One Piece, I'm really not Crocodile

I am not the chapter of Croolk Daltal, Chapter 549.

Some people have taken a lot of years here, which is the day of the One Piece.

But they didn't succeed, but they were unwilling to put down, and every night was in this sea.

Because this sea country does not exist with the city, they can be able to live.

I don't hesitate to live in the cave and live in the underground.

The conditions are not willing to give up, this is already obsembling.

So, there are all hopes, they will compete for it.

Now I heard Rosen said that they broke out on the spot.

Because the shock fruit is obviously no hope.

But Runn has given them a new hope.


As long as you can go to Lavdru, what happens? who knows?

First, with the largest powerful dawn pirates, plus them to hold ancient weapons, and can also interpret the historical article.

It is indeed, if he said, follow them may find Lavdru in the shortest time.

"Hey, black beard, you can really don't work." The previous moment, the black beard can also drive this group of desperate people with shock absorption.

But the blink of an eye, these pirates surrounded the black beard.

One fierce phase is revealed.

Even if the black beard is also sinking.

These drills may be poor, but they are all in a group of unlike madmen.

What four emperors, the general is in their eyes, I don't accept it.

Although it is often lost in a large number of parts.

But sometimes it can also gain something.

"Hey!" The black beard snorted and directly launched an attack.

But he has been entangled.

Thaedo did not hesitate, directly Dynasty launched an attack, because there were two generals, he felt still have a chance.

"Hey!" But Caison just ran a few steps, Rosen was hammered in the air, strong and raging air shock shock.

The place where Kamad is located, the earth is smashed, the air bursts, the air shocked wave is conducted, and the sea is tens of ten meters!

The tsunami is formed soon.

Thaedo's entire body was soaked that hundreds of meters long, and the body emerged.

"It is evil, the ability of white beards is really tricky!" Kaido was cold.

"Thousands of space!" And the attack of Qingfeng and green cattle has also hit from behind.

Qing Feng hits, a giant cyan sword, mixed with horrible power.

In the process of flying in the process, the swordsman turned to dozens of roads.

The power suddenly enhanced several times.

Rosen returned, and the hands were caught in the void, domineering, muscles.

At the same time, the fruit capacity of the shock.

The whole world seems to be shocked.

Sharing the sky, the air is shocked, invisible, but one will pick up.

The hands were suddenly twisted, and those swords were directly distorted in the half air, and they were on the ground.

At the same time, the figure of Qingfeng is uncontrolled. It is necessary to catch the power of the emulsion to catch it, then take it to the ground.

"I want!" Qingfeng roared, the whole body domineered, whitening wings covered with armed colors, rushing straight, escaped Rosen's voices.

"Still not strong enough!" Rosen was slightly disappointed, mainly what he just came up.

Otherwise this hit, directly smash this general defense directly, there should be no problem.

"Treatment!" The green cow controls a sharp tree root, condenses domineering, stabing from the sky.

The speed is extremely fast, and the air barrier is built, the sharp sound explosion is burst, and a tag cloud has exploded in the air.

"Sand crocodile!" Runsen At this time, the shock fruit just launched another place.

It is still not particularly skilled, so it can only condense a crocodile arm to cover the domineering.


The crocodile arm collides with sharp tree roots in the sky, and a strong explosion is burst.

At the same time, continue to bombard!

Mutual impact, like two high-power engines continue to release energy, and shocks.

! But hard hard is Russen stronger.

Tree roots are exploded, the sand crocodile is biting directly to the green cattle.

The body of the green cattle suddenly turned green, and the sand crocodile passed through his body.

The body is broken, but it is a wood root of wood.

His figure is again condensed from the giant tree.

But the face is heavy.

The last moment and the Thaedo, who was returned, and Qingfeng once again kill again.

Both are all down.

Trying to avoid the earthquake fruit capability of Orson!

However, the scope of shock fruit is almost unable to avoid.

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