One Piece – Start By Picking Up Trash Chapter 416

Marineford is not very far from Mariejois, as long as you come to the Sabaody Archipelago, you can go straight up.

If you go at full speed, you will be able to arrive in about a day.

Of course, for Ye Tong and the others, they simply can't move at full speed.

There are still many islands along the way.

Also, the interval is between Marineford and Sabaody Archipelago, protected by Marine.

In addition, the slave trade is prevalent here, so basically every island has a town.

For Ye Tong, this is simply a stagnant treasure.

At this time, Ye Tong and the others were stopping at Laoguanbao Island.

"There are only less than 300 households on this island. Why did Ye Tong go for so long?"

Gion said with some doubts in his heart.

"I don't know, what happened?"

"Would you like to see Hina?"

Hina also said slowly.

"Well, if you want to accompany him to pick up trash, I have no problem."

"By the way, Kuina, Tashigi, you haven't done it yet?"

Gion looked at Kuina and Tashigi on the side and said pointedly.


"I always feel that this kind of thing is a little weird, and shouldn't it be a boy's initiative?"

Tashigi is somewhat sorry said.

Even Kuina, who has always been arrogant, was a little timid on this issue.

After all, she is also a girl.

"Uh, we took the initiative to this guy back then."

"Emotionally, this guy is simply iron-handed."

" Better hurry up..."

Gion began to teach the two of them a lesson.

Hina originally wanted to find Ye Tong, but now she's staying to help Gion with such a fun thing.

At this time, Ye Tong was not picking up trash, but in a private room in a bar.

"Koichiro, you are indeed from Wano country!"

"By the way, what is the relationship between Mr. Koshiro and you?"

Ye Tong said directly.

And the person sitting in front of him at this time is the bald-headed Gorosei, Koichiro, who disappeared in Mariejois before.

There were very few people here. Ye Tong was about to leave after sweeping the floor.

At this time, I saw this guy.

Therefore, there is the scene I see now.


"That's my stupid younger brother!"

"Ako, didn't expect you to know me That stupid younger brother."

Koichiro said directly.

"Then, Mr. Koichiro, you asked me to drink with you?"

Ye Tong also stopped chatting and moved the topic directly to the topic,

After all, Ye Tong doesn't have time to drink with him here.

"Last time you saw the power of Yimu, so what are you going to do next?"

"The leader of Akatsuki, Grote Ye Tong."< /p>

Koichiro also said directly.

It seems that this guy's heart to assassinate Im has never disappeared!

Appearing in front of Ye Tong this time is probably because he wants to plan this matter again.

After all, the only one who has enough strength and dares to fight against Celestial Dragon is Akatsuki.

That's why Koichiro went to Ye Tong.

"For the time being, I have no direct conflict with him."

"When my strength is not enough, I don't want to fight him."

< p>"Also, Tian Wang, that's no joke!"

Ye Tong said directly.

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