With the departure of the yellow ape.

The whole room fell silent at first, and then the elite generals began to talk.

After all, the Chambord Islands are not very far from the naval headquarters.

At the speed of a yellow ape, it will soon arrive.

But what made the generals talk about it was this.

What is the upper limit of strength for the heir of Whitebeard?

What kind of demon fruit is eaten?

With the body of a demon fox, making a big fuss in the Holy Land, and also falling from the Red Earth Continent straight into the Heavenly Dome to the Chambord Islands, when it will not be found, it is already a pool of corpses and blood, right?

Why is there so much difference between getting information about Roa every time you get it and the existence of Roya that you see in reality?

Doesn’t it mean that when Dressrosa beat Doflamingo, a thousand-handed Buddha would be summoned?

Along with the inquiries of many elite lieutenant generals, the Warring States continued to hold meetings.



Chambord Islands.

Anyone who has seen One Piece should know that the Chambord Islands are divided into 79 islands.

In fact, they are islands formed by the huge roots of Yalchiman mangroves exposed to the air.

The 79 islands are neatly arranged semicolons.

Nos. 1 to 29: There are mainly human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal areas, etc.

30 to 39: There are mainly soap bubble parks and so on.

Nos. 40 to 49: There are mainly sightseeing areas, souvenir shops, etc.

Nos. 50 to 59: mainly shipbuilders, coating craftsmen, etc.

Nos. 60 to 69: mainly naval garrisons, government entrances and exits, etc.

Nos. 70 to 79: There are mainly hotel streets, etc.

At this time, on the edge of a lush forest in the 17GR lawless zone.

Roya was naked, with her back to the sky, lying on the ground and falling asleep.

After many days of violent walking, his physical strength had long been exhausted.

While falling asleep, the abdomen constantly made a hungry sound.

Just then, a group of large men armed with guns, escorting cage cars that resembled prisoners’ cars, passed by.

In the cage car sat seven or eight men with different images.

There are old and young.

But they all wore slave collars around their necks that would explode.

“Huh? How come there’s a bare-ass guy on the ground? ”

In front of the cage car, the leading Mohican haircut man noticed Roya on the side of the road.

“It is estimated that it is another unlucky ghost, after all, this is an illegal area, and the killing of people in cross-cargo has happened less, let’s go.”

A thin freckled man next to the strong man urged impatiently.

However, just as the freckled man was talking, the strong man had already walked over with a gun.

It was found that Roya was actually a living person.

“This boy is in good shape, the length is also good, there should be rich women in the auction house like, come, put a collar on him, find a piece of cloth for him to wear, send it away together, it should be an extra fast.”

With the order of the strong man.

A minions ripped off a green cloak from an old man with silver hair and silver whiskers and silver wire glasses.

Put on the sleeping Roa with a cloak.

Followed by.


A slave collar was put around Roya’s neck.

Subsequently, Roya was thrown into a prison cart.

At Roya’s side was the owner of the cloak.

Unlike the other captured slaves in the car, this silver-haired and silver-bearded old man was very calm and relaxed.

If Roya had woken up from her slumber at this point, she would have recognized it.

Isn’t this old fellow, Silbazreilly?

One Piece’s co-captain.

Legendary sea thief!

At this time, Reilly, maintaining the upward corner of his mouth, his wise eyes swept over the Roya in front of him.

ps: I know this chapter is a little bit less, something to do tonight, rushed back, wrote twelve hundred words.

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