought all the cultivation insights to me.

It can be said that

Most of Roya’s belly black came from himself, and the other part was learned from Reilly.

“This guy, they’re all dying and still thinking about eating.”

Nami listened to Roya’s words and couldn’t help but pat her head and couldn’t help but whisper.


Aaron was also stunned, and immediately laughed, but his smile became colder.

“I see you’ll eat it after I kill you.”

With a low sigh, Aaron used his hands directly this time, and hit Luo Ya from both sides at the same time.

“It’s over.”

Nami couldn’t help but close her eyes, the helper she had found so hard to find who might help them get rid of the Dragon Pirate Regiment in Coco Yaxi Village was actually going to be killed by Aaron, thinking of this, Nami was a little unwilling in her heart.


“What, what?”

After a muffled sound, it was the incredible exclamations of several fishmen that came into Nami’s ears.

Na Mei Lang also secretly picked up a trace of eyelids and looked through the gap between her eyelids.

In the next instant, Nami’s eyes widened suddenly.

At this time, Luo Ya used both hands to actually clamp down on Along’s attack.

The next second, Roya’s arm was pressed and a kick was kicked on Along’s chin,


Aaron took a few steps back and crashed into the door beam of the wooden house, and the strong reminder directly knocked the broken wooden house that had been weathered for a long time to pieces.

With a bang, Roya and Nami were also buried under the planks.

The next instant.


The template was washed away, and Aaron’s figure reappeared, his teeth missing a few and his head a little cloudy.

But there was an angry expression on his face.

“But, damn, that damn human, where is he?”

Aaron roared angrily, and the whole person was like a wild beast.

At this time, Luo Ya also lifted the template and drilled out, looking at the roaring Aaron, and frowned.

“It’s a pity that there is still too little physical recovery, otherwise it will be able to kick you to death at once.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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