One Piece, I'm really not Crocodile

I am really not the chapter of Croolk Dal. 521

"Quiin, ember, go!" Thaedo didn't greet the six sons with others.

These people, they want to follow their pace to escape, they have to look at their strength and luck.

"Want to escape !?"

Thaedian people didn't intend to hit Rosen, and they didn't take it.

If there is only a four-way group of Thara, it is hard to do.

But Baret came with black beards, and these people were united.

If you want to escape, Rosen and others have no choice but.

But in this way, looked at them, Rosen's people were not willing.

After all, they trek, play this lightning battle, just to kill him when I can't get it in Thara.

But I didn't think that the black beard and Baret were also here.

And almost at the same time arrive at the same time.

From the speed of Empty Island Cloud, the black beard and others should have locked the target before Rosen.

Is it to study Lavdru?

So before Barret did not follow Roger to Davudulu?

It should not be.

But if it is not to study Lavdru, in order to hold a pirate conference, the words that triggered the Tun Magua, Baret is still understandable.

But where is the interest of the black beard?

Without any interest, how the black beard may reach an agreement with Baret.

But no matter what, I still can't let them go.

So Rosen et al., The attacks are more fierce.

I even wrapped them and not let them get out.

But I want to kill them too difficult, unless they are willing to fight.

But actually, they are looking for a chance to escape.

"Safama, we will soon see you again." Baret said with a smile.

In the end, I have interrupted a horn of Kaham and hurts her body, let them escape.

"I know that I should bring Pluto." Rosen looked at the back of the black beard and others, some regret.

Their strength is much better than Kamo.

This is a thing of the stable coupon, so I didn't bring the Pluto.

And now a Pluto, or need to prevent it, let it sit in the town of Dresrosa.

"BOSS, Kaido starts to escape! Do you want to chase?"

"No, go to the flowers, first take the country to take the country." There are not many people in Rosen.

They are all elites, they are holding a goal of killing Thara.

And Mado's part, escaping around, and want to pay attention to clean up, it is not easy.

Of course some important cadres can not let go.

These, if they are released, it will become the power of Thara.

So the Bonis Aii has taken people to clean up these important cadres.

There are also Thara's Ability Legion, which is all important workforces, because since I won the country.

As the country whose stone stone is rich, it is the land of the dawn alliance. Some power can be used, or it is still not a waste.

Just like the people who don't kill and the country.

Because it is worthless, it is free labor, killing itself is your own loss.

"Let's go back, there are many things that have not been processed around the revolutionary army, Sa Bo is left here, others go back to me, integrate the revolutionary army, and transfer the headquarters." Dragon walked over.

Thaedo has retired, the whole and the country, there is no power to resist their forces.

Soon the Dracosa's army will arrive, and then take over the entire and country.

Rosen nodded.

Sa Bo stayed with the bear, they still have to raise some important places, levy from those dogs in Kaham.

Destroy some of the worth of things.

Or kill the fire everywhere.

"Staple it to the flowers." Rosen said.

Empty island clouds carry Rosen and others to go to the flowers, and some strength is not strong, but it is like a person who is a snake, it has a shovel.

They are handed over to Penice here.

The black charcoal snake, the strength is unknown, the illusion of the beast, but it has been indulging in the life of the paper, and it is estimated that the strength is general.

But such people are harmful.

Moreover, more importantly, his death, to Runn quickly controlled and the country, gathering the hearts of huge benefits.

So he must die, can't let him escape.

At this moment, the flowers are all.

It has been messy.

"Thaed Mare escape !!"

"Kui is also escaped!"

"Baorence Festival, finished!"


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