Accompanied by this faint chant of Roya.

His folded palms suddenly opened in waves.

And when he just made this move.

The ground behind him suddenly bulged, making a sound of earth and stones exploding.

Immediately afterward, a huge wooden palm rushed out of the cracks in the ground, and the earth and stone appeared to burst and impact.

When the falling Battle Peach Pill in the air saw this scene, his frightened lower body was suddenly cold.

What’s going on?

How could such a huge wooden palm suddenly appear on the ground?

The size is comparable to the palm of the giants!

Moreover, this wooden palm seemed to have vitality, and it was constantly extending upwards, grabbing at him.

Just when Zhan Momomaru was shocked.

The large palm of the art of the cloth bag had reached him.

Battle Peach Pill wants to escape, but finds that his body can’t keep up with his thinking.

The body froze in this instant!

I could only watch as the huge wooden palms were covered.

Like a fly slapping, a slap slapped the fleshy shield-like body of the Battle Peach Pill and whipped it down fiercely.


At the moment of contact between the two sides, a ring of milky white air waves exploded in the air.

The Battle Peach Pill directly turned into a shadow and shot into the street floor.


The street instantly centered on him, collapsing into a cobweb-like depression.

The dust rolled up, and everyone in the street was shocked to the point that their noses were bubbling and dumbfounded.

After a few short seconds, a large number of people on the street reacted.

Suddenly, there was an uproar:

“The ground, the ground actually grew a wooden palm!”

“So big! Slap that guy straight into the ground! ”

“I just saw a sonic boom!”

“This little brother is also too tough, right!?” O Demon Fruit Ability! ”


With the noise of the people, Roya stopped.

Turning around and walking to the edge of the big pit where the Battle Peach Pill was located, he looked at the bottom of the black hole hole with no expression on his face and said:

“What do you say you pretend to be forced?” Is it good to lie down honestly? ”

After speaking, Roya shook her head wordlessly.

As if the strong were again speechless and sympathetic to the challenger.

Just after Roya said this, a piece of rock at his feet suddenly rolled down.

Followed by.

A voice from deep underground, full of high war spirits, sounded.

“Walk alone on empty feet!”


Roya’s ear roots trembled.

Only to see a remnant of a shadow rushing from the cave into the sky.

In the air, the Battle Peach Pill was covered in stains, and the corners of his mouth hung a bright red.

At this time, he was posing in a fighting posture in the air, aiming straight at Roya with one hand and charging his fist with the other arm.

Luo Ya looked up at his posture and knew in his heart what the big move he was going to make.

In the original book, Battle Peach Maru is a rare domineering master!

He can do just like Reilly, directly evolving domineering into substantial attack power outside his body.

Hitting opponents in the air, and even injuring internal organs, is far more powerful than the winding and hardening of armed colors.

It is a very high-level armed color domineering, and only a very powerful person can do it.

“To Die!”

In the air, the Battle Peach Maru aimed at Luo Ya and directly punched out in the air.

An imperceptible shock wave slammed towards Roya.

Roya in the Immortal Mode state did not hesitate at all.

He looked motionlessly with his head held high.

Suddenly, the large wooden palm behind him bent his body like a guard, and the huge palm took the shape of a C character, protecting Luo Ya to death.

And the so-called domineering shock wave, not even a trace of debris in the palm of the wooden hand exploded.

Directly dissipate into nothing.

When the Battle Peach Maru, who was slowly falling, saw this scene, his expression flashed with shock, and he secretly said in his heart:

“What is the material of the wooden palm that this boy summoned?”

My domineering impact can even be broken by steel. ”

However, if the Battle Peach Pill knew the origin of the Cloth Bag Technique that Luo Ya was now performing, he would probably be relieved.

I believe that those who know the Thousand Hands Pillar know it.

Senju Pillar and Uchiha Ban used this trick when they were fighting.

This trick is to send Chakra to the ground, producing countless wooden hands.

Operate at will, with high abusive and maneuverability.

Because although this technique will release many huge hands, but the launch time is very short, the enemy does not know where those hands will appear, this mysterious ability makes it difficult for ordinary people to avoid.

And for “Susanohu” who can split the peaks of the mountain.

These wooden hands can also catch Susanoo’s sword with their bare hands.

It can also grab the limbs of the nine tails and fix the nine tails to the ground.

Such a comparison.

Will the so-called domineering release and blasting out steel be too low-level?

Immediately, the Battle Peach Pill landed.

Watching warily at Roya, who had lifted his shield.

With anger, he rebuked:

“Stinky boy! I am the captain of the Science Unit of the Naval Headquarters, Battle Peach Maru!

You should also know why I came to arrest you.

I urge you to stop resisting immediately,


On this island,

But there’s an admiral at the helm,

Maybe it’s coming. ”

As soon as Zhan Tao Maru said this, a large number of onlookers around him were silent, and their expressions retreated to all corners with shocked expressions.

A bearded man was lying at the window and communicating with a group of shampoo goons selling news next to him:

“What a situation! I thought it was just an ordinary contradiction, but I didn’t expect that fat man to be the captain of the naval science unit! ”

“Here I go! Didn’t the Admiral catch the demon fox at 17gr?! ”

“Is this little brother a sea thief?” Admirals are needed to come and arrest !?? ”

“I don’t even have the image of this little brother’s appearance and ability, when did such a young person appear on the sea?”


Accompanied by the chatter of the crowd in the corner.

A cold wind blew over Roya and Battle Peach Maru’s side.

A newspaper ball rolled between the two.

Luo Ya took a deep breath, shook his head helplessly, and said:

“Stubborn! Admiral … It’s not that I haven’t played it! ”

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