no way.

Recently, there have been many pirates in the big sea, and there are ruthless people everywhere.

He didn't feel like he had enough.

"It's nothing, just come to verify one thing."

After getting the [-] information he wanted, Seimei left the farmland with a chuckle.

entered the village.

For outsiders with sharp weapons, the residents of this village are all aware and vigilant of Seimei's arrival.

Of course, there are no shortage of nympho girls looking at Seimei with glowing eyes, as if seeing Prince Charming in a fairy tale biography.

Clearly ignored this.

He was like a tourist who came here by accident, stopping and going everywhere.

Until Seimei saw a two-year-old and a four-year-old child.

The two-year-old girl has orange hair, and the four-year-old girl has blue hair.

However, Seimei's eyes were mainly focused on the girl with orange hair.

Seimei was determined almost immediately.

This girl has her own blood flowing in her body!

"Put the child in Cocosia and don't come to see me, what a stupid woman."

Looking at the girl quietly, Seimei couldn't help but chuckle.

But this is indeed the most sensible choice.

The strongest man in the world.

Since carrying this title, Seimei's every move has been watched by the whole world.

If there is a baby girl suddenly declared to be the daughter of General Tian.

It is estimated that Wano Country has been caught in a bloody storm at this moment, right?

"Hey, uncle, who are you? An outsider?"

The immature child's voice brought Seimei back to her senses.

The blue-haired girl looked at her curiously with her two-year-old sister behind her back.

"Yes, I'm from outside the village. My name is Dante. What's your name, little sister?"

Subconsciously giving the sisters a head-scratching kill, Seimei's smile became more gentle.

"My name is Nuoqigao!"

"Na, Na, Nami..."

Compared to her [-]-year-old sister, the [-]-year-old Nami is not very good at speaking and looks silly.

But that's how stupid it looks.

In Seimei's eyes, she is the cutest girl in the world.

"Nice to meet you, Nami, Nokigo."

Having found the biggest goal of this trip, Seimei is not in a hurry at all.

Patiently say some childish words and play some childish games with the two little girls.

It didn't take long for him to mingle with Nokigao and Nami.

Especially Nami.

At this moment, he has left his dear sister and is riding on Seimei's neck with a smile on his face.

"Is it really okay to let that kind of outsider go?"

Looking at this scene, a young man in the village asked with a frown.

However, the old village chief then gave the young man a cane and said angrily: "What can we do? Didn't you see that kid with a very high-end gun on his waist?!"

Force is always a prerequisite for communication.

At the very least, with ebony and white ivory pinned to his waist, it has become a symbol of strength.

No matter how young and vigorous.

After noticing the extremely extraordinary dual guns at first glance, I chose to follow my heart.

But fate often likes to joke with the protagonist.

Just as Nuo Qigao was about to say goodbye to the uncle in front of him, a scream suddenly sounded at the entrance of the village.

I saw a group of disheveled, vicious-looking pirates with muskets and broke into the village of Cocosia.

"All the villagers should gather for Lao Tzu at the entrance of the village, otherwise the consequences will be at your own risk!!"

The leading pirate boss shot twice into the sky and roared with laughter.

It's hard to find such a weak village.

If you don't loot well, you will be too sorry for the profession of pirates!

"What should I do, Bellmer went to other naval branches to perform a mission today!"

Seeing this scene, the young man who had chosen to follow his heart turned pale and terrified.

It is from the fear of death.

"Don't panic, let's ask the outsider to give it a try."

Compared with young people, the old village chief is undoubtedly more stable and calm.  …

A guy who lives to old age in this world.

Whether it's luck or other reasons, there is always something more than young people.


There is no doubt that Seimei is the guide for those pirates, and the young man came to Seimei without any masters.

"Please save us! Help us expel those pirates!"

Lengtouqing is worthy of being Lengtouqing, the young man ran to Seimei and directly bent down and said loudly.

Not to mention Seimei's reaction.

The pirates at the entrance of the village were directly led over.

"Boy, it looks like you are a good guy, why, do you want to fight us for these villagers?!"

With a playful smile on his face, Pirate Boss narrowed his eyes and said.

If it weren't for Seimei's sight, it could be confirmed that the guy in front of him was indeed a complete weakling.

He also thought that this was not a pirate, but a villain with a name and a surname.

"Give you a chance. If you disappear from my eyes now, you may be able to save a life."

With her back to Nami and Nokigao, Seimei said in a slightly cold voice.

Think of the scum of this power in front of you.

When he was nine years old, he didn't know how many he had killed in the land of ghosts!

But in front of her daughter, Seimei still didn't want her to have any psychological shadows.

Can't even give Weiwei a childhood, but be so cruel to her own daughter?

However, this group of pirates obviously didn't mean to appreciate it, and instead laughed one by one.

I thought Seimei was afraid.

"Boy, hurry up and get out of my way! This place will be the base camp of this uncle from now on! All the people will be the assets of this uncle!"

The pirate boss pulled out the old musket from his waist, and his face suddenly became extremely grim.

"Hey, why are there so many stupid guys! It's better to just obediently disappear into this world."

Looking at this group of frogs at the bottom of the well, Seimei said helplessly.

Even the old village chief could see that the twin spears on Seimei's waist were extraordinary.

However, these pirates seem to be blind with their eyes open, and it is not worth pity to die.

The slender white hand grasped the hilt of the sword behind him.

Seimei had to think about how to give these guys a way to die.


Never leave a shadow on a child! .

Chapter 309

"You guy, you're just looking for death!!"

Seeing Seimei holding the hilt of the sword, the Pirate Boss immediately roared.


With a gunshot, the other pirates also waved their weapons.


"Well, I don't need any fancy names anymore."

With such a faint voice.

The bullet fired by the pirate boss, including his body and his subordinates.

In an instant, he was enveloped in a cold light!

It was slashed at a speed that was completely imperceptible to the naked eye and even the sight.

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