Facing the high platform, the Warring States spoke loudly.

As well as three generals, Navy hero Cap sits on one side.

Below, countless naval soldiers, bounty hunters, and five Seven Martial Seas listened quietly.

The Warring States mainly tells that this defensive operation was in response to the attack of the Whitebeard Pirates.

As for the details, and the reasons, it is not stated.

The crowd didn’t ask either.

After all, tens of thousands of naval soldiers only need to obey orders.

Thousands of bounty hunters only need to give money.

Five of the Seven Martial Seas must be called up by the Navy.


“I didn’t expect this guy of yours to come, which was a surprise.”

At the front of the line, the Seven Martial Seas stood side by side.

A dark green coat, one hand is a golden hook, and Klockdahl, holding a cigar, said lightly.

His gaze glanced at Mihawk, who was wearing a black gentleman’s gown and carrying a black knife on his back.

Mihawk, as the world’s number one swordsman, was very cold and ignored Klockdahl’s words.

A pair of yellow ring-shaped eyes, as sharp as an eagle, stared at the yellow ape among the three generals on the high platform.

Klockdale followed the eagle’s gaze.

Only to see the yellow ape, who is the three generals, his right arm has been transformed into an artificial robotic arm.

And there is a faint sense of science and technology of the golden light color stream light bar flowing in it.

Klockdale saw that Hawkeye was attracted by the yellow ape’s arm, and he took off the cigar in his mouth, smiled, and said lightly:

“I’m curious, right, the intelligence in my hand is talking about the arm of the yellow ape,

It was torn off by the heir of the whitebeard,

Later, the genius scientist Dr. Beck reformed. ”

With this sentence from Klockdahl came out.

Mihawk withdrew his gaze, his sharp pupils looked at him, and he said expressionlessly:

“So, the yellow ape killed Whitebeard’s heir?”

Accompanied by this sentence from Mihawk.

On the other side of Mihawk, the Sea Man was very flat, and also set his eyes on Klockdahl’s body.

As a fish-man tribesman, Ji Ping was close to the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment before he served as the Seven Martial Seas.

Therefore, this time the navy gathered the Seven Martial Seas to organize the battle against the Whitebeard Pirates, and a lot of information was passed on to the Moby Dick from him.

At the same time, he had also heard early on that Whitebeard had such an heir, but he had never had the opportunity to get to know him.

“If this is true, then the Navy… It’s really dead. ”

Cloaked in a trench coat, very flat in size like a ball, he opened his mouth.

However, just after Shi Ping finished speaking.

Hawkeye Mihawk only felt a flash of electric light that suddenly penetrated his brain domain.

Similar to the intuition of the sixth sense, he suddenly turned around and faced the countless naval soldiers behind him, a pair of eyes looking into the far sky.

A large number of naval warriors, as well as bounty hunters, especially swordsmen.

Seeing the world’s number one sword master suddenly behave strangely, doubts arose in their respective hearts.

Turn around and see what?


The Warring States on the high platform also suddenly spoke in the middle of the conversation.

At this time, the Warring States and the three generals around them, as well as Kapu, all looked solemnly and looked at the distant sky in front of them.


A large number of people in the Place de Malin Fando began to let out an uproar and discussion.

“What’s wrong? What are the marshals and generals looking at? ”

“Don’t know? There is nothing in heaven. ”

“Be careful, there is definitely danger approaching, we just don’t perceive it.”


Accompanied by the chatter of many people.

Some of the powerful ones, infused into the Seven Martial Seas, as well as the elite admirals of this level, also seemed to sense that some crisis was coming.

Turn around and look into the sky in the distance.

Next second.

“Woohoo woo woo!!! woo

“Woohoo woo woo woo woo!!! woo woo

The sharp sound of the air defense siren sounded from the various sentry towers on the edge of the headquarters.

The loud sound reverberated on the naval headquarters.


Tens of thousands of people tensed up in unison, showing a cold sweat on their foreheads, and began to frantically search for the location of the enemy.

“What’s wrong?! Is Whitebeard already here!? ”

“It’s an enemy attack! Where is it!? ”

“Did anyone see that?” Where? Where is the enemy? ”

“I didn’t see it!” But the generals were all looking at the clouds in the sky! ”

“Heaven! It’s heaven, I see! There is a big blue bird soaring with its wings. ”

“Here I go! It’s really a bird, what kind of bird is this? ”


When countless pairs of eyes look to the sky.

Someone found Marko.

But because these people, who were basically strong people in the first half of the great voyage, did not know who this bird was.

However, the top admirals of the navy, along with the Seven Martial Seas, recognized it at a glance.

“Wouldn’t it be too arrogant for the undead Bird Marko to come alone with him?”

Karp on the high platform, looking at the blue birds looming on the clouds, murmured.

The mighty are also doubtful.

“No, there are people standing on his back!”

The sharp-eyed Warring States suddenly glared and shouted in surprise:

“Whitebeard stands on its back!” Get ready to defend! ”

The sound of the Sengoku was heard throughout the venue through the megaphone in his hand.

When the crowd heard these words.

I haven’t had time to shock yet.

Countless pairs of eyes saw that this big blue bird in the sky began to dive downward.

And, on the back of the big bird.

A majestic figure holding a knife in both hands was striding steadily.

The robe behind him was blown out of the body.

Reveal a bulging muscle!

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