Sakarsky’s idea, though extreme, also caused many people to think about it.

A moment later, a silver-haired, old-fashioned lieutenant general of the crane, shook his head:

“There is something wrong with Sakarsky’s idea, the old man suggests,

Let’s figure out the relationship between Whitebeard and the Great Ape first

We can think of taming,

Maybe the Whitebeard Pirates are already doing this kind of thing. ”

Lieutenant General Crane had just finished speaking, and the naval hero Lieutenant General Kapu, wearing a dog-headed hat, laughed as he ate the biscuits

“That giant ape is really strong, I want to fight with him hahahahahaha.”

Immediately afterward, the green pheasant and the yellow ape among the three generals, two lazy goods who could not beat the spirit for many years, raised their hands and voted:

“I support Lieutenant General Tsuru’s proposal.”

“I also support Lieutenant General Tsuru.”

Sakarsky glanced at the two people around him, with a cold expression, clasped his hands to his chest, and then did not speak.

“Then, according to Lieutenant General He’s wishes, first order the intelligence department to probe for more information.”

Sengoku said.


Meanwhile, in the royal palace of the Kingdom of Dressrosa in the New World.

Don Quixodo Flamingo is sitting in a lavishly decorated dormitory.

The lights in the palace are dim.

Mingo tasted the wine while watching the video phone bug playing.

His upper body is draped in his signature pink feather collar, and a white shirt.

The lower body is also full of red leggings and small leather shoes.

His facial features are angular and he wears his signature sunglasses.

As he watched the video phone bug play, the corners of his mouth rose more and more, revealing the curvature of excitement and white teeth.

The whole person exudes arrogance and madness.

“Mm-hmm-hahahahahahaha it’s interesting that there are such powerful creatures in the new world


If he had been captured and dedicated to Kaido, he would have been very happy. ”

At the end of the play, Mingge let out a low, dark laugh that reverberated in the palace, which was chilling.

Just when Mingo plans to use the phone bug to contact Kaido.

“Porphyria porphyrum ~ Porphyrin purr Porphyrium ~ ”

The phone bug on his body suddenly rang.

Mingo skillfully put his hand inside his shirt and took out a small telephone bug with pink stripes.

This phone worm was basically no one except the Don Quixote family cadres.

After the phone worm’s eyes become elongated.

Immediately afterwards came a strange voice that was sharper than the woman’s.

“The young lord, the anonymous seller who sells the news of the Whitebeard Pirates, has released another message

Price: 500 million Bailey,

The name of the intelligence is [Whitebeard’s greatest secret, heir to the Four Emperors, and future second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirate Regiment.] 】

Need to buy? ”

After Mingge heard it, the corners of his mouth slightly curved with excitement.

As if to say, half a billion, really dare to bid it.

However, Doflamingo, as a leading figure in the arms trafficking industry in the underground world, is only half a billion Baileys, and he still pays for it.

And according to his understanding.

Generally, those who dare to peddle secret information within the forces of the Four Emperor-level Pirates Regiment are generally internal personnel to earn extra money.

But daring to bid such a high price, even if it was him, it was the first time he had seen it.

“Buy, I’d like to see if this intelligence is worth half a billion baileys.”

Doflamingo ordered into the phone bug.

Accompanied by Doflamingo’s orders were issued.

The top leaders of the world’s big guys are also buying at the same time.

At the same time, on some sea area of the New World.

The weather is clear, blue sea and blue sky.

The huge Moby Dick moored quietly on the surface of the sea.

On the deck, the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates was partying.

Noisy and chaotic, the smell of wine and flesh, laughter and laughter.

Whitebeard sat in the main seat at the back of the deck, drinking heavily.

The whitebeard of this period, the body is OK, not like the beginning of the original plot, full of infusion tubes, next to the beautiful nurse waiting.

Suddenly, Marco came out of the cabin, walked quickly to Whitebeard, and said anxiously

“Bad Daddy! Someone sells Roya’s intelligence on the intelligence network of the underworld, and also bids half a billion baileys! ”

Whitebeard had just handed a bowl of wine to his mouth.

After hearing Marko’s words, his arm suddenly froze.

The face, which was still a little smiling, suddenly became serious.

He had repeatedly told him not to leak out about Roya.

Actually after five months, someone is selling in the underground world?!

It’s a lot of guts.

However, as the emperor of the sea, Whitebeard also clearly understands the rules of the world, and the seller of such things as intelligence is generally anonymous, even if he is Whitebeard, he cannot be traced.

Whitebeard’s cold gaze swept over the many crew sons on the deck in front of them who were laughing and laughing.

A thought arose in my heart to interrogate everyone.

But Whitebeard momentarily dispelled the idea.

After all, the crew members were his sons, and the youngest trainee crew had been on the ship for almost three years.

He would not be suspicious of his sons.

“Captain Joz’s ship is back!”

Suddenly, the sentry above the beluga whale mast shouted at the crowd on the deck below.

During this time, every month a captain would leave the Moby Dick for Sphinx Island to teach Roya.

Today, it just happens to be the day Joz returns.

However, as soon as the words fell, on the deck of an outer ship directly in front of the Moby Dick, Joz paced nervously and repeatedly.

“Captain Joz, you’ve linked to the phone bug on the Moby Dick.”

One of the crew members behind Joz handed him a phone bug.

“Call Marko, quick.”

Joz ordered.

Marko, who was standing in front of Whitebeard, suddenly the phone worm in his arms rang and quickly connected.

“Marko, big deal! Roya ran! ”

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