Chapter 79 Red hair comes on stage, Whitebeard’s killing intent!!

When Blackbeard waited and was about to leave, there was a sudden scream and exclamation from the court.

Hearing the sound from the battlefield, Teach’s body paused, then turned his head in confusion.

When seeing the changes in the field, Teach’s eyes flashed with excitement on his face.

“Red Hair, Captain, Red Hair Pirates”

Lafitte looked at the Red Hair Pirates that suddenly appeared in the field in shock.

Another five emperors have arrived, and they are Red Hair Pirates.

What happened today, he thought Teach’s plan was very successful.

However, he did not expect that one, the Noel Pirates, suddenly appeared, breaking the original plan.

I thought the plan was ruined, but I was already ready to leave.

However, unexpectedly, a Red Hair Pirates suddenly appeared.

Could it be that things are still turning around?

Teach was also excited looking at the red hair in the field, he decided not to leave.

After looking at the situation, which side is the red-haired guy on.

The appearance of Red Hair Pirates made the atmosphere on the court dull.

After Kizaru forced Enel back, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the red hair suspiciously.

The others also stopped tacitly at 550.

In an instant, everyone’s eyes were fixed on Red Hair Pirates.


Being stared at by so many people, and there are many big people.

Even as a cadre of Red Hair Pirates, Laki Lu felt nervous and looked at the red hair with a wry smile.

The same is true for others, and Ben-Beckman’s forehead is also sweating.

The appearance is indeed very popular, but is it too pretentious?

In the field, the only two people who didn’t stop were Noel and Garp.

The two did not stop because of the arrival of the red hair, and they were still fighting frantically.

It is also the only shining spot on the field.

“Luffy, your brother and your grandpa”

Nami glanced at everyone on the court, and then looked worriedly at the two people blasting in midair.

“It’s amazing. Grandpa was beaten by Noel.”

Compared to Nami’s worries, Luffy is the two people far away excited.

Looking at Luffy’s expression, Nami and others looked at each other, Kakuzu’s mouth twitched.

They really can’t (cdab) understand what kind of brain circuit Luffy is.

Being stared at by so many people, and no one spoke, the red hair also touched the back of his head awkwardly.

“Goo la la la red hair, what do you kid want to do?”

Whitebeard held a big knife in his hand, panting heavily, and stared coldly at the red hair in the distance.

This sentence asked everyone what they thought.

Hearing Whitebeard’s words, the redhead looked at Noel and Garp in the distance, and then took a deep breath;

“Stop it, this war should stop.”

As soon as the voice fell, everyone’s body was a meal.

Marco, who had just arrived behind Whitebeard, his eyes narrowed.

“Redhead, we do things, but you don’t need to teach you.” Enel sneered at the redhead.

“Moreover, our captain doesn’t mean to stop.”

Ji Tyson also sneered at the redhead.

The situation on the field is very good for them, and Marine is clearly at a disadvantage.

They can take this opportunity to join forces with Whitebeard and others to destroy Marine.

“Father, what should we do”

Hearing what Enel and others said, Marco and others looked towards Whitebeard.

“Look at that kid’s decision.


“The old man may want to be a thug for a while”

Looking at Ace next to Marco, Whitebeard also showed a smile on his face, and then turned away Noel in the distance.

Marco and others looked at each other and then nodded.

“Then fight…” Akainu looked at Enel with a gloomy expression.


As soon as Akainu’s words fell, Sengoku’s body stopped and shouted subconsciously.

“Today, even if you fight the old man’s life, you still have to leave the Noel Pirates.

“Marine, you won’t lose.

Akainu stood up slowly, looking at Sengoku resolutely, but bursts of evil aura exuded from his body.

Meeting Akainu’s firm gaze, Sengoku couldn’t help but froze, and then looked at Aokiji and others.

I found that everyone had such an expression, and no one was afraid.

“Hehe, it seems that the old man is wrong.” Sengoku exhaled deeply, his eyes became firm.

He didn’t want to continue, because if he continued to fight, Marine would lose. Now, he found that his thoughts were wrong.

“I have already told Five Elders, and the support should be back soon.” With a red hair, he said in a cold voice.

This time, it was the World government or Five Elders who underestimated the Noel Pirates. I thought that when I had time, plus the four monsters, they could block the Noel Pirates. Unexpectedly, everything was wrong.

Through the gap of the red hair, Sora told Five Elders the matter.

Thinking of the strength of the Noel Pirates, Five Elders didn’t hesitate, saying let Kong drag them.

The strength of Noel and others has seriously threatened the World government, and today, it must be eliminated.

Today’s battle, Five Elders has also been staring, and was surprised by the strength of Noel and others.

Because, they found that the comprehensive strength of Noel and others completely surpassed the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

At least, those captain level, top combat power, surpassed the Whitebeard Pirates.

Most of Marine’s combat power is controlled by the Noel Pirates.

Hearing empty words, Sengoku’s eyes flashed brightly.


“Understand.” Aokiji nodded and looked at Enel and the others faintly.

Hearing what Enel and others said, the red-haired brows couldn’t help but frowned, looked at Noel who had stopped in the distance, and then said in a deep voice;

“Noel, what about your decision?”

He patted the dust on his body and shook his numb arm. Noel curled his red hair, his body suddenly stopped, and his eyes suddenly looked far away.

Seeing Noel’s appearance, everyone present was taken aback, and then followed his gaze.


When he saw the few people in the distance, Whitebeard’s eyes suddenly condensed, and his gaze fell on the familiar figure.

An angry, murderous voice resounded throughout the Naval Headquarters.

PS: There is one more chapter, or two chapters!!.

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