One Piece, I'm really not Crocodile

I am not the chapter of the pirates, Chapter 616

It is no wonder that they have the ability to subvert a world, laig, and the Blue Shadow army, plus this kind of war in the peak of the world.

As long as the operation is good, it is entirely possible to ban a world, just like Rosen, Rosen also has this ability at this moment.

He is strong enough, strong weapons, strong forces.

If these people can be used by them, Rosen overthrows the grasp of the World Government.

And Rosen has a grasp of these people to use themselves.

Because they have a common enemy.

"How can you have such a strength !!" But more amazing is an orthol, and the strength of the sand crocodile is too abnormal.

This world, for thousands of years, the strongest strength that everyone can achieve, is the four emperors.

Even if Roger, the most peak, it is only more than the four princes, and it is not fully ultra-detailed.

Im is because of its own life form, and he will chemically change many of the world's multiple periods of people.

His division has been in the past eight or nine hundred years before it has this strength.

But the sand crocodia is just a human beings who have lived for a hundred years! ! There is also this kind of strength! how can that be!

() One thief, I am not Klock Dar

Chapter 638 Fall 2

Rosen is at this moment, no matter what IM, I'm slamming.

He continued to launch a strike.

"Look, you are the evil disaster body, is it the respect?" Rosen spoke, two consecutive punches.

The shock wave is shocked.

In this shock wave, it also inclugate the fine dust of the effort to destroy strength.

Of orders are generally unable to find that even if they find it, they don't necessarily be in my heart.

"Evil disaster? Is this recorded in history, it's really interesting, I am clear that you have created me in your humanity." Im cooled.

The runes on the face have become more demon.

At the same time, I took a blue shadow, greeted Rosen's shock wave, two collides, instantly bombing in the air.

"Then you should call Dad!" Rosen was robbed, creating your people, not your father is your mother.

"Hey!" Ishal black.

Call Dad? But it is a group of meat.

"Control!" Ishal on the fruit capability of Rosen's body in Emins, tried to affect the play of Rosen.

But Runson is full of fear.

Because when the Tower is adopted.

Rosen has long been baptized.

Speaking of the assessment of the godhouse.

Rosen did not feel more amazing, as the history is said, only a powerful strength is required.

Russen's strength is powerful enough.

I even surpass many people in this era, so after a fight against the transformation.

Rosen adopted the assessment.

At the same time, the body is attached to the body, a thing similar to a magnetic field signal.

Runn is unfold.

But it is true.

So the five old stars with Im, the ability of the fruit capabilities can no longer affect him.


The body of Yim suddenly fell!

He is wrong, isn't he just hit his attack?

"What else is there?" Im had a boring loss, and it has already fully collected a despised mentality.

"Since the ability is useless, then use the absolute strength to crush you!" Yim was blown up, and it was quickly repaired by the blue shadow nearby.

Russen also prelimated judgment: defense! Not particularly strong.

Yim said, a knife headed toward Los.

Russen condensed the gold sand sword.

Two swords collided.

Such as two stars holes.

In an instant, a horrible and strong impact wave!


The sky of the reversed boundary is shocked!

Many people see the sky rocking.

The environment here is that the sky is affected by the colorful clouds of the sky.

Now this is covered with the sky of the reversal boundary, and it is like a substantial to collapse!

Many people see this scene, they are very shocking!

How much is the strength of these two people? !

Fourth Emperor I am afraid that I can't comply with them and argued!

Many pirates have seen blood boiling, because they are before, they see, this blue monster.

Requires Rayry, red hair, and a scorpion, three people teamed up to fight against resistance.

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