Half an hour later.

Headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor.

With a “crunch”, Karp, who did not knock, pushed the door directly.

“Hahaha, Warring States, the strength of the pirates who want to enter the new world is too weak, and before the old man is over, they lie on the ground and surrender.”

While eating senbei, Karp swaggered into the office of the Warring States, sat down on the sofa opposite the Warring States in a light car, and leisurely lifted Erlang’s legs.

Sengoku raised his eyes to look at Karp, and there was no difference on the face of Sengoku, who had long been accustomed to Karp’s behavior, but said flatly: “If you don’t feel too addicted, go to the New World to let Kaido Whitebeard and those people be honest, and don’t make any big moves.” ”

“Hahahaha, then forget it, I feel a headache when I see those guys, let the young people do this kind of thing.” Karp touched his head and laughed.

“Hmph, you still know you’re an old bone? It’s so crazy all day, how can there be the slightest bit of an elder. Warring States snorted coldly and said indifferently.

“Huh? Warring States, why do you guy look sad, is there something happening in the New World? After eating up a bag of fairy shells, Karp noticed that there was something wrong with Warring States’ face, and couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“New World? If it were a New World thing, I wouldn’t have done it yet. ”

Sengoku sighed, put down the work at hand, came to Karp’s side, snatched the brand new senbei that Karp had just taken out that had not yet been opened, tore it all into his mouth after tearing it open, and chewed it in large gulps.

Karp, who only reacted, took back the bag of Xianbei, but the senbei in the bag had been eaten by the Warring States.

Just about to question the Warring States, the Warring States took the lead in speaking.

“It’s Mr. Luo Xiu’s business.”

“Old man?” When Karp heard this, Xianbei’s question was immediately thrown to the back of his mind, and he frowned: “What’s wrong with him, old man?” Did something happen? No, I have to go back to the East China Sea. ”

After the Warring States mentioned Luo Xiu, Karp’s attitude immediately changed by 180 degrees, which shows how important Luo Xiu’s position in Kapu’s heart is.

“Karp!” Seeing that Karp was about to stand up, Sengoku pressed Karp on the sofa, stopped Karp’s movements, and said helplessly: “Can you kid change this impatience that obeys only half of the listening?” Mr. Luo Xiu didn’t have anything, what are you going to the East China Sea for?!

And not only did Mr. Luo Xiu have no accident, but soon Mr. Luo Xiu will personally come to Marin to burn more. ”

“The old man is coming to Marin to burn more?” Hearing the words of the Warring States, Karp was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his old face, making Karp’s face bloom like a chrysanthemum.

“Hahaha, Sengoku, what’s wrong with you kid? It’s a good thing that the old man came over, you say, you haven’t seen the old man for many years, don’t you want him? Karp patted Sengoku’s shoulder and laughed.

Suddenly, Karp’s face changed, and he leaned in front of the Warring States, and said with a serious face: “Could it be that your kid has been a marshal for a few days and swelled?” Have you forgotten what the old man taught us? Tell you, if you have this idea, I will be the first to beat you into a pig’s head! ”

“What do you kid think!” Sengoku pushed Kapu’s old face away, and said with wide eyes: “Is my Warring Council that kind of person?” I am happier than anyone else that Mr. Luo Xiu is here, but do you know the purpose of Mr. Luo Xiu’s coming? ”

“What purpose can the old man have? He must have missed me when he came to Marin Burning! Karp raised a face and coaxed.

“You guy…” Warring States saw Karp’s appearance, and lowered his forehead, his face full of helplessness.

“To tell you the truth, Mr. Luo Xiu and I just called, and he said on the phone that he would restore me to his rank of lieutenant general and let me equip him with a warship…”

Saying this, Sengoku looked directly at Karp and said, “You now know the purpose of the old man’s coming, right?” ”

“What? Restore the rank of lieutenant general, and equip yourself with a warship? Old man, this is going to come out again! ”

Hearing Sengoku’s words, Karp was also taken aback.

Don’t look at Karp always looks like a big grin, but he is also a wise and courageous, bold and careful person, naturally can guess Luo Xiu’s true purpose.

After understanding this, Karp immediately shook his head and said: “This is not okay, the old man is a hundred years old, it is impossible to come from his nature…”

“You don’t think you can either, do you? Eh… I really don’t know what Mr. Luo Xiu thinks…” said the Warring States with a helpless face.

If someone else mentioned the news, he would probably refuse it in person.

Who is Luo Xiu?

That’s his guide!

In the heart of the Warring States, exist like a father!

“No, when the old man comes, I must persuade him well to give up this idea, this is not a joke.” Karp’s face was firm, and he was already thinking about how to persuade the old man.

“Relying on me and the two of Warring States alone, there may be no way to change the old man’s mind, I have to call Xiao Tsuru over, well, by the way, and Zefa guy, I really can’t just ask Mr. Kong to come out of the mountain…”

Just when Karp and Sengoku were discussing how to persuade Luo Xiu.

Tokai Windmill Village.

A small sailing boat is slowly sailing off the coast of the windmill village.

On the boat, Luo Xiu drank a small wine leisurely, while Luffy stood in front with an excited face, his hands crossed at his waist, and his eyes looked far away.

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