One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 472

"Well, I remember Quinn is Zoan, the Ability User of the ancient species of Windsaurus, right?"

"Just now, he was pretending to be a tiger?"


Ye Tong looked at Quinn with some doubts and said slowly.


"As for why there is such a strange attack, maybe I want to pretend?"

"However, I encountered Fengyue, he is unlucky."

Gion said directly.

"They, grab them back."

"This guy came out, the sea will be clean for a while."

"Ye Tong, you guys Go back and stay for a while."

Crane said slowly.

As for that, Jhin was already a little dazed at this time.

Fengyue glared at him just now, the powerful aura still has an influence to this day.

"Sister He, you just need to escort the three disasters back, and I'm going to help the countries that have been damaged!"

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

"Whatever you want, don't provoke that guy and don't make contact."

"This guy is very strong."

He said , and also called a few people to leave together.

After all, the Battleship here is still intact.

As several people left, Ye Tong also took out Den Den Mushi from Morgans.


At this moment, the phone rang from the Morgans office on News Island.

"Ye Tong?"

"This guy..."

There are a few special Den Den Mushi in Morgans' office, apparently he is also Ye Tong Included in the special ranks.

"Hey, it's a bit slow to answer the phone!"

"In this case, you will miss a lot of news!"

"Yes Now, how about I want you to join us?"

Ye Tong said directly after getting on the phone.

"This voice, you are not Grote Ye Tong, the leader of Dawn Zero, right?"

Morgans is very sensitive to voices.

immediately, you know, this is the voice of Xiaozhi Zero.

"Hehehe, as expected of you!"

"How about it, do you have any ideas?"

"I won't ask you to suppress your speech, what? Report what is true."

"As the pinnacle of the press, you shouldn't want to report fake news all your life, right?"

"By the way, if you join me, Raftel, a hundred years of disappearance."

"I will tell you, let you report."

Ye Tong said with a smile.

"gā gā gā..."

"Xiaozhi Zero leader, I want to know more now, what is the relationship between you and Grote Ye Tong?!"

"This is a super exclusive!"

Morgans said directly.

"Groot Ye Tong?"

"You mean, Marine here?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm just here Just borrow an uncle on the phone."

"They don't have such good hearing as you!"

Ye Tong said with a laugh.

After hearing what Ye Tong said, Morgans also knew that he didn't want to tell himself the truth.

However, it's normal for everyone to have their own secrets.

"If I join you, how can you be sure that I won't betray you?"

Morgans said with a smile.

Morgans does not reject joining the Xiao organization.

Even if there was no Raftel and the secret that disappeared for a hundred years, he would have joined.

However, Morgans is a little strange, how can this guy be sure that the people who join him here will not betray!

And, with such a high bounty, no one has betrayed.

What kind of power is controlling these people? !

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