One Piece: Start With Trash Collecting

Chapter 558: The island sinks!

"Father, it seems that we were put together by the Xiao organization!"

"We are now considered to be members of Akatsuki by the Navy."

Dokal also created a shield in front of him at this time, walked to Dolock's side, and said directly.

"But, who passed the information we are here?"


"Could it be that this organization was also infiltrated by Akatsuki?"

Dorok was puzzled.

You know, he originally suspected the infiltration of Akatsuki members in the Navy.

Therefore, when implementing this plan, only a few cp0 members were told.

But now, the people of Akatsuki didn't wait for the arrival, but waited for the naval shells.

"Damn it, are you a member of Akatsuki?"

Dolock grabbed a cp0 member beside him and said directly.

"Dolok, we are here when we receive your notice."

"Now, we are here, also in the range of being bombarded."

"We are being calculated!"

The Cp0 person also directly took off the hat from his head and threw it away, and said directly.

"Report to General Polusalino, a member of Akatsuki's organization in front has lifted the hat."

"It's the deputy captain of cp0, Gournaldo."

At this time, Huang Yuan's watchman also walked in front of him and said quickly.


"These guys, it's so fast!"

"Now, it has penetrated into cp0."

"It's terrible!"

Although Polusalino said terrible, he was still cutting his nails lazily.

No matter how the opponent wants to fight, it is only the first round of temptation.

He knew that the shells didn't have much effect on the powerful group of Akatsuki organization.

"Attention everyone, if the opponent has the Devil Fruit ability, they will sink the island first."

"Next, snipers and long-range swordsmen will slash."

"Porussalino, general, I hope you will help me in a while."

Gion said loudly.

"Ah, do you want to start the second step?"

Porusalino glanced at the camera phone worm next to him and said slowly.

"It doesn't matter who the opponent is, just hit it first."

"Members of Akatsuki, life and death!"

In the phone bug, Sakarski's voice was also heard.

"It's really troublesome..."

As Polusalino said, he flew slowly.

Then Ba Chi Qiong Gouyu directly released.

"Ice body!"

"Ice Lei Chang Yan!"

Nighteye had also shot, and there was no long sword, which was more than tens of meters long, directly in the air.

With lightning, he quickly blasted towards the island.

After an attack, the entire island disappeared.

Only a piece of sea floating with ice and ship fragments remained.

"Porusalino, this is Doroc."

"We are here pretending to be members of Akatsuki. We originally wanted to attract them."

"You guys, stop attacking immediately!"

Dolock didn't care what his previous plan was now.

If you are not speaking, you will probably never be able to speak.

"Lieutenant Dolock?"

"Sorry, I didn't receive such an instruction, please apply like the marshal."

Polusalino doesn't give face at all.

You know, he is not the one who issued the order to kill demons, and Sakarski's request is a matter of life and death.

As for other troublesome things, he didn't want to do it.



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