One Piece, I'm really not Crocodile

I am not the chapter of the pirates.

The revolutionary army is the world's largest hazardous criminal group, and at least the world government is propaganda.

Under the leadership of the world's number one criminal dragon, this group has overthrows dozens of kings and has become the biggest enemy threaten by the World Government.

Its danger is even more stronger than the four emperors alone, and most of the four emperors are the emperor of the earth, but the dragon wants to overthrow the world government.

"Yes, I am a revolutionary military cadre. I have reportedly reported with the leader. Some people will talk to you, and people are currently the wanted criminal of the World Government, and the second hand of the revolutionary army, you should Understanding, we are willing to conclude the alliance with you, and help you transport the victim to the island. Sorry, we are late ... "The appearance of the bears has changed slightly, but it is well controlled.

"Are you a revolutionary army ?! Then how do you become a seven Wuhai, and also follow the Navy to Lans Island, this dirty life, if it is not a very trusted person, it is impossible to let you participate." Hayser Wei Qian asked.

The bears, actually very easy to get verification, then the so-called two hands can appear, many of the warriors have a lot of doubts, if is true? ! Then the entire situation will change throughout the situation.

"From your perspective, I can think that I am a supreme, because some things, I have to become a member of the World Government." The bear said naturally.

Haiti et al, it seems to be credible, but there is a certain credibility, but it has to be investigated.

The Queen of Haiti will even put it back and then put it back. The bear see it, and the heart is probably, maybe I can't convince them, but now I've been able to really start communication ...

Early morning. The ninth park, a metal enormous institute from the ground to the ground to the ground, the highest surveillance center room.

Hathaway sat in her exclusive throne, it was the stronger monster of her currently killed, and the soft fur was paved.

She gazed at the front of the monitoring center, which was very active here, and her most dark memory in her heart.

In front of these abandoned monitoring instruments, there is a luxury throne dominated by gold, gems, which is the position of the world's aristocrat, and the location of her spit.

She sat on her skeleton, with the Golden Throne in front of her, always reminded himself, there will be one day, it will take the world's aristocratic first level to let blood brush her once memories.

"Morad, have you considering it?" Heathaway stood with two soldiers with Morad.

"Yes, the Queen, do you really don't work with us?" Morad asked.

"Maybe last night is the truth, but I believe that any information from the World Government, you follow me for so many years, this should be aware of, but no matter how, live." Hathawei closed Upper eyes, no longer talk.

The final ninth park is still divided, although there are not many people, but the impact will be large, and she, finally did not kill Morad.

() One thief, I am not Klock Dar

Chapter 137 Decided to follow the conspiracy

Close to the big crack, a small gathering place hiding around a group of five hundred people in the center of the Dwarf, the only entrance canyon cracks were defended by the naval.

It is not big here, and the height of the short mountain is relatively, more than 100 meters, the ordinary zombies fall, basically.

The locals also modified the underground channels, and the survivors would hide in the underground world in addition to routine patrol guards.

In general, although it is not enough to survive together, hundreds of people still have no problem.

However, at this moment, these Randis people were captured and bundled, even if some of them were high, no exception.

Because they are facing the division of the scientific forces, Ganoz, and the harvested two thousand, the top-level will be two people, even if it is facing the seven Wuhai.

Ganoz is a middle-aged man wearing a white student. When the Less base is long, I can't wait to say: "The Less base is long, the indigenous people have completely controlled, and we also captured near the big cracks. Some new varieties have the latest research data. This important data should make me attending the research earlier, you don't know the greatness of science ... "

Ganoso said, he said, and the whole person flooded with the gods, which may be the most great discovery in the career.

"The Leiser is long, do you see these two differences?" Ganoz welcomes the Raisi base to two iron cages.

One inside is a corner of the corner, and the other cage is a human, but it is long, and the skin is also a color as the devil.

"A human, a monster?" The Less base has a long look, it sees the identity of both.

At the same time, it is unfinished with the hundreds of SLS survivors that are tied to the rope.

Looking at the eyes of their fear, Less think this is the normal state, not like the queen of the scarlet, indifferent to the eyes of despise and high high.

"Yes, but in the monster in the monster, there will be some interesting things, and the monsters can enhance their strength to strengthen their strength through the power of variants. I think, this may be to maintain some powerful monsters do not continue. The reason for decline, but I have used many ways, even killed some human beings, there is no way to seduce the crack of the head ... "Ganoz disappoints, the whole, the eyes, the murdere of Landis, They are on them.

"Nothing to leak net fish?" Reher saw a look, although now it has been completely controlled, but before, he did not participate directly, or afraid to have any leakage.

After all, once this is letting Randis know, it will become particularly troubles. In fact, Rais is not in the death of the Italian Tsis people, and even advocates the elimination of these dangerous molecules, but the order of the Navy headquarters is not the case.

Therefore, when he made a violation of the Navy's headquarters ordered, he had to be careful, although his actions have been directly authorized by CP0.

The study of growth will be the most important task in this trip. As for other, even the sensory experience of Des' famous adults is second.

"No, this is relieved." Ganoz said affirmed that the force of the Less base is very sufficient.

A common gathering place relaxed alert under the premise of the negotiations and shipping the island, and won it.

The strongest person was killed directly, so this happened thing happened to go outside.

"That's good, since the results have been studied, then capture some variant human beings to see if the head of the crack can be caught, if it can be captured, this action is very perfect." Reser Full face.

If successful, his location in CP0 will be higher, and its family within the world government will also have more influential, even in the next day, there will be "longevity".

"This understands that there are many variants in these indigenous people, but listening to these indigenous people say that the monsters in the crack are very powerful.

But the indigenous people said that the fear on the face was too obvious when the monster was.

"Reassured, Eric commander will also come here, he also captured some variant human beings. This is a research on transcendence. If it is successful, we will be famous, some appropriate sacrifices. It is necessary. "The Less base said with a calm, they do this, it is for more convenient research.

And they invited five old stars, but if they exposed, they will still be very troublesome, after all, the woman's fighting power on the island is still unlearabes, especially a swordsman.

"This is of course, which is scientific and not sacrificed."

"Brubilu Bru." The long phone in the Lessi base suddenly sounded and is Eric's phone.

Less base length picked up the phone: "What is the situation?"

Reser and Eric are naturally aware, while also implementing tasks in CP0, many ideas are similar.

"Basobuli is not found in stationing, just inform me, saying that some of the Randis people have agreed to follow the Navy to go to the place to resettle, and arrange it as soon as possible." Eric The calm tone is calm to hear anything else.

However, Leser has worked with him many times, and naturally understands the other story in the words. As early date, the research has been found in the study, and the two exchanged in the depth, intend to put Randis's survivors. I want to destroy it here.

Although the order of the Warring States Marshal is hoping to be treated, now the Randis people are too strong for the world government, and they cannot be ignored.

Especially after the first negotiation rupture, the two consensus is stronger, and even five old stars, let them act, in fact, it is the default.

But the premise is that there is a harvest, otherwise the Warring States Marshal will launch a temper, and both of them are very troublesome, but they have been working well.

The reason they did not give up the continued negotiations is to hopes from internal Wattisi, this is not, some people are separated from the people, and the power of the scarlet queen is weaker.

Moreover, these people can provide many variants, and it is also very easy to handle.

If you have conflict, you will really take advantage of your strength on the island at this moment.

The strategy is good, or you can save a lot of trouble, the pit is kills a wave, continue the next wave, very perfect, I hope is a good thing, Reher is smiling in my heart.

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